
9/11 Report

From: Les Jamieson

Sibel Edmonds is the FBI whistleblower who personally saw documents with specific warnings of the 9/11 attacks. She is currently under a gag order by John Ashcroft which invoked "State Secrets" powers, saying that what she has to reveal would jeopardize our national security. On the contrary, keeping her silent is jeopardizing our national security in favor of protecting a few powerful people as well as relationships with a few countries. Her lawsuit claiming the gag order is unconstitutional was recently thrown out with no explanation. She was interviewed by the Commission, and received support from Senators Leahy and Grassley who lobbied on her behalf to have her testimony taken seriously. She was on CBS's 60 Minutes, and has been written about extensively, although mostly in the foreign press.

Below is Sibel's reaction to the 9/11 Report released this past week. The absence of detail regarding her testimony highlights just one area of incompleteness of the report, which Richard Clarke calls "toothless", and should elicit grave doubts of its legitimacy. Pass it on...

Puzzled & Curious
By Sibel Edmonds
July 23, 2004

The countdown is finally over, and a five hundred sixty seven-page Commission report is out. According to the Commission Chairman, they have seen 'every single document' and have interviewed 'every single relevant witness and authority'. According to all Commission members, this report should be considered a resounding success, since it encompasses all information relevant to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, and very little, almost none, has been redacted, classified, or glossed over. Yet we have heard no one screaming 'classification', 'sensitive diplomatic relations', 'highly sensitive foreign business relations', or 'national security implications.' This is highly puzzling and curious.

This puzzles me, considering that every investigation by the Congress and the IG into my issues, every report involving my already confirmed allegations involving serious lapses within the FBI, and every legal procedure and due process dealing with my case alone, has been blocked, gagged, entirely classified, and stopped. It is extremely curious that while investigations and reports on one case alone has created so much havoc, a massive investigation and a report involving all intelligence agencies and other government bodies, including the State Department, has evoked zero objections based on 'sensitive foreign relations', 'highly classified intelligence matters', and/or 'ongoing intelligence investigations.' I am highly puzzled and curious.

This puzzles me, knowing the detailed information, I, myself, provided to the commission during a three and a half hour tape-recorded briefing; yet, finding only one footnote (footnote 25) briefly stating insufficient translation capability within the Bureau. It is highly curious that the report mentions nothing regarding the 'intentionally blocked translations by certain Middle Eastern Translators, who also breached FBI security, as confirmed by the Senate Judiciary'; nothing regarding 'adamant resistance to investigations of certain terrorist and criminal activities; refusing to transfer them to Counterterrorism from existing counterintelligence investigations, solely based on the vague notion of protecting certain foreign relations'; nothing regarding 'continued efforts to cover up certain highly specific information received prior to September 11, even now, years after 9/11,'; or nothing regarding 'knowingly allowing certain individuals, directly or indirectly related to terrorist activities, to leave the United States months after 9/11, without any interrogation, and per the State Department's request.' I am highly puzzled and curious.

This puzzles me, having first hand knowledge of on going intelligence received and processed by the FBI since 1997, which contained specific information implicating certain high level government and elected officials in criminal activities directly and indirectly related to terrorist money laundering, narcotics, and illegal arms sales. It is highly curious that the report omitted all this information, knowing that others in the Congress have been briefed on these issues, having been given the names of targets involved, Special Agents, translators, field offices, and files. I am highly puzzled and curious.

After the many public hearings 'shows', where the Commissioners very skillfully played their 'good cop' 'bad cop' routine, and displayed their life-long mastery of the political art of saying, but not saying, and asking, but not asking, all parties and all agencies have readily accepted this report. The President apparently considered the report 'rosy' and appropriately symbolized its presentation in his 'rose garden.' The previous administration sighed with relief, having scored a negative 4, compared to the current administration's negative 6, in the blame game. The notorious Attorney General, John Ashcroft, left his over-secrecy and classification guns in their holsters. It is highly puzzling and curious to see that this report ended up being blessed by all those responsible for our nation's security and interests, which were severely violated on September 11. I, for one, am highly puzzled and curious, how about you?


Informant: Martin Greenhut


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Juli 2004

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