
Chipping Away at Privacy Fears - How To Profit from Wireless Barcodes

You see, the chips are for our safety and convenience. And they are completely voluntary, that is, until they become mandatory. And they save you from that evil plague that is just simply everywhere, identiy-theft, so they protect your privacy too, so get chipped today! Yes, the chips are something wonderful, like manna from Heaven. Keep repeating this over and over and over in your mind and you will become a believer too, and all your meaningless little insignificant fears will get "chipped" away, one chip-upgrade at a time.......blah, blah, blah..........

(Where do they get these people? From another planet or is it the pit of Hell?)

Microchipping Agenda Propaganda Update

Chipping Away at Privacy Fears

Technology does not in itself threaten privacy and may, in fact, help to protect it

Implanting a rice-sized VeriChip is a voluntary action, and the product is provided by a private company. As long as government is not forcing anyone to get the chips, claims of privacy violations are about as compelling as arguments that reality TV violates the privacy of its participants. This month, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved a microchip that can be implanted in humans to provide access to medical records. Privacy regulation advocates were predictably horrified, but the chip does not create the privacy crisis some might imagine. Though RFID technology can save money, time and lives, when it comes to implanting it in grandma's arm to make sure doctors know exactly what to do when she shows up unconscious at the hospital, the "creepy factor" arises. Privacy regulation advocates argue that implanting chips in humans will bring about an Orwellian state, and some apocalyptic types see it as the "mark of the beast." While the issue is a rhetorical magnet, there are reasons why this private use of technology does not in itself threaten privacy and may, in fact, help to protect it in the long run.

First, no one is forcing people to get chipped. Implanting the rice-sized chip is a voluntary action, and the product is provided by a private company. As long as government is not forcing anyone to get the chips, claims of privacy violations are about as compelling as arguments that reality TV violates the privacy of its participants.




The Other Side of the FDA VeriChip Approval

While looking around the newest VeriChip scandal – as pointed out by CASPIAN, when the company trumpeted its success with the FDA it somehow forgot to mention the caveats and warnings associated with its approval – I noticed something odd. As investor publications have reported, Digital Angel has sold its share in Applied Digital Solutions. To fit this into perspective, though, you need the relationship between the two companies. Applied Digital Solutions owns the intellectual property associated with the “grain of rice” sized VeriChip, which it would now like to plant under everyone's skin so it can own access to our medical information. Digital Angel has the manufacturing contract. Digital Angel, until recently, owned a sizeable chunk of Applied Digital Solutions. Applied Digital Solutions is the majority owner of Digital Angel. And Digital Angel sold its stake in ADS.



Applied Digital Shares Jump on Chip OK

Shares of Applied Digital Solutions Inc. and Digital Angel Corp. soared Wednesday morning on news the companies' VeriChip implantable radio frequency identification microchip for humans has been cleared by the Food and Drug Administration for medical use in the United States. Applied Digital shares rose 90 cents, or more than 42 percent, to $3.02 on the Nasdaq, while shares of South St. Paul, Minn.-based Digital Angel Corp. were up 46 cents, or 17 percent, at $3.17 on the American Stock Exchange. The companies' VeriChip is about the size of a grain of rice and implanted under the skin in a brief outpatient procedure. Each chip is programed with a unique 16-digit number which is retrieved by briefly passing a proprietary scanner over the insertion site, and can be linked to a variety of security, financial and emergency health information. Digital Angel is the manufacturer of VeriChip and has licensed the technology to Applied Digital's VeriChip Corp. unit for human applications. The FDA does not regulate VeriChip with regard to its security, financial, personal identification and safety applications.



How To Profit from Wireless Barcodes

With companies of all sizes vying for their share of the rapidly expanding RFID industry, there is currently not a complete dominance by any one company. Companies involved in RFID range from heavily diversified companies such as Microsoft, IBM, General Electric, Texas Instruments and SAP to pure investment opportunities such as Zebra Technologies. Radio Frequency Identification, or RFID, has become a popular buzzword in the high tech tracking industry and was recently thrust in the media spotlight with headlines that read: "FDA Approves RFID Microchip for Humans." Despite talk of privacy concerns and abusive government control, pundits appear to be more focused on the potential growth of this technology and the fact that many well known names have embraced this method of increasing profit margins.

Perhaps most notable is Applied Digital Solutions (Nasdaq: ADSX) , a tech play that saw highs of $179 during the bubble only to collapse to sub $2 levels post bubble. It is now waking up from its coma based on this recent news. Obviously it is still on the minds of many investors as indicated by a classic high-volume rally (to the tune of 10 million shares of daily volume).



Hospital will tag its patients

Their location could then be tracked to within yards

People preparing to undergo surgery may worry about the risk of catching much-publicised infections such as MRSA or fret about medics carrying out the wrong operation. But one Birmingham surgeon - tired of continually chasing an inefficient paper trail of charts, checks and records - has come up with the world's first patient tagging system. David Morgan, a consultant ENT surgeon at Birmingham Heartlands Hospital, believes using this tracking system will not only save time but also money, cutting the £350 million paid out in compensation by the NHS. Over the next three months, the plastic hospital wristbands patients wear throughout their stay will be replaced by the new matchbox-sized devices. The patient's location can then be tracked to within yards and their details fed to visual display units in theatres, anaesthetic rooms and waiting areas.

Mr Morgan, who has worked at the hospital since 1990, said: "There's always been concerns about matching the patient with the right treatment, such as people with similar names having the wrong operations.



Hospital Pioneers Patient Tagging

A British hospital is claiming a world first with the introduction of an electronic tagging system for patients.

People undergoing surgery at Heartlands Hospital in Birmingham are piloting the process in which their movements are tracked by a wireless network and their records brought up on screens for use by staff at key points. The developers believe the system reduces the risk of human error and improves medical efficiency. David Morgan, a consultant ENT surgeon at the hospital who helped devise the process, said digital photos were taken of patients, who were tagged on arrival and the information synchronised with their electronic records.

He said their location could then be tracked to within yards and their details fed to visual display units in theatres, anaesthetic rooms and waiting areas.

The surgeon, who has worked at the hospital for 14 years, said he could make changes to the digital operating list while on his rounds using a pocket PC instead of working with typed copies.


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