
Do you worry about what the future holds for today's children?

A Quaker lady sent this out to a number of people. Thought you might be interested.

Robert Jordan Ross


For the past eighteen months I have been part of a group of eleven women who meet together to discuss the opportunities and challenges facing women over 60. We come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We have had different professional and life experiences. Among us we have thirty-two grandchildren.

As the time for the election grew closer, we realized that whatever our differences, we shared a common concern: the future of our grandchildren. Regardless of our political affiliation we have lived long enough to know that it takes time to build good institutions and programs, a healthy economy and international cooperation. We know that the decisions American leaders make today will shape the lives of our grandchildren over the next decades; yet the current political discourse focuses on the near term and the self interest of today's voters.

So we decided that this year we are going to vote not for ourselves but for our grandchildren who can't vote for themselves. We decided to launch a national non-partisan effort whose goal would be to compel political candidates to explain how their policies will affect our grandchildren, not tomorrow, but ten, twenty, fifty years from now. We decided to accomplish our goals through an active email campaign (such as this email), through op-ed letters, discussion groups and several other national and local events. We are urging our friends and colleagues to do the same. We ask you to join us if you care about the future of today's grandchildren.

I urge you to learn more about this effort. Please get involved this election whether or not you are a grandparent! Stay informed. Follow the issues. Learn about the America candidates envision for all our nation's grandchildren. We have many ideas about how you can impact our political system. Go to http://www.grannyvoter.org on the web and learn more about us and the things you can do to make a difference.

And please, forward this e-mail to everyone you know who cares about today's grandchildren and ask them to do the same.

Love to all of you. I know that together we will make a difference for the future.


Informant: Bob Nienhuis


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August 2004

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