
IAFF Seeks Study on Health Hazards of Cell Phone Tower Radiation


“There currently is no good scientific study that determines whether or not cell towers on fire stations are hurting our members, so a study must be done,” says IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger. “Fire fighters are already at a higher risk of injury and illness from the hazards of their job, but we will not tolerate our members being put in additional danger while at the station house from exposure to low-intensity radio frequency and microwave radiation from these cell towers and antennas.”

Omega: there are yet many scientific studies and studies about cancer cluster in the vicinity of cell phone towers. See under:

Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Until the health effects are truly tested and known, the IAFF believes no additional cell towers or antennas should be positioned on or near fire stations.

It is the general belief of international governments and of the wireless telecommunications industry that no consistent increases in health risk exist from exposure to radio frequency radiation. However, it’s important to note that these positions are based on non-continuous exposures to the general public to low intensity radio frequency fields emitted from wireless telecommunications base stations.

“Critical questions concerning the health effects and safety of radio frequency microwave radiation remain,” says Schaitberger. “We want answers, not the biased opinions of cell phone industry groups.”

Most studies on this subject are at least five years old and generally look at the safety of the phone itself. IAFF is concerned about the effects of living directly under these stations for a considerable stationary period of time and on a daily basis.

The IAFF and its medical team believe a study with the highest scientific merit and integrity, contrasting fire fighters with residence in stations with towers to fire fighters without similar exposure, is necessary to truly determine the effects of radio frequency radiation on the central nervous system (CNS) and the immune system, as well as other metabolic effects observed in preliminary studies.

Biological effects from exposure to low-level radio frequency microwave radiation have been recognized as markers of adverse health effects. Internationally acknowledged experts have shown that radio frequency microwave radiation transmissions of the type used in digital cellular antennas and phones can have critical effects on cell cultures, animals and humans in laboratories.

Studies have also found epidemiological evidence of serious health effects at “non-thermal” levels where the intensity of the radiation was too low to cause heating, including increased cell growth of brain cancer cells, changes in tumor growth, more childhood leukemia, changes in sleep patterns, headaches and neurological changes, decreased memory, retarded learning, increased blood pressure and other health hazards.

The IAFF’s efforts will attempt to establish a correlation between such biological effects and a health risk to fire fighters and emergency medical personnel due to the citing of cell phone antennas and base stations at fire stations and facilities where they work.

For a full copy of the IAFF report on the potential risk of cell tower radiation, click here: http://daily.iaff.org/celltowerfinal.htm



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Firefighters seek study of cell health effects

EE Times

(04/07/2005 12:58 PM EDT)

WASHINGTON — The International Association of Fire Fighters said Thursday (April 7) it is seeking funding for a study on whether cell towers and related wireless equipment pose a threat to its members.

"There currently is no good scientific study that determines whether or not cell towers on fire stations are hurting our members, so a study must be done," IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger said in a statement.

The group wants a ban on the installation of new cell towers, antennas and cellphone base stations until a study of their health effects is completed.

The wireless industry has consistently downplayed the health risks of "non-continuous" exposure to RF radiation from cellphones. "Critical questions concerning the health effects and safety of radio frequency microwave radiation remain," said Schaitberger. "We want answers, not the biased opinions of cellphone industry groups."

The association claims to represent more than 85 percent of professional firefighters and emergency medical personnel in the U.S. and Canada.

The group noted that most health studies are at least five years old, and generally focused on the safety of cellphones only. A new study should focus on concerns about the effects of living directly under these stations for a "considerable stationary period of time and on a daily basis."


April 7, 2005 - Announcement on the Home Page of the International Association of Firefighter (IAFF). This marks the release of IAFF's Position Statement on potential health effects of RF radiation from mobile phone base stations, and its call for a moratorium on the siting of further base stations at firefighters' workplaces.

Be sure to read the acknowledgements at the very end of the Position Statement. Joe Foster, "B" Platoon Vice President, IAFF Local #18 - Vancouver British Columbia and Ron Cronin of the Brookline, Massachusetts Fire Department are deserving of recognition for tirelessly leading this initiative as members of IAFF. Milt Bowling, director of the Electromagnetic Radiation Task Force in Vancouver, British Columbia, should also be acknowledged for his technical support in this effort.

