
Dr. George Carlo in the English Parliament



Westminster meeting


Combating the dangers of wireless technology

Dr George Carlo

There has been a huge amount of interest from the public and the media as many people want to hear Dr George Carlo’s address to MPs at the meeting in Westminster on 22nd February, 2007.

In order to accommodate everyone, the meeting will now be held in the Attlee Suite in Portcullis House the meeting is scheduled to run from 3-4pm.

Please come to Portcullis House Reception, Westminster, SW1A 2LW. Portcullis House is the building across the road from the House of Commons (less queues and where the Attlee Suite is)! Nearest tube Westminster Station - come out of station turn left, then immediately left again and Portcullis House is on your left.

Assemble in the reception at least 15 minutes before and Joseph Moor will escort everyone to the Attlee Suite, you will still need to go through security (allow extra time for this), no ID needed, EVERYONE is welcome to attend!

It is important to write, phone or visit your MP to stress the importance of this meeting and request they attend as they are your local representative. Also ask your local councillors, planning officers, doctors and any member of authority to attend.

Not to be missed!

Dr George Carlo - Westminster meeting 22nd February, 3-4 pm, Attlee Suite in Portcullis House

Combating the dangers of wireless technology

We are inviting written questions from people attending the meeting, the authors name must be on the question.

Dr Carlo was head of the US phone industry's $28 million (WRT) Research Programme from 1993 to 1999.

He will talk about his research findings and will also be promoting the safe way forward for wireless technology which is a positive message.

Resolution to reopen the Stewart Report will be Proposed at the EM Radiation Research Trust Meeting on 22 February 2007.

For more information go to http://www.radiationresearch.org

Mast Sanity are also promoting this event http://www.mastsanity.org/


Please forward this to all your friends and colleagues.

Look forward to seeing you all at this important event.

Eileen O’Connor
Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust

Combating the dangers of wireless technology

Mobile phone masts, mobile phones, wifi

Dr George Carlo

Following the recent emergency announcement - Joseph Moor Research Assistant to Andrew Mitchell MP Shadow Secretary of State for International Development has sent message saying people can get to the Attlee Room on their own – reception at portcullis house will direct everyone where to go, the room will be open from 2.30 and the meeting is scheduled to run from 3 – 4pm

The meeting room is large and as a result I do not need to supply a list of names, it is free for anyone to attend.

A film company has agreed to film the event and a DVD will be made available for purchase, this is good news for all ES people who cannot attend.

This event is beginning to attract attention from around the world.

The Attlee Suite is the largest of the multi purpose rooms in Westminster and is located on the first floor of Portcullis House. Members of the public should enter via Embankment for meetings in Portcullis House. Once through security the staff at reception will direct visitors up the stairs behind the desk, these lead to the first floor and hence the Attlee Suite.

A sign will be posted on the door of Committee Room 9 on the 22nd directing people to the Attlee Suite should they end up there by mistake.

I would like to thank fellow trustees from the EM Radiation Research Trust - Andrew Mitchell MP and Dr Ian Gibson MP and staff for all their hard work helping to organise this event. Andrew Mitchell MP, Dr Ian Gibson MP and Dr Caroline Lucas MEP have all agreed to help promote this important meeting to all their colleagues. Phil Willis MP has also sent confirmation and I have encouraged him to promote this to members from the Lib Dem Party. Let’s hope MPs respond and represent members of their constituency as this is a growing concern for many people and deserves their full attention!

I would also like to thank HESE-UK, SCRAM, Mast Sanity and Mast Action, and all campaigners for helping to promote this event.

Eileen O’Connor
Trustee EM Radiation Research Trust


INVITATION to important scientist's talk at House of Commons on dangers from phone masts

Information attached

House of Commons - 22nd February, Committee Room 9 from 3-4pm.

There is an opportunity to hear American scientist Dr Carlo, one of the many leading scientists speaking on the dangers of microwave radiation emitted by phone masts/mobile phones, wireless communication etc. He will also be promoting the safe way forward for this technology which is a positive message.

It’s a good opportunity to ask any questions you may have.

Please encourage MPs, MEPs, the media and decision makers such as planners, council leaders and medical personnel, leading UK campaigners are also welcome to attend.

Dr George Carlo headed up the US phone industry $28 million research programme from 1993 to 1999.

A Resolution will be proposed at the EM Radiation Research Trust Meeting on 22 February 2007 to urgently reopen and update the Stewart Report.

Dr Carlo has also been invited to present at a public meeting in Dublin, sponsored by the Irish Doctors on 23rd February. Salzburg government public health scientist, Dr Oberfeld is also presenting at the Dublin meeting.

Here is the link to Dr Carlo's book. It makes very interesting reading concerning PR cover ups. A bit like the tobacco industry as in George Monbiot's book, 'HEAT".


You don’t need a ticket to attend; however, I am keeping a list of people wishing to attend as there is a limited amount of 95 spaces available in committee room 9; we would therefore, like to estimate the amount of people attending. Please email confirmation to eileen @smokestackltd.co.uk.


Eileen O’Connor
Trustee EM Radiation Research Trust

The event is also promoted by


German Radiologist interview on emfs for residents fighting phone masts



Community near to Ellwangen, the residents are, just as in other places, fighting against a planned mobile telecommunications transmitter. Interview with Radiologist Professor Dr. Eckel from Germany the following sentence is shocking!!

"You are also involved in the Chernobyl problem.....

Yes. And the injuries that result from radioactive radiation are identical with the effects of electromagnetic radiation. The damages are so similar that they are hard to differentiate."

(Full interview enclosed)

This demonstrates the seriousness of electromagnetic radiation and we should be demanding that our MPs represent us at the Westminster meeting in the House of Commons, Committee Room 9, 3-4pm on 22nd February with Dr George Carlo.

Go to the Radiation Research Trust website for more information.

Eileen O’Connor
Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust


Dr George Carlo - Westminster meeting 22nd February, 3-4 pm

House of Commons, Committee room 9

Combating the dangers of wireless technology “mobile phone masts, mobile phones, wifi etc”

You do not need a pass for this event; however, due to the limited amount of space available we need to draw up a list of people attending the meeting please send confirmation to: eileen(et)smokestackltd.co.uk

You will need to gain access through security at the House of Commons, St Stephen's Entrance of the House (allow a little longer for this process).

Joseph Moor will escort everyone from the Central Lobby to the Committee Room 9. Please assemble in the Central Lobby approx 15 mins ahead of the start time for the meeting. The HoC do not have the manpower to escort a stream of visitors one by one.

We are inviting written questions from people attending the meeting, the authors name must be on the question.

Dr Carlo was head of the US phone industry's $28 million (WRT) Research Programme from 1993 to 1999.

He will talk about his research findings and will also be promoting the safe way forward for wireless technology which is a positive message.

Resolution to reopen the Stewart Report will be proposed at the EM Radiation Research Trust Meeting on 22 February 2007.

For more information go to http://www.radiationresearch.org

Mast Sanity are also promoting this event http://www.mastsanity.org/


Please forward this to all your friends and colleagues.

Look forward to seeing you all at this important event.

Eileen O’Connor
Trustee – EM Radiation Research Trust


Westminster agenda - Dr George Carlo

Not to be missed!


Attlee Suite in Portcullis House

Dr George Carlo - Westminster meeting 22nd February, 3-4 pm

The room will be open from 2.30

Chaired by Dr Ian Gibson MP

Combating the dangers of wireless technology Mobile phone masts, mobile phones, wifi etc

You can view a short film on Youtube


Please read the following message from Dr George Carlo:

In the talks, I will cover the range of new findings that we have elucidated through our work in the Safe Wireless Initiative. Specifically, I plan to cover:

* the now known disease mechanisms in the three primary EMR effect windows;

* new data we now have on autism and neuro-developmental conditions in young people showing association with EMR exposures;

* the problems with the proliferation of masts and the alarming increase in background concentrations of dangerous information carrying radio waves;

* the clinical need for focused primary, secondary and tertiary intervention strategies to deal with electro-sensitivity and other related symptoms;

* safe deployment technologies that are based on fiber-optic spines, minimal wireless signalling, and both point of transmission and point of use focused interventions.

Dr. George L. Carlo
Science and Public Policy Institute
1101 Pennsylvania Ave. NW -- 7th Floor Washington, D.C. 20004 http://www.sppionline.org


Dr George Carlo claims it has new data that indicates that use of mobiles are damaging to humans



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Februar 2007

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