
I will not allow a mast in my yard

AN Aberystwyth businessman has told the Cambrian News that he has pulled the plug on a controversial planning application for a 12-metre mast to be erected at Woods Yard in Trefechan. Steve Woods, who owns Woods Yard, Old Brewery, Trefechan, has confirmed that Alder King, as agents for the Orange communication company, had approached him regarding a planning application for a mast to be erected at Woods Yard. The 12-metre column would have had up to six antennae and four dishes, and other associated equipment cabinets at ground level. The agents have submitted an application to Cyngor Sir Ceredigion’s planning authority, but Mr Woods is adamant that no agreement has been made with Alder King. Many local residents are objecting to the application, fearing that it might affect their health, as well as devaluing their properties. And Aberystwyth Town Council has also lodged an objection. But Mr Woods, the proprietor of Woods Building Supplies, Clarach, contacted the Cambrian News to state categorically that no mast would be erected on the site of the Old Brewery, which is used for storage purposes by the company. Mr Woods said: “Alder King did approach us. They said that they wanted to erect a mast, and a planning application was being submitted. “But no agreement has been made with Alder King. And as I can see that it would interfere with our daily work, as well as being of concern to local people, I can say that I will not be allowing the erection of a mast.” Mark Edge, and his wife Annette, who live above their Londis store in Trefechan, are strong objectors to the planning application. Mr Edge said: “We live here with our three children, overlooking the yard which is the subject of the planning application. It is potentially a serious hazard to health, as nobody is yet in a position to say that these masts do not provide a risk to health. “Dozens of children living in the area might suffer health problems in the future if a mast is erected. “As far as I am aware, all the locals are objecting to the application. The offices in the Old Brewery have not been used for years, and every ground-floor window is boarded-up. Now there is an application for a mast which would further devalue our property.” Aberystwyth Town Council has already lodged a formal objection.


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