
Earthquakes, Volcano’s, and Tsunami’s

Earthquakes, Volcano’s, and Tsunami’s…Oh My!

by Mitch Battros – ECTV

To some it will very much seem like “Lion’s and Tiger’s and Bear’s” Oh My indeed. I would think by now, at least to those who receive this newsletter, are not the least bit surprised at the predicted escalation in earth changing events. And yes, the Kp index has shoot up to 5.5 (red) as of today, indicating geomagnetic storm activity is on the rise.

A series of large earthquakes have occurred in the last six days. Earlier today a magnitude 7.1 quake hit Hokkaido, Japan. Just two days prior to todays event, a 7.2 magnitude quake hit Papua, Indonesia; and just four days prior to this event, a 7.1 mag. quake hit off the west coast of New Zealand. If you think this is certainly an indication of something “shifting”, the word is…”More, and possibly larger quakes are just ahead between now and the middle of January. This is when the highest t! ides in thirty years will be present.

Now lets throw in volcanic activity. Hopefully by now, you have heard of the increased seismic activity at Mount St. Helens. An earthquake that registered 3.1 on Saturday has split the dome, worrying seismologists of a pending eruption.

USGS spokeswoman Stephanie Hanna said that steam and gas are occurring but nothing like the explosion in 1980. The agency issued a Level 2 Volcano advisory, which means "an eruption could occur without warning, but an eruption is not imminently underway," which gives the agency time to prepare and alert public safety authorities, she said.

Papua, New Guinea authorities began yesterday, evacuating an entire island after a volcanic eruption destroyed the 9000 inhabitants' supply of food, officials said.

The Manam islanders are mainly subsistence farmers and fishermen whose small farming plots have been covered with falling ash from the island's erupting volcano, also called Manam, a government vulcanologist said.

And how about a tsunami thrown in just to keep it interesting. Yes, a tsunami warning has been issued for Japan’s west coast. The 7.1 quake caused swaying buildings and triggered a tsunami that lashed the shore, officials said. The good news is based on location and magnitude, the earthquake was not sufficient to generate a tsunami damaging to California, Oregon, Washington, British Columbia or Alaska. Some areas may experience small sea level changes in areas of intense shaking. Locally generated tsunamis can be triggered by “slumping”.

Well at least I was able to slip away for a few days to enjoy my extended family for the Thanksgiving holidays. But as you can see, it is time to roll up my sleeves and gather all the immediate and pertinent information You Need To Know. Actually, our ECTV staff has already done so. Go to the ECTV site for all the current (and fast breaking) news that you and your family should, and need, to know.

Tuesday November 30th – Jim Berkland, Geologist. Jim has been acknowledged as one of the first, and I would say most accurate, predictors of earthquakes internationally. He has something very important to tell us of the days and weeks ahead. Our hint is “the highest tides we’ve seen in years”. Jim has also alerted me to a $500 challenge he has with the University of Southern California team who ended up with egg on their face after missing a predicted 6.0 or larger quake to hit Calif. in September.

Website: http://www.syzygyjob.com

Thursday December 2nd – Robert Felix – author of “Not by Fire, But by Ice”. Robert is one of the first who has pointed to the bottom of the oceans as the cause of our current warming trend. Robert has been very vocal against those who fabricate the lies and myths that so-called global warming is caused by man alone. I go further and clearly show that man’s hand makes up only 3% to 13% of our current warming trend. There are several climatologist who suggest the lower number or less. Robert has produced a strong theory suggesting underwater volcano’s are the culprit.

Website: http://www.iceagenow.com/


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November 2004

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