
Campaigners claim wins in war on phone masts

Crewe Guardian 14 06 05

RESIDENTS fighting against the rising number of mobile phone masts in Crewe have received a boost from the borough council.

Planning bosses refused permission for a further two masts in the town, while an application for a third was withdrawn, at a meeting of the development control committee meeting on Tuesday.

Residents have been so concerned about the soaring number of masts being erected they formed an action group last month called Coppenhall Residents Against Masts (CRAM).

Vodafone's plans for an 18-metre mast at Stewart Street sparked a flood of 152 objections on grounds that it would present an eyesore devaluing properties, health risks, and the fact that it was not needed as phone receptions are already good.

Planning chiefs refused the application because of visual impact on the area.

An application by Hutchinson 3G for a 15-metre mast at Newcastle Road in Shavington was objected to on grounds of visual intrusion, health risks and because of its impact on green belt land.

It was refused as it was considered an 'obtrusive feature which would detract from the character, appearance and openness of this green gap location'.

A second application by the same firm, for a 15-metre monopole at Chapel Lane in Coppenahall, met with 85 objections, relating to the invasion of the landscape, health concerns and the fact that there is already a 20-metre mast in the area.

The application was withdrawn, but had been facing refusal.

CRAM spokesman Patrick Sutton said he was delighted with the stance the council had taken on the applications.

He added: "I am very pleased that the council have taken this view and delighted that all the hard work that people have put in has finally paid off.

"I think if they do apply here again they will meet some stiff opposition."


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