
Firm drops plan for hotel mast

Telegraph and Post 1/6/05

Telecommunications firm O2 Airwave has abandoned controversial plans to erect two flagpole antennae on top of the Carnoustie Golf Course Hotel.

Angus councillors had recently admitted defeat in the fight against TETRA technology being placed on top of the hotel.

O2 Airwave gained planning permission for the site after winning the backing of the Scottish Executive following the local authority’s failure to determine its planning application last year.

But the company revealed this week the hotel site was “no longer a plausible proposition” and it had identified a new site near Pitskelly Farm.

Ryan Stinson, acquisition agent for Airwave, said, “After many months of frustrating investigations, we believe we have, in consultation with the local planning department, discovered a new, even more suitable site that not only provides the necessary radio coverage but also offers little visual impact on the residents of Carnoustie.”

The proposed location of the 30-metre lattice mast is within a band of trees on the farm’s southern boundary.

“The trees surrounding the site are approximately 25-27 metres in height and will provide screening of the structure when viewed from Carnoustie and the surrounding area,” Mr Stinson said.

He said the site was surrounded by agricultural land and would offer very little visual intrusion to surrounding properties.


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