
Whalers trying to silence IFAW


If we don't act right now to make sure the International Whaling Commission (IWC) continues to protect whales, oceans will turn red with the blood of these gentle giants.

As I write to you from the front lines of the IWC meeting in Italy, the IFAW team is fighting a fierce battle for the future of whales.

By offering multi-million dollar fisheries grants to economically weak countries in exchange for pro-whaling votes, Japan is attempting to undo more than thirty years of whale conservation. But thanks to you, we've blown the Japanese vote-buying scandal wide open.

Last week you sent more than 8,000 faxes and emails to new IWC member country Tuvalu, letting the Prime Minister know that the living beauty of whales has a much higher value than their meat.

Our efforts are making headlines, but Japan is fighting back. This morning they asked the IWC to remove IFAW from the IWC meeting - instead of apologizing for their behavior, they are trying to silence the truth.

IFAW is pushing for a full and open discussion of the vote buying issue at the IWC, but we need your help . Japan is spending millions and this will be a long fight. We need to continue collecting evidence and keep IFAW staff on the front lines.

Who can ever forget the magnificent sight of a whale bursting through the air, or its soulful underwater glide? Whales symbolize our connection to the mysteries of nature - and each whale we lose is irreplaceable.

As of today .... the IWC vote remains perilously close. And if Japan gains a majority of IWC votes, it means certain disaster for the world's whales. That's why we need your help right now .

So please give what you can TODAY , before more whale songs are silenced.

For the Whales,

Fred O'Regan
President and CEO

P.S. If you think we already saved the whale ... think again. Over 25,000 whales have been killed since the 1986 worldwide moratorium (ban) on whaling. Please help us stop the unnecessary killing of endangered whale:


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Juli 2004

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