Swift Tactical Lies
Supporters for both Kerry and Bush are getting personal and nasty. But Bush's camp is also getting false.
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Swift Tactical Lies
LA Times Editorial Board
America needs to be talking about petroleum dependence, fiscal imbalance, global warming and suburban sprawl. Instead, we've been stuck on 35-year-old Swift boats. Here, the LA Times Editorial Board explains what the Swift boat episode reveals about these bottom-feeding campaigns: "The pro-Kerry campaign is nasty and personal. The pro-Bush campaign is nasty, personal and false." [Free, one-time registration required]
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Swift Tactical Lies
LA Times Editorial Board
America needs to be talking about petroleum dependence, fiscal imbalance, global warming and suburban sprawl. Instead, we've been stuck on 35-year-old Swift boats. Here, the LA Times Editorial Board explains what the Swift boat episode reveals about these bottom-feeding campaigns: "The pro-Kerry campaign is nasty and personal. The pro-Bush campaign is nasty, personal and false." [Free, one-time registration required]
Starmail - 24. Aug, 18:44