
Questions needed to quiz Mike Dolan Head of MOA

From: Eileen O'Connor
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 21:54:07 -0000
Subject: Questions needed to quiz Mike Dolan Head of MOA on Tuesday

Sent your questions for Mike Dolan, Head of the Mobile Operators Association before Tuesday 31st January to reporter Andy Walker, see enclosed news article for contact details.

We quiz phone mast boss Jan 27 2006

THE Solihull News is to take your concerns over mobile phone masts straight to the top.

Mike Dolan is an executive director of Mobile Operators Association (MOA), an organisation which represents five UK networks, 3, O2, Orange, T-Mobile and Vodafone and he's agreed to speak to us about your worries.

We want you to send any questions for Mr Dolan to our reporter Andy Walker.

Send them by Tuesday (January 31) morning to our offices at 150 High Street, Solihull, B91 3SX or e-mail: andy_walker@ mrn.co.uk. Alternatively you can phone them through to 0121 711 5731.

Our initiative comes as telecommunication operators submitted their roll out plans for the coming years.

Hampton-in-Arden, Olton, Balsall Common and Hillfield are all on a list of areas being targeted by mobile phone giants.

T-Mobile are the worst culprits with 29 sites built, five sites with permission and a further 18 proposed sites. Orange are close behind with 47 sites built, 14 sites with permission and eight proposed sites.

The document was revealed at a Planning and Regulatory Committee meeting on January 19, prompting Solihull Council's head of planning, Paul Watson, to remark that it was time to meet the people behind these applications and 'see the whites of their eyes'.

However there was good news for Monkspath residents after plans to site a mast close to the Fieldhouse pub were withdrawn.


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Januar 2006

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