
GRB s Responsible for Solar Extremes?

This observation - gamma burst affecting the sun - may be an important one.

Andrew Michrowski

ECTV/Breaking News - GRB s Responsible for Solar Extremes?

June 9th 2005



GRB’s Responsible for Solar Extremes?

by Mitch Battros – ECTV

New studies suggest there may be a connection to GRB’s (Gamma Ray Burst) and the Sun’s cycles. As many of you know, I have turned my attention to research the source of the Sun’s cycle. Since I have concluded my studies on the Sun being the source of Earth’s cycles, the next logical question is what drives the Sun. Could it be some rhythmic event coming from our own galaxy as well as surrounding older “elliptical galaxies”?

In an article written by Joshua Bloom, astronomers have uncovered tantalizing insights into the origin of short gamma-ray bursts – mysterious, split-second high-energy flashes that have eluded detailed study until now. Unlike their long-duration cousins, which are known to arise when massive young stars die, short bursts are thought to occur when old, dense neutron stars collide

New evidence supports this distinct progenitor population, heralding the opening of a new chapter in the study of nature's most exotic explosions, according to Joshua Bloom, assistant professor of astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley, and lead author of the study.

The observations leading to this inference are being reported this week at a meeting of the American Astronomical Society and have been detailed in a paper submitted to The Astrophysical Journal.

At the heart of the results is the discovery that a new short gamma-ray burst called GRB 050509b, found by the Swift satellite earlier this month, was positioned near a bright, old galaxy called an elliptical galaxy.

The Orion Nebula is one of the most interesting objects in the sky. To the naked eye, it looks like a star in the sword of the constellation Orion, but with binoculars or a telescope, you can see that it is actually a large glowing cloud of material. This is believed to be a huge star formation region about 1630 light years away. The bright part of the nebula is the glow of many luminous, newborn stars shining on the surrounding gas cloud that they collapsed from.

The most important part of the Orion Nebula is the part we can't see: the opaque Orion Molecular Cloud. This is a huge clump of very cold gas that has a total mass of about 2000 times the mass of the Sun. The gas from this cloud slowly collapses due to gravity to form stars. Whenever a bright, new star is formed, its light evaporates the opaque gaseous "womb" it formed from, allowing us to see it.

So much to learn for both our scientific community, and that of our historical researchers.


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Juni 2005

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