
Get us an exit strategy

May 31, 2005


Dear Citizens' Initiative ,

We know your motives in working for peace are pure, but what if we added a little spice to the mix? How about this: You get your representative to call for an exit strategy for our troops in Iraq, and we'll give you your very own exit strategy -- i.e. a free weekend in Mexico! We have lots of other wild and wonderful prizes as well.

So here's the deal . Remember the amendment by Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (House Resolution 35) calling on Bush to bring the troops home as soon as possible ? So far, only 32 congress people have signed on, and we've got to change that. From May 31 to June 3, CODEPINK joins other peace and social justice groups in a national week long write-in/call-in campaign to hold our elected officials accountable for their vote on the $82 billion for continued war in Iraq, as well as urging them to sign-on to Lynn Woolsey's Resolution (H. Con. Res. 35) calling for the immediate withdrawal of our troops from Iraq.

Congress is in recess this week (May 31-June 3) and all the members are back home. It's the perfect time to go to their local office and insist that they sign on to Resolution 35 calling on the President to develop and implement a plan to begin the immediate withdrawal of US Armed Forces from Iraq. And if you can't get to their office or they are not home, call and send an email.....early and often.

For many of you, this will be a piece of cake. Over 100 reps signed on to a very similar amendment in the Defense authorization bill last week, so they should sign onto this resolution, they just need more pressure from you.

For all the information you need click here:

To win one of the prizes, we need a photo of you (in pink , of course) WITH your rep while he/she is signing the resolution. We'll put it up on our website as an inspiration to all, and we'll give you a choice of prizes on a first-come first-served basis. You have until July 4 to get the signature. And...if you can't get your rep to sign on but you did an awesome job trying to convince them, send us photos of your valiant efforts and we might have a special prize for you as well. Send photos and emails to exitiraq@codepinkalert.org . The ultimate prize we're all working for is the day when all the troops are out of Iraq.

Who said activism can't be fun? So get ready, get set, and get going. Your weekend in Baja awaits you...

Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae, and Tiffany


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Juni 2005

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