
Opportunity to influence Ontario 's new parks act


Public comment on new Ontario Parks legislation closes November 8th!

Wildcanada.net Action Alert
Thursday, November 4, 2004

For the first time in 50 years, the government of Ontario is reviewing legislation for Ontario’s protected areas. The current Ontario Parks legislation is outdated - written when there were only 8 parks in the province, does not protect parks from industrial or commercial development, and is ranked last in Canada for its effectiveness. The government of Ontario has stated that your views on how to manage Ontario’s provincial parks, conservation reserves, and wilderness areas are important. Please take this opportunity to ensure strong and effective legislation for Ontario’s parks!

Take Action before November 8, 2004!

Complete the Ontario government’s online survey to share your views on how to plan and manage provincial parks and protected areas. Survey closes Monday November 8, 2004! Please note that some people have found it difficult to submit responses depending on the level of security set on their web browsers.

Follow up by sending a letter from Wildcanada.net’s online Action Centre urging Premier Dalton McGuinty and provincial representatives to make ecological integrity the first priority for parks legislation. http://www.wildcanada.net/ontarioparks

Today Ontario's parks and protected areas system consists of 634 parks and conservation reserves covering more than 9.4 million hectares. We have made enormous progress over the past decade in reaching the goal of representing all of Ontario's natural regions in our protected areas system and we now have a clear blueprint for completing this critically important task in the northern and central parts of the province.

We must now pass a Parks Act that makes the ecological integrity of parks the first priority in parks planning and management. We need clear rules about what is appropriate in parks and what is not, and we must give park managers the resources they need to ensure that Ontario parks remain healthy.

Let the Ontario government know that Ontario's new Protected Areas legislation must:

1 - Put Nature First - Entrench ecological integrity as the overriding principle guiding protected areas, making sure that natural systems are healthy and intact.

2 - Prohibit industrial uses - Prohibit logging, mining and hydroelectric development in all protected areas, including Algonquin Provincial Park.

3 – Restrict, reduce and rehabilitate the impacts of roads and motorized access - This includes land, water and air pollution impacts from all forms of motorized access.

New Parks legislation must also permanently protect the boundaries of parks and reserves, require regular reporting, recognize Aboriginal & Treaty rights, and manage for future generations.

Take action now - before November 8th, 2004!


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Oktober 2004

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