
How Bush Broke the Law

Extremely IMPORTANT - Hear Audio Explanation how Bush Broke the Law

And should and probably will be impeached and charged with War
Crimes, because he violated the Iraq Resolution from Congress giving him the right to invade Iraq - but only under certain very strict circumstances that he was required to meet before or at the latest 48 hours after beginning an Invasion. That he did not meet ? !

This voice you will hear is the world famous (well almost) Randi Rhodes on the Air America Radio Network (list of current stations
below). Broadcasting on Monday Aug. 16 on 21 Air America Stations Nation wide.

The audio is 9 minutes long and is self explanatory, it is a 9 minute segment of her Monday Aug. 16 show and does require listening to all of it (maybe twice ?) to get the complete picture, the first minute is somewhat confusing until you hear the rest of the recording.

Please listen to this as soon as possible, because I am not sure how long this link will be active, and also record this audio and pass the audio and this audio link along to everyone possible !

This broadcast (like the Water Gate Caper) could be the determining factor getting the Bush Regime out of the White House !

Windows Media Player
Address: file://rom/HTMLs/NetShow.html
Audio: http://play.rbn.com/play.asx?url=airam/airam/demand/RandiRhodes/8-16-04/clip1.wma&proto=mms?mswmext=.asx

Informant: ranger116


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August 2004

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