
Summer Global Warming Petition

Take our...

*Dog Dayz of Summer Global Warming Petition Challenge*

Some 325,000 people have signed our Emissions Petition demanding congressional action to undo global warming. But more signatures are needed. Why?

* As the dog days of summer send senators home for summer recess, the congressional session concludes without another hoped-for vote on the Climate Stewardship Act. To keep the heat, let's let senators know this hot issue is important to Americans. One million signatures send a powerfully heated message.

* With the presidential election gearing up and the Democratic and Republican Party conventions nearly upon us, we have another opportunity to turn up the HEAT on the presidential candidates. As a Pentagon-commissioned report revealed earlier this year, global warming is not just an "environmental" issue; it is an immensely important geo-political issue with national security ramifications.

Check out:

How can you help?

Take our Dog Dayz of Summer Global Warming Petition Challenge: Help Environmental Defense get at least 25,000 new Emissions Petition signatures before the summer is out. Our goal is to have a total of at least 350,000 signers before Congress gets back to work on September 7th.

1) Send Ecards:
When tanning by the glow of your computer screen, stay cool by e-mailing your friends and family Undo Global Warming postcards. It's quick and easy, and if you get enough points, we'll send you a free earth-friendly global warming T-shirt. Find out how:

2) Post Some Flyers:
Download Undo Global Warming pull-tab flyers and post them to lampposts and telephone poles, bulletin boards in your neighborhood laundromat, your favorite bookstore, at the gym ...anywhere. Check out our flyers (pdf):

3) Face to Face Petitioning:
As you troll through this summer's wide array of fun events in your area -- fairs, concerts, 10k runs, festivals, etc., -- you'll be in prime areas for petitioning. Print out copies of the Emissions Petition and bring it with you to these events and see how many like-minded, ("cool") people you can meet in the process. Download petitions here:

So take our Dog Dayz of Summer Global Warming Petition Challenge. Help us get 25,000 new petition signatures by September 7th. Keep the heat on!

What Else You Can Do While Your Senators Are out of the Beltway:
With senators home during the August recess, you have a unique opportunity to turn up the local home-state grassroots pressure. Here are a couple things you can do to express your support for the Climate Stewardship Act.

1) Call Senators' State Offices: Visit the Senate's web site
( http://actionnetwork.org/ct/V7aYwHs1_aUR/ ) for your senators'
state office phone numbers and ring them up. Let them know how you feel about global warming and the Climate Stewardship Act.

2) Write a letter to the editor of your local paper: Voicing your opinion is a great way to raise awareness of the global warming issue. Write your own or find sample letters online:

3) Schedule a meeting: Set up a meeting with your senators or representative. Interested? Email us at

4) Sign up as an Environmental Defense volunteer:

5) Global Warming: Undo It! Visit us online at
http://actionnetwork.org/ct/11aYwHs1_aU-/ for more ideas about
how to keep cool this summer.


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Juli 2004

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