
Election Verification Project

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)


CPSR is working in partnership with Verified Voting Foundation
http://www.verifiedvoting.org/ in a coalition of dozens of prominent national organizations, representing a combined membership of over three million Americans, on an Election Incident Reporting Project, to help negotiate and set up a reporting system to prevent election problems from disenfranchising voters or changing election outcomes inappropriately. The Project provides an excellent opportunity to bring the experience of voting rights groups together with the technical groups and individuals needed to create a real-time system.

The system will enable activists on the ground to be immediately informed of election problems and seek prompt action; enable journalists to be put in touch with real voters who have real problems; and enable use of the data beyond Election Day, for reports that may be useful, for example, for post-election litigation.

VVF will establish relationships with voting rights groups to build consensus on a system that best meets the needs of the organizations involved.

Erik Nilsson applied for, and received, a grant from the Quixote Foundation for a new Ongoing CPSR Project
http://www.cpsr.org/cpsr/ongoing_project.html . CPSR will develop the back-end of the system to enable individuals and organizations to input election incident reports using web-based forms and promptly deliver the data back to participating organizations for follow up. The reports will be stored in a database for public reporting systems (redacting personally-identifiable information where required), and archiving incidents for later use by academic and media researchers, and the general public. The system developed can be used with minor modification for multiple elections cycles, providing a means to make the elections process more transparent and accountable. Erik Nilsson is leading CPSR's work. Cere Davis will be the Web Database Developer, and Susan Evoy will be the Researcher.

Geeks can volunteer via Tech Watch:


To find out more about CPSR's years of studying voting technology, and our role in this project for election integrity, see:


Informant: NHNE


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August 2004

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