
Posters blitz against mast plan

T-Mobile mast plan

Warrington Guardian

PLANS have been submitted to Warrington Borough Council to erect a phone mast in Lymm.

Mobile phone giant T-Mobile has submitted proposals to build a 15-metre mast at land at Sowbrook Wastewater Station on Lymmhay Lane in the village.

Posters blitz against mast plan
by Ben Smallman
Jun 11, 2005 , 08:02

Kidderminster Express and Star

Hundreds of people have organised a massive poster blitz against plans for a third mobile phone mast on their doorsteps in Kidderminster.

Residents in Stourport Road have plastered their homes with the striking yellow posters, with messages including "ET didn't need a mast that big to phone home", "Kids not quids" and "Health not wealth".

The campaign has been launched by resident Anita Gallagher after the firm Hutchinson won a battle to erect a 49ft high pole behind Charlie Brown's Autos off Lisle Avenue on Tuesday night.

Vodafone has already build its mast on the same site - and O2 is expected to be successful with an application shortly.

A 54-name petition and 45 letters of objection were submitted to Wyre Forest District Council by people living near the site ahead of Tuesday's planning meeting, but to no avail.

Now residents, many of whom fought off plans to build an incinerator on their doorsteps, are demanding that no more masts are built.

Mrs Gallagher said: "We did have a laugh when we came up with the poster slogans, especially the 'ET phone home' message.

"We just fear for people's health, but we are told we are not allowed to object on health grounds."

Cheryl Jones, of Stourport Road, fears that health problems will be caused by the masts.

She said: "I'm disgusted by it all. We don't know what health risks are behind all of this."

Samantha Windridge, of Lisle Avenue, said: "We feel that we are not being listened to."

Deputy leader of Wyre Forest District Council Marcus Hart said: "I do feel very sorry for the residents, but the Government set us guidelines saying that we can only refuse applications on siting and appearance."


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