IAFF Seeks Study on Health Hazards of Cell Phone Tower Radiation April 7, 2005 – The IAFF is seeking funding for a study to establish if the use of fire stations as cellular phone base stations for antennas and towers is hazardous to the health of its members.

Complete Press Release follows below.

Introduction to the Position Statement and link to complete Statement:


Position on the Health Effects from Radio Frequency/Microwave (RF/MW) Radiation in Fire Department Facilities from Base Stations for Antennas and Towers for the Conduction of Cell Phone Transmissions:

The International Association of Fire Fighters’ position on locating cell towers commercial wireless infrastructure on fire department facilities, as adopted by its membership in August 2004 (1), is that the IAFF oppose the use of fire stations as base stations for towers and/or antennas for the conduction of cell phone transmissions until a study with the highest scientific merit and integrity on health effects of exposure to low-intensity RF/MW radiation is conducted and it is proven that such sitings are not hazardous to the health of our members. http://daily.iaff.org/celltowerfinal.htm

April 7, 2005 IAFF Press Release is posted at:

Complete text of IAFF Press Release:

IAFF Seeks Study on Health Hazards of Cell Phone Tower Radiation

“There currently is no good scientific study that determines whether or not cell towers on fire stations are hurting our members, so a study must be done,” says IAFF General President Harold Schaitberger. “Fire fighters are already at a higher risk of injury and illness from the hazards of their job, but we will not tolerate our members being put in additional danger while at the station house from exposure to low-intensity radio frequency and microwave radiation from these cell towers and antennas.”

Until the health effects are truly tested and known, the IAFF believes no additional cell towers or antennas should be positioned on or near fire stations.

It is the general belief of international governments and of the wireless telecommunications industry that no consistent increases in health risk exist from exposure to radio frequency radiation. However, it’s important to note that these positions are based on non-continuous exposures to the general public to low intensity radio frequency fields emitted from wireless telecommunications base stations.

“Critical questions concerning the health effects and safety of radio frequency microwave radiation remain,” says Schaitberger. “We want answers, not the biased opinions of cell phone industry groups.”

Most studies on this subject are at least five years old and generally look at the safety of the phone itself. IAFF is concerned about the effects of living directly under these stations for a considerable stationary period of time and on a daily basis.

The IAFF and its medical team believe a study with the highest scientific merit and integrity, contrasting fire fighters with residence in stations with towers to fire fighters without similar exposure, is necessary to truly determine the effects of radio frequency radiation on the central nervous system (CNS) and the immune system, as well as other metabolic effects observed in preliminary studies.

Biological effects from exposure to low-level radio frequency microwave radiation have been recognized as markers of adverse health effects. Internationally acknowledged experts have shown that radio frequency microwave radiation transmissions of the type used in digital cellular antennas and phones can have critical effects on cell cultures, animals and humans in laboratories.

Studies have also found epidemiological evidence of serious health effects at “non-thermal” levels where the intensity of the radiation was too low to cause heating, including increased cell growth of brain cancer cells, changes in tumor growth, more childhood leukemia, changes in sleep patterns, headaches and neurological changes, decreased memory, retarded learning, increased blood pressure and other health hazards.

The IAFF’s efforts will attempt to establish a correlation between such biological effects and a health risk to fire fighters and emergency medical personnel due to the citing of cell phone antennas and base stations at fire stations and facilities where they work.

For a full copy of the IAFF report on the potential risk of cell tower radiation, click here. http://daily.iaff.org/celltowerfinal.htm

International Association of Fire Fighters
1750 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC 20006 • 202.737.8484 • 202.737.8418 (Fax)

Janet Newton, President
The EMR Policy Institute, P.O. Box 117, Marshfield VT 05658
Tel: (802) 426-3035
FAX: (802) 426-3030
Web Site: http://www.emrpolicy.org


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April 2005

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