
Urgent request for action

I pass on this initiative as a genuine and measured action that we can all take part in. Please do your best to make it work.


We have a unique opportunity to get a message about Tetra into the corridors of power, which everyone has been telling me for months is essential.

Parliament has been prorogued but there is still some parliamentary business to be conducted before the House rises this week. Bills are being hurried through; the civil service is rushing to get everything done; the last Prime Ministers' Question Time will be on Wednesday; Senior Civil Servants are trying to ensure that whoever their new Ministers will be after the election, the civil servants will have tidied away any evidence of bias.

No-one will be busier than the man who runs the Home Office and who has continued to champion his decision to introduce Tetra. We can make use of this golden opportunity to inundate him with e-mails expressing our overwhelming concern, to the extent that he has got to take note. At the same time, the same message must be sent to your MP to make them aware of the depth and breadth of feeling which we all represent.

For this to work well, we need to send messages on Tuesday evening, to an e-mail address I will distribute on Tuesday evening. It is vital that nobody jumps the gun or alerts any authority to what is planned. PLEASE WAIT FOR MY MESSAGE BEFORE YOU SEND.

You can prepare a message in advance and then send it later.

If everyone who has been part of the campaigns against Tetra can send at least 1 message to the nominated address and to their MP, that will be an enormous number.

Please copy this message and the subsequent one to everyone on your voluminous e-mail lists and feel free to send as many messages as you able.

The screening programs used by Gov't are quite sophisticated so any multiple use of words in the e-mail subjects will result in automatic close-out. I suggest that your subject does NOT include the word Tetra but something which will be unique to all messages. There is nothing better than to just put your name. e.g. John Smith - Agenda item or John Smith - Official papers

In other words, something that will be unlikely to suggest a trend and which might encourage the opening of the e-mail is necessary. In the e-mail you can put as little or as much as you feel you want to get across.

The Press will be alerted to this as an event and will have it explained to them why it is being done. I cannot make any claims for numbers of likely e-mails but an overwhelming number will attract continuing press interest.

Please don't let yourselves down and let those who do participate down by not joining this useful protest activity. We want action. We want our voices to be heard. We want "them" to know we are in this together in large numbers. Please join in and show that you are serious.

With every best wish and good luck.

John O'Brien


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April 2005

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