
Addicted To War Books - To-Schools Project

Help support the


Books-to-Schools Project

Sponsored by the Coalition Against Militarism In Our Schools (CAMS)

We are very excited to inform you about the launching of the
“Addicted to War Books-to-Schools Project,” organized by the Coalition Against Militarism in Our Schools (CAMS). Addicted to War, Why The U.S. Can’t Kick Militarism, written and illustrated by Joel Andreas, is a history of U.S. foreign wars, including the current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, presented in comic book format. Over 150 ,000 copies have been sold & distributed in the United States . ATW is being used in middle school, high school, and college classes all over the country. The primary purpose of this project is to make the book available to high school and middle school teachers and to college professors who want to use the book in their classes, but cannot rely on their school district to buy the book. The project will offer books to teachers and leaders of youth education activities free of charge.

We invite you to make a tax-deductible donation to support the Addicted to War Book's -to-Schools Project (See donation card attachment above). All donations will go directly towards supplying books to teachers and other youth educators at the cost of $2.50 per book. In the future, we hope to extend the project to provide ATW books for educational activities among soldiers and sailors in the US military.

Most of us have experienced, as students or teachers, the limited and distorted perspective of United States history that is provided in the great majority of American schools. This is especially true with regard to our country’s history of foreign wars. Addicted to War provides an alternative source that raises serious questions about the causes and consequences of these wars, including their domestic costs. It encourages readers to think critically about U.S. foreign policy and provides background for discussion about current events, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan . It can also inspire student engagement and activism. The book assembles – in a highly accessible format – information from a wide variety of sources, which are referenced in 161 footnotes. And ATW is endorsed by some of the most well known Peace Activists and anti-war organizations in the United States . You can go to: http://www.addictedtowar.com to see for yourself.

Ed Sugden and a team of experienced teachers are developing an Addicted to War teachers’ guide, which we will distribute as part of this project. As we initiate this effort, we are seeking to enlist the help of members of the National Coalition of Education Activists, organizations that counter military recruitment in schools, the National Education Association, Rethinking Schools and Teaching For Change Magazine, Veterans For Peace and many regional and local teachers’ unions and student organizations. The author of Addicted to War, Joel Andreas, has generously offered to use his book royalties to help launch and maintain this project. We are grateful for the help of Joel and others who have provided the initial funding.

You can help support the Addicted To War Books-To-Schools Project by making a tax-deductible donation to CAMS-IHC: (see donation card attachment above)

Mail to:
Addicted To War Books-To-Schools Project
P.O Box 3012
South Pasadena, CA 91031
Phone: 626-799-9118
Email: Aginouye@aol.com

CAMS is a program of the International Humanities Center, which is exempt from income tax under Section 501 [c] (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

If you have any questions please contact either:

Arlene Inouye, Coordinator of CAMS: aginouye@aol.com - 626-799-9118 - or

Frank Dorrel, publisher of Addicted to War : fdorrel@addictedtowar.com - 310-838-8131

We look forward to seeing the impact this project will have on the future of this country .

Dear Teachers,

You may apply for a class set of ATW books by filling out and mailing the attached Application for books above.

Please encourage your friends & colleagues to support the project by making a tax-deductible donation to CAMS.

We hope that these books will benefit you and your students, and support your teaching. As more donations are given, we look forward to expanding this project. Please let us know of other interested teachers.

In Peace and Solidarity,

Arlene Inouye
Coordinator of CAMS
P.O Box 3012
South Pasadena , CA 91031
Phone: 626-799-9118
Email: Aginouye@aol.com


Frank Dorrel
Publisher of Addicted To War
P.O. Box 3261
Culver City, CA 90231-3261
Phone: 310-838-8131
Email: fdorrel@addictedtowar.com or: fdorrel@sbcglobal.net


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