
Port Vale installs mobile mast to finance new floodlights

Jun 2 2005

Birmingham Post

Port Vale Football Club is adding a second mobile phone mast to its ground to help to pay for new floodlighting.

The 24-metre high mast, comprising of six antenna, will be fixed on a new 34 metre floodlight pylon at the Vale Park ground.

Permission for the 3G mast was granted yesterday by Stoke on Trent City Council Development and Control Committee.

Port Vale club secretary, Bill Lodey, said they had received no letters of complaint about mobile phone equipment already installed at the ground, or protests about their plans for more.

But a spokeswoman for campaign group Mast Sanity claimed the profusion of masts in built up regions presented health risks to vulnerable sections of society.

Mr Lodey said the club had received planning permission four years ago to install a mast at the ground but the telecommunications company involved had changed its mind.

He said O2 had "come to an agreement" with the club to part finance the cost of installing the new floodlights in return for mobile phone equipment being housed there.

"We already have equipment on the floodlight tower we are replacing. It has been with us for two years and we haven't had any adverse letters or phone calls now or in the past. There is mobile phone equipment all over the maternity hospital roof."


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Juni 2005

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