
Mast protest

Shoreham Today

RESIDENTS are ready to go into battle to stop a mobile phone mast being put up outside their homes in north Shoreham.

T-Mobile wants to build an 11.7-metre 3G mast and transmitter on a small plot of land on the east side of Downsway, at the junction of Upper Shoreham Road .

Rod Hotton, of Downsway, who is leading the anti-mast campaign, said: "This is a case of profit before people.

"The proposed mast would be too close to properties and to one of the main routes for children attending local schools, Buckingham Middle and Shoreham First.

"Children and the elderly are believed to be especially vulnerable to the effects of such transmissions.

"From my house opposite, it will be taller than a lamppost and totally obtrusive."

Mr Hotton has already put up posters and notices, objecting to the mast, in Downsway since he found out about the plans on Friday.

He received a notice through his door from Adur District Council about the application and has since been galvanising his neighbours and residents into action.

Mr Hotton said: "According to current regulations, these mobile phones companies don't need planning permission to put up masts which are under 15 metres.

"But this is not a suitable site. There are other areas in north Shoreham where it could go.

"We are urging everyone in the area to object to Adur council, but we have only three weeks to do it, so the clock is running."

A public meeting was being held at Mr Hotton's home last night to put together a campaign to fight the plans.

An Adur council spokeswoman said the application was due to go before Adur's planning committee on July 4.

09 June 2005


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