

Paisley Daily Telegraph 15 06 05

MOBILE phone firms have been dealt a double blow - after plans to erect two new masts in Renfrew were rejected.

Communications giants Vodafone and T-Mobile had both hoped to be able to install phone masts in the town.

But after more than 150 complaints from locals, councillors rejected their plans.

Bosses at Vodafone had applied for planning permission to install a 21-metre mast on land just off North Lodge Road in Renfrew.

But 135 people contacted Renfrewshire Council planning chiefs objecting to it.

Worried residents felt it would be sited far too close to homes and would also be an eyesore in the area.

SNP Councillor Richard Vassie backed them by speaking out against the mast proposal at a meeting of the council's planning and development board.

And he and the residents were delighted when councillors voted by eight to four against granting planning permission.

Afterwards Councillor Vassie, who represents the Glenburn South area in Paisley , said: "More than 100 people objected to this mast going up so there was a very strong feeling in the local community against this going ahead.

"I wanted to make sure that those objections were heard and I'm delighted that the majority of the planning committee agreed with me."

At the same meeting councillors also booted out plans by T-Mobile to put up a 15-metre mast up on land just off Afton Drive .

Once again angry residents had blasted the proposals, with 17 folk complaining to planning bosses.

They feared the mast would be close to a children's play area and also argued that many youngsters would have to walk past it on their way to and from school.

Local councillor Alex Murrin also hit out at the mast plans.

Councillor Murrin, who represents the Deanside area of the town, said: "I object to the site of this mast, and I ask councillors to reject it on the grounds that it will have a significant impact on the visual amenity in the area."

After hearing from him members voted by nine to five to refuse planning permission.


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