
Protect the Tongass National Forest

Bush administration takes aim at wild forests

Your online action is urgently needed to save some of America's last wild forests from Bush administration plans for clearcutting and drilling.

Please go to
right away and send a message telling the Forest Service to keep untouched wildlands in our national forests closed to roadbuilding and destruction.

Four years ago, we helped persuade President Clinton to enact the Roadless Area Conservation Rule that protects 58 million wild acres in our national forests that do not yet have roads cut through them.

From Alaska's Tongass rainforest to the Appalachian Trail, from the Rocky Mountains to the Sierra Nevada, this historic measure put some of America's greatest sanctuaries for wildlife and for people off limits to road building, logging and drilling so that their timeless beauty would remain untouched forever.

The roadless rule was the most popular conservation measure in history. Americans flooded the Forest Service with more than 1.5 million messages of support.

But today, the Bush administration is preparing to override the will of the American people. It has announced plans to eliminate the roadless rule and strip some of America's last wild forests of their special status and protection.

The administration's agenda is no secret. It is lining up massive timber and energy sales that will send an armada of bulldozers and chainsaws, as well as oil and gas rigs, into our last untrammeled forests.

We must not surrender our forests without a fight. We need millions of Americans to speak out once again in defense of our wild forests.

The Bush administration is taking public comments until September 14th on its disastrous plan to reopen our wild forests to logging. The Forest Service needs to hear from people like you, people who know that nature is a fragile gift we hold in trust for future generations.

Please go to
right away and send a message telling the Forest Service to uphold the roadless rule and defend our wild forests. Then forward this message to as many of your friends and family as possible and tell them to speak out, too.

For the sake of our forests, please make your voice heard today.


John H. Adams
Natural Resources Defense Council


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August 2004

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