


The last two days have been amazing.

Early Thursday afternoon, we broke the news that Senator John Kerry would lead a filibuster against Judge Sam Alito if he could get 41 Senators to sustain the filibuster. Three hours later, CNN confirmed our story.

Naturally, the White House freaked out and told Senator Bill Frist to schedule a cloture vote as quickly as possible - Monday at 4:30 p.m. - to prevent Democrats from uniting behind Kerry.

Then the White House called its media whores at the NY Times (David Kirkpatrick), AP (Jesse Holland), Pentagon Post (Charles Babington), CNN (Miles O'Brien), and MSNBC (Chris Matthews) and told them to trash John Kerry for daring to challenge the will of Emperor Bush, and to repeat over and over that Democrats did not have enough votes to stop Alito.

But even as Karl Rove was doing his dirty work, progressive activists like you were calling your Senators urging them to support John Kerry's filibuster.

And one by one, Democratic Senators began to turn around.


At the start of the day, only Dick Durbin and Debbie Stabenow supported Kerry and Kennedy. Just before noon, Hillary Clinton's office called to say she supported us. Then Harry Reid came on board, along with Barbara Boxer, Russ Feingold, Ron Wyden, Chris Dodd, and (I think) Chuck Schumer.

Most importantly, we even picked up Dianne Feinstein, who just yesterday said she opposed a filibuster.

That's 12 votes for a filibuster - and exactly 12 more votes than we had two days ago!

I believe we really can stop Alito by Monday at 4:30 p.m. - but here's what we must do.

1. Ignore the media whores. Karl Rove is feeding them lies as he always does, and they are swallowing those lies as they always do. The only media that matters is the media we are creating right here by calling each Senator and getting a YES or NO statement from them.

2. Keep calling the Senators who are undecided or opposed to a filibuster. You can call their DC office all weekend and leave polite but firm voicemails urging the Senators to support Kerry's filibuster. When offices open on Monday 9 a.m. ET, make another round of calls. Let's shut down the Capitol switchboard on Monday!


3. Call the DNC (202-863-8000) and the DSCC (202-224-2447) and tell them your 2006 contributions will depend on the success of the Alito filibuster. Tell them they need to get every Democratic Senator on board.

4. Wake up the sleeping bloggers. Where are the biggest blogs, including DailyKos.com, TalkingPointsMemo.com, CrooksandLiars.com, and AmericaBlog.com? (Complaining about how Democrats played last week won't cut it -we're in the Super Bowl and we can win this damn game if we get Democrats to play their best game on Monday - and hopefully the rest of this coming week.) Thanks to Agonist, BobGeiger, BradBlog, BuzzFlash, CultureKitchen, The Democratic Daily, DemocraticUnderground, Eschaton, Firedoglake, Mahablog, MakeThemAccountable, Mark Crispin Miller, NewsDissector, PoliticalWire, RudePundit, Vichy Democrats and everyone else who's plugging this.

5. Lend a hand to real-world groups like NOW, People for the American Way, Feminist Majority, Backbone Campaign, Moveon, Planned Parenthood, Progressive Democrats of America, and Working Assets Long Distance, which have worked tirelessly for two months to Stop Alito.

6. Call talk shows like Air America, C-SPAN, etc. and talk about what we're doing on this blog and how we're killing ourselves to stop Alito - and how we can win if everyone who cares about the future of our Democracy joins us.

7. Keep hope alive - because American Democracy is worth it!!!


Bob Fertik


The following events can also be found in the After Downing Street events system at http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/event

Panel Discussion of Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq Featuring: Scott Ritter, Stephen Zunes, Ann Wright, Michael Schwartz, David Swanson, Harlan Hopgood, Steve Young, and Lisa Lubow. Saturday, January 28, 7:30 p.m. Grand Ballroom - Manhattan Beach Marriott, 1400 Parkview Avenue, Manhattan Beach, Calif. Progressive Caucus of the California Democratic Party and US Tour of Duty http://www.afterdowningstreet.org/?q=node/6939

"Out of Iraq" Forum Featuring: David Swanson, Ann Wright, Jane Bright, Sean Huze, Marcy Winograd Sunday, January 29, 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. The Paul Kopeikin Gallery, 6150 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. Progressive Democrats of America, After Downing Street, & Clothing of the American Mind

Bush-Cheney Impeachment Forum Featuring: Kevin Zeese, Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, David Swanson, Ramsey Clark, Marcus Raskin, and Ralph Nader. Monday, January 30, noon to 2 p.m. Bus Boys and Poets, 14th and V Streets, NW, Washington, DC Democracy Rising, After Downing Street/Censure Bush, Backbone Campaign, Democrats.com, ImpeachPAC, Montgomery County Progressive Alliance, and Progressive Democrats of America.

Cindy Sheehan to Read from Her New Book Monday, January 30, 7 p.m. All Souls Unitarian Church, 1500 Harvard St. NW, Washington, DC

Dick Cheney Birthday Bash Monday, January 30, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Duggan's Pub, 440 S. 11th Street, Lincoln, Neb.

Alternative State of the Union Featuring: Members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, Katrina vanden Heuvel, John Cavanagh Tuesday, January 31, 9:00 – 9:40 a.m. news conference followed by two panel discussions of 45-50 min. Democratic National Headquarters, The Wasserman Conference Room, 430 South Capitol Street, SE, Washington, DC

Related Nation Editorial:

"Out of Iraq" by Lynn Woolsey and Barbara Lee

"A Unified Security Budget" by John Conyers

The People's State of the Union Press Event January 31, 3-5 p.m. Mott House, 122 Maryland Ave NE, Washington, DC John Conyers, Lynn Woolsey, Maxine Waters, Cindy Sheehan, Ann Wright, Malik Rahim, Ann Wright, John Cavanagh http://www.codepinkalert.org

Bring the Noise and Drown Out Bush’s Lies Tuesday, January 31, 8 p.m. In large cities and town squares across the country — we will rally one hour before Bush’s address. At 9:00 PM let the world hear us as we symbolically drown out Bush’s lies—bring your own noise—drums, pots and pans, musical instruments — your voice. Let taxi horns blare and church bells ring, as we bring our own state of the union message: BUSH STEP DOWN! In DC? Join us at the Capitol Reflecting Pool! http://www.worldcantwait.org

The People's State of the Union Instead of sitting at home alone shouting at your TV in anger and frustration, take the People's State of the Union to the public. Gather with other CODEPINK women at a friendly bar or restaurant to watch the President's speech and make a night of it. In DC? Join us at Bus Boys and Poets restaurant at V and 14th Streets, NW, for a Sorry State of the Union. Play "Liars Bingo", drink "pink elephants" Live simulcast with Verna Avery Brown, Pacifica radio DC Bureau Chief.

Iraq's Oil and Port Workers and their Unions: Photographs by David Bacon January 31 - February 28 Opening Reception: January 31, 7:30 p.m. United Steel Workers Local 675, 1200 E. 220th St., Carson, Calif. March 1 - March 31 International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 63, 350 W. 5th Street, San Pedro, Calif.

Bush Crimes Commission to Present Findings Feb. 2, 12 Noon National Press Club, Washington, DC CONTACT: 212-941-8086 EMAIL: commission@nion.us

Take