
Save us from 'killer' police radio masts

Some of you will have seen the excellent article in the Daily Express today, Mon 18th (Full-page article, p.13) entitled "Save us from 'killer' police radio masts" ("Protests grow nationwide over beams being linked to cancer").

Written by Tom Whitehead, this article was prompted by a lady from Haverfordwest, Pembrokeshire, Wales - a site of major civil unrest on the Tetra front comparable to Cornwall and, along with Cornwall, the only other place in England that Airwave will admit to having difficulties getting enough masts up to get coverage.

The 'Opinion' column on page 10 of the same issue says:

"We need facts on masts"

"We are told by the Government that there is no official scientific research to suggest Tetra masts are harmful but we have been falsely reassured by governments before - remember BSE. It is claimed the masts cause serious - and even fatal - conditions including headaches, sleeplessness, rashes, diziness, nausea and cancer. We should have research to establish their safety now, rather than count the cost years down the line."

The lady that prompted Tom Whitehead's article, who was at a meeting in Wales that I addressed recently, phoned to tell me that she was told by the Express that if they received enough correspondence on this they would run a campaign on it. Let's not miss this golden opportunity!

Write to:

(Be sure to include your address & tel no - otherwise they won't accept your letter)

Refer to the above article, which highlights various concerns of anti-Tetra campaigners in a pretty sympathetic way (The 'disclaimers' by the NRPB, Gov't and mmO2 at the end look pretty pathetic).

Article includes info from an anonymous policeman, who "estimated that half the officers using the radios are still concerned about health risks", it also refers to death of officer Neil Dring and to complaints from 177 officers in Lancashire. Also gives cases from all over the country of symptoms and concerned people.

A good crop of letters on this subject could well prompt a national campaign by a major national daily - let's go for it!


From Mast Network

A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring

Report on TETRA


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April 2005

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