Terror Tactics and Lies to Force Toxic Vaccines on Texas Schoolchildren
In Austin, it's no shots, no school
Terror Tactics and Lies to Force Toxic Vaccines on Texas Schoolchildren Despite Available Exemption
The Austin-American Statesman is reporting today (and helping push the agenda) that Austin School District Officials " are warning parents that children without all required immunizations will not be able to enroll next year."
This is an outright lie. Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE) states: "Thanks to HB 2292 passed in the Texas Legislature and signed by the governor, starting September 1, 2003, Texas will become the 19th state to have a conscientious exemption. HB 2292 also corrected the unconstitutional aspect of the religious exemption. Now the exemption can be for "a religious belief", and the unconstitutional requirement to be an adherent of a recognized religion which opposes immunization has been stricken from law.
Additionally, the criteria allowing a physician to write a medical exemption has broadened to allow doctors more flexibility to write exemptions." The fact is, parents have a right to refuse vaccination. Vaccines have been related to Autism and many, many toxins have been found in vaccines (click here for an archive of articles). It's the parents' choice and the Austin School District is doing everything in its power to intimidate Austinites into subjecting their children to vaccination with these toxins.
Aftermath News
Top Stories - August 26th, 2004
Terror Tactics and Lies to Force Toxic Vaccines on Texas Schoolchildren Despite Available Exemption
The Austin-American Statesman is reporting today (and helping push the agenda) that Austin School District Officials " are warning parents that children without all required immunizations will not be able to enroll next year."
This is an outright lie. Parents Requesting Open Vaccine Education (PROVE) states: "Thanks to HB 2292 passed in the Texas Legislature and signed by the governor, starting September 1, 2003, Texas will become the 19th state to have a conscientious exemption. HB 2292 also corrected the unconstitutional aspect of the religious exemption. Now the exemption can be for "a religious belief", and the unconstitutional requirement to be an adherent of a recognized religion which opposes immunization has been stricken from law.
Additionally, the criteria allowing a physician to write a medical exemption has broadened to allow doctors more flexibility to write exemptions." The fact is, parents have a right to refuse vaccination. Vaccines have been related to Autism and many, many toxins have been found in vaccines (click here for an archive of articles). It's the parents' choice and the Austin School District is doing everything in its power to intimidate Austinites into subjecting their children to vaccination with these toxins.
Aftermath News
Top Stories - August 26th, 2004
Starmail - 27. Aug, 18:42