
The Fight to save the Arctic Refuge is far from over

April 4, 2005

Despite the U.S. Senate's recent vote to include Arctic drilling in its budget resolution, our fight to save the Arctic Refuge is far from over.

In the weeks to come, there will be many more opportunities for you to take action to stop this assault on America's greatest wildlife refuge.

In the meantime, the NRDC Action Fund is hard at work exploding many of the myths that the oil lobby and the Bush administration are trying to sell Congress and the American people. First and foremost is their claim that drilling in the Arctic Refuge would disturb only 2,000 acres of wildlife habitat in the 1.5-million-acre coastal plain.

Check out the map below to see for yourself why oil development could easily industrialize and despoil the entire expanse of this irreplaceable sanctuary for wildlife. Clicking on the map will take you to a larger map and a fuller explanation on the Action Fund website.

While you're at the website, you can help spread the word about this mortal threat to the Arctic Refuge by forwarding a message from Robert Redford to your friends, family and colleagues. We need to mobilize an army of concerned people for the fight ahead.

The Senate's approval of a budget resolution is just the first round in what promises to be a drawn-out battle. To complete its raid on the Arctic, both houses of Congress must now agree on both a budget resolution and a budget reconciliation bill -- something they have been unable to do in recent years due to controversies over deficit spending and other issues.

The NRDC Action Fund will be fighting at every step of the way to prevent passage of any final budget agreement that includes Arctic drilling. I know we can count on you to stand with us.


John H. Adams
NRDC Action Fund

To view a full size map and complete explanation, please click on the map below:


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April 2005

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