
Anger at mast plan near two schools

by Sharon McHendry

FERNHILL residents are outraged at a proposal to site a mobile phone mast near to Cathkin Primary and Fernhill private school.

One concerned resident, who does not want to be identified, said that the plan had angered many in the community, especially as the mast would be so close to schools.

At this stage South Lanarkshire Council has received a pre-planning application from the T-Mobile group which only intimates an interest in the site.

However, if T-Mobile choose to take their plans further and they are approved then the mast would go up on Burnside Road not far from Cathkin Primary School, Fernhill School, and a new housing development.

Norman Boyd, chair of Rutherglen Community Council, said that they were firmly opposed to plans for more masts.

He said: “The community council’s view is that far too many of these masts are going up. We are doubtful about the radiation factors but we cannot object on these grounds.

“There’s a rule in it somewhere that we can’t object on health and radiation grounds. The only objection that we could have is that it’s near a school or old folks’ home.

“We are not scared that one mast does damage but of the number of masts that are going up around Rutherglen.”

A spokesperson for South Lanarkshire Council confirmed that they had received paperwork from T-Mobile.

The spokesperson said: “A pre-application notification from agents acting on behalf of T-Mobile has been received for a mast on Burnside Road. This is common practice and alerts local authorities to areas where telecommunications companies are considering applying for planning permission.

“Should the company decide to proceed we would expect to receive a full planning application in due course.”


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Juni 2005

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