
Fury as Ice Arena mast gets nod

07 June 2005

Fife Evening Telegraph and Post

Fury as Ice Arena mast gets nod

The Scottish Executive has overturned a Fife Council decision to refuse planning permission for a mobile phone mast on the roof of Fife Ice Arena in Kirkcaldy.

The decision was today branded “a disgrace” by local councillor John Cameron, who vehemently opposed the application when it was considered last September.

He claimed the site was too close to a nursery and a special school for handicapped children, and would cause anxiety within these communities.

But today’s meeting of the Central Development Committee heard that applicants Hutchison 3G had appealed to the Executive, which ruled the Ice Arena was a suitable location.

The Executive reporter also concluded that issues of potential health effects were not a matter for the planning system and should be dealt with under alternative legislation.

A furious Councillor Cameron said, “It beggars belief that the reporter can overturn Fife Council’s decision.

“There is a nursery just 50 yards away from there, the Rosslyn special school is 50 yards away, and there are houses 25 yards away.

“I think it’s a disgrace, especially when there is an industrial estate 400 yards away which would be a more appropriate location.”

He added, “It’s absolutely ridiculous and I’m going to write to the Scottish Executive and MSPs and ask what planet this reporter comes from.”

Hutchison 3G plans to install three pole-mounted antennae and one transmission dish alongside antennae already on the roof.

Council officials had recommended the application be approved because of its limited size.


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Juni 2005

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