
Anger at mast decision

South Wales Guardian 01/06/05

AN AMMANFORD pensioner has hit out at town councillors for failing to object to plans for a mobile phone mast in the town.

The pensioner, who does not want to be named, feels councillors should have consulted residents before telling Hutchinson 3G they had no objections to proposals.

"According to Paul Cutler, the surveyor involved with the proposed development, several bodies were consulted, including Carmarthenshire Council, Ammanford Town Council and our county councillor Hugh Evans," she said

"I am flabbergasted to think elected officials could take it upon themselves to speak for the people of Ammanford, without consultation.

"I hope it is not too late for both councils to offer objections."

At a town council meeting last week officials took the decision to write to Crown Castle, which is responsible for the installation of the mast at the former BT exchange on Heol Wallasey.

Councillor Jane Potter said she is very concerned the mast does not need planning permission.

She said: "I do feel this is a cause for concern.

"More than £7 million has been spent on research into the effects of the masts. Research does suggest the rays are harmful.

"I have advised those who have concerns to write to Carmarthenshire Council, Crown Castle and Hutchinson G3."

County councillor Hugh Evans said: "I have written to Crown Castle expressing the concerns of the residents. The problem is they don't need to submit an application to install the mast."


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