
What Is Happening to Birds?

From Earthfiles.com
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What Is Happening to Birds?

Updated With Viewer Reports
© 2004 by Linda Moulton Howe

July 22, 2004 Stockholm, Sweden - Lloyd Jones reporting for Australia's Herald Sun in Stockholm began a dispatch today:

"Homing pigeons vanish during race. Organisers of a race for homing pigeons were still scratching their heads in wonder today after about 1500 of the birds, famous for their ability to find their way home, went missing during the contest."

29,000 American White Pelicans Disappear

On May 28, 2004, the Bismarck, North Dakota office of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service began hearing that American White Pelicans were disappearing from the Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge north of Medina, North Dakota. Two and a half weeks later, 29,000 pelicans were gone without a trace.

Dying Flamingoes and Brown Pelicans

On July 15, 2004, the director general of Tanzania, Afria's National Parks (Tanapa), Gerald Bigurube reported: "The death of more than 10,000 flamingoes in Lake Manyara is a real tragedy and we are still puzzled with the cause and nature of the mysterious disease that has struck these beautiful creatures."

England's Bird Population Declines 33% in 25 Years

The U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Canadian Wildlife Service reported this month that the duck population in the United States and Canada has dropped 11 percent in one year, largely linked to drought that has dried up water in duck breeding grounds.

The declines pinpointed by the report are most alarming in intensive farming countries such as the UK, where, between 1970 and 1999, skylark numbers declined by 52 per cent, the yellowhammer by 53 per cent and the corn bunting by 88 per cent.

Peace - Anna


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