
Is the Future Bright for Prostitute Cards?

Dear Don Maisch,

Apart from the microwave radiation health risks from mobile phones, children face a whole criminal and moral risk too.

Westminster Council in London is fed up with mobile phone companies doing nothing to stop organised criminals using mobile phone numbers to front prostitution rackets. This trade in London now includes children - a spokesperson for Westminster Council said that this week the Council had to take two 14 year olds into care. Westminster Council is providing their own cards with the names and numbers of mobile phone company executives so residents, businesses and charities can make their views on prostitute cards known. The Press Release is titled "Is the Future Bright for Prostitute Cards?" and is on Latest News

http://www.westminster.gov.uk .

Best wishes, Yasmin Skelt

Westminster News

Media Release
Date: Wednesday 25 August 2004
Ref: PR 2155


The future could be bright for prostitute cards if the telecommunication companies continue to refuse to call bar prostitutes phone numbers. Prostitutes call cards are not harmless titillation or merely an eyesore. There are clear links between the cards and illegal activity.

Two operations carried out with the Metropolitan Police and Westminster City Council have led to 79 people being arrested for offences including carding and two juveniles being taken into safety. All of the mobile phone companies are refusing to call bar the numbers used on prostitute cards, hiding behind a whole series of fig leaf excuses.

In 2001 BT introduced their Targeted Recording and Processing (TRAP) call barring system. Initially BT numbers featured on 98 per cent of the cards, it is now only 5 per cent. To date, BT have had no complaints or challenges against the action they have taken.

Westminster City Council will be distributing the name and numbers of the mobile company chief executives so residents, businesses and charities can make their views on prostitute cards known. Kit Malthouse, Deputy Leader of Westminster City Council, said: "Mobile phone company chief executives must take personal responsibility for the fact prostitute cards contain numbers that their companies provide.

"Corporate responsibility means action, not just token gestures. Prostitute cards have a clear link to crime yet the companies keep coming up with reasons not to bar the calls. "We are appealing to the companies to help us to fight illegal activity voluntarily before we seek legislation from Parliament to force them to act."

For further information contact:
Public enquiries: 020 7641 6000
Press enquiries: 020 7641 2259
Email: press@westminster.gov.uk
Website: http://www.westminster.gov.uk


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August 2004

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