
Mother's Day Call to Action

April 27, 2005

The spirit of Mother's Day is about celebrating womanhood and honoring the great women in our lives, thanking them for being our champions, our protectors and the little voice inside of us that guides us to do the right thing. Support the women who will be spending Mother's Day mourning the loss of their child to the war in Iraq or worrying about the safety of their child on the battlefield by sending a message to the world that we cannot allow one more child to be sacrificed as causality of war.

Recruit for the peace movement not the war machine!

I nspired by Julia Ward Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation , written in 1870, calling for women to rise up and oppose war in all its forms and work together for peace and disarmament; CODEPINK is honoring the pledge with counter-recruitment actions happening across the country on May 7th. From San Francisco to Tennessee, CODEPINK women will be in the streets and at military recruiting stations taking action to stop our children from being dragged to an illegal and immoral war.

Join us! Organize an action in your neighborhood or check the CODEPINK Mother's Day page to find an event in your community. You'll also find great tips and resources to help you take action. Be sure to let us know if you are planning something in your town so that we can post it on the website and connect people to your event, e-mail Rae at racheltanya@hotmail.com to list your event.

Give your mom some peace.

Take this opportunity to let your mom (and all of the other special women in your life) know what they mean to you with a gift from the CODEPINK store. We have just the thing for everyone on your list, from t-shirts that declare peace to our brand new book: Stop the Next War Now! Remember, every time you shop at the CODEPINK store, you are making a contribution that supports womens' voices in the peace movement.

making our mothers proud ,
Dana, Farida, Gael, Jodie, Medea, Nancy, Rae and Tiffany


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April 2005

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