
Microchip Implantation Expands to More Nations

Microchip Implantation of Club Going Trendies Expands to More Nations

Infowars.com EXCLUSIVE:

In April of 2004 Infowars.com broke the story about the Baja Beach Club's microchip implantation of its VIP Members (see: Baja Beach Club in Barcelona, Spain Launches Microchip Implantation for VIP Members). Then, in September, a listener wrote that Baja Beach Club had expansion Plans, and was going to start new clubs in Rotterdam and Cologne. Now we have this report in from a listener in the Netherlands. Not only has the Baja Beach Club opened in Rotterdam, but "cool" club goers are already lining up to be implanted. In April, after interviewing Baja Beach Club Director Conrad Chase, Alex wrote: "I interviewed Conrad Chase for 30 minutes on my syndicated radio broadcast. He told me that the CEO of VeriChip, Mr. Bolton, had told him that there was a plan to use the VeriChip as a global implantable identity system. I asked him if whether in the future you would have to have a chip to get into the club period, and he said yes. I said laughingly, that you're not going to be a VIP in the world if you don't have a chip, to which he responded that that was a great slogan that he would start using. He went on to say that all gun owners should have to have a microchip implanted in their hand to be able to own a gun. He also said that the VeriChip company had told him that the Italian government was preparing to implant all of their government workers. He said that this is a great system that he believes will replace credit cards for buying and selling.

I asked him where he was getting all of these ideas and he said that he had learned all of this from discussions with VeriChip, and that he was aware that the plant making the chips was in Beijing, China.


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Top Stories - October 8th, 2004


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