
Hunt calls on Orange to drop mast plan

Farnham Today 03/06/05

JEREMY Hunt is calling on telephone company Orange to withdraw its proposals for a mast near Bourne Infant School . The MP for South West Surrey met with officials from Orange at the House of Commons on Tuesday to discuss their plans for a mast on Frensham Road . “I don’t like any of the masts they are proposing but the one near the school is a particular cause of concern,” said Mr Hunt. “What we have said to them is we would like them to withdraw their proposal for that particular mast. Their response is that they would give it careful consideration. But they didn’t say they would and that is why I am cautious. I would like to see the colour of their money,” he said. Niki Bradshaw, campaign co-ordinator for the Bourne School masts action group, was also in attendance at the meeting. She said: “I was reasonably happy about the meeting. We were pushing the point that they have to consult with us in the true sense of consultation as opposed to a public relations whitewash.” “The one good thing to come out of the meeting is that they have committed to reassess all of the sites and that they are going to take notice of the sensibilities of the school site,” she added. A spokesman for Orange denied the accusation that they had failed to consult with the local community about their plans for the mast. “It has been mentioned by various campaign groups that Orange has failed to consult with the Bourne School over its plans to erect a mast on the Frensham Road. “I can confirm that should Orange decide to proceed with this proposal we have every intention of consulting fully with the school. “The reason this was not done initially is because these proposals were simply outline plans and no formal plans have been submitted. “The drop in session was a pre-consultation exercise and was designed for us to get some feedback before we began full consultation.”


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