
New move in mast row

Apr 21 2005


By David Greenwood, Daily Post

COUNCILLORS are calling for an emergency communications mast at a town centre police station to be taken down because of health fears and complaints it is interfering with TV reception in hundreds of nearby homes.

Now, after a string of meetings, Holyhead Town Council is demanding action from North Wales Police Authority over the Tetra mast.

Last night, town clerk Cliff Everett said: "I have been instructed by the entire council to write to the authority because they, as owners of the police station, have the right to say what goes on the building.

"The council has discussed this issue three or four times now and feel something positive has to be done and the authority is the one which can act in this case."

The Holyhead mast appeared on the roof of the station late last year and almost immediately people noticed a marked deterioration in TV picture quality.

The mast is part of a nationwide police network system which is being set up by specialist company O 2 Air-wave for the Home Office.

A spokesman for O 2 Air-wave insisted the Holyhead mast met stringent planning and radio airwave regulations.

The Home Office said:

"Current police radio systems are obsolete and incompatible with each other.

"New digital technology will allow there to be complete coverage, clearer signals and extra features such as data as well as voice communication."


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