
Mast decision deferred by council

Tenby Today

Members of Tenby Town Council have deferred making a decision on the proposed siting of a temporary telecommunications mast on Caldey Island . At Tuesday night’s meeting, councillors elected to take into account the views of residents on the island, before giving their recommendation to the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park Authority. However, in a twist to the proposed planning application, the applicant for the mast, Airwave O2 Ltd. has revealed that they have already scrapped plans for the mast’s installation on the island, claiming that any application put through must be due to an ‘an administrative error’. According to the National Park planning authority though, Airwave O2 Ltd. has not yet withdrawn the application which as it stands will be considered at the next meeting the development management committee on Wednesday, June 15. The application for the temporary mast on Caldey Island is for installation for a period no greater than 12-months, with a proposed permanent site share intended at the existing NTL telecommunication installation at The Ridgeway. When discussing the application at Tuesday’s meeting, councillors decided to the defer their decision until the residents of Caldey Island had given their views. “I think we should wait until we hear the thoughts of the people of Caldey Island on the application before making a decision, as we are really hear as a council to represent their views on this matter,” said Clr. Mrs. Caroline Thomas.


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Juni 2005

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