
New fight over latest mast plan

by Heather Slater

Apr 8, 2005, 08:34

Campaigners against mobile phone masts are preparing for a new battle after it was revealed that yet another could be on its way to Lichfield.

They are already fighting plans for a 24-metre high Vodafone mast in Eastern Avenue - and now Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd is considering installing one at a nearby business park.

Hutchinson 3G has notified Lichfield District Council of its intention but has not yet submitted a formal planning application.

The 20-metre mast would be on the Walter Tipper site in Britannia Enterprise Park, Europa Way.

Campaigners from Stowe Concerned Residents Against Masts are still waiting to find out if a mast proposed for Eastern Avenue, close to Charnwood Primary School, is given the go-ahead.

They fear too many masts are springing up in Lichfield and fear they are a potential health hazard, particularly to children.

Chairman David Brain said he had not seen the latest plans by Hutchinson 3G but he is concerned about them.

"Why is there a need for so many of these masts. Why are they being foisted upon us?" he said.

"There is good mobile phone coverage in Lichfield for all services, the vast majority of people don't want the things.

"The key thing next is whether or not the Vodafone mast in Eastern Avenue goes to the planning committee. I am hoping they will knock it on the head and decide they are wasting their time."

Alan Begley, from the Boley Park Action Group, successfully fought plans for a mast near Darnford Park in north Lichfield earlier this year.

He was also concerned by the news of the latest mast. "We seem to be getting a hell of a lot of proposals at the moment for masts which is quite worrying," he said.

Prospective independent county councillor John Walker said: "The mobile phone companies seem to be grouping the masts all together in this area but the people won't put up with this, it is not something we want on our back doorstep."


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