
Roadless Area Conservation Rule

From: American Lands Alliance

Date: August 31, 2004

Call Forest Service Chief Bosworth Today!

Tell Him You Want A Comment Extension & Public Hearings on the Repeal of the Roadless Rule.

As you know, the Forest Service is moving forward with efforts to repeal the Roadless Area Conservation Rule put in place by the Clinton administration in 2001.

This week we need to flood Forest Service Chief Dale Bosworth's office with calls demanding a public comment period extension and a request for hearings across the country on the Forest Service's decision to repeal the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule.

The Bush administration claims that the reason they are making changes to the Roadless Rule is that the process used to establish the Rule under the Clinton administration was unfair to States and local governments, the comment period was not sufficient, and that it was a last minute process.

However, the Clinton administration spent three years on public dialogue and multiple public comment processes, which included an incredibly thorough assessment of roadless areas, extensive scientific analysis, over 600 public hearings nationwide, and comment periods in excess of those required. A record number of Americans wrote to the federal government - over 1.5 million -- and over 95% supported the Roadless Rule (to date, 2.5 million comments have been submitted in three different comment periods). Not by any stretch of the imagination can it accurately be characterized as a last-minute process.

In contrast, the Bush administration has not issued any scientific analysis justifying a change in the rule, has not issued a new Environmental Impact Statement justifying these changes, and has not held one public hearing. The Bush administration is only giving the public 60 days to comment on the decision to repeal the rule before it becomes final and has completely ignored the over 2.5 million comments advocating for strong roadless protection.

TAKE ACTION TODAY: Call Chief Bosworth at 202-205-1661 or -205-1195 and tell him that you want:

1. The roadless public comment period extended by at least 45 days

2. At least 600 public hearings held across the country (the same amount the Clinton administration held).

Informant: STRIDER


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September 2004

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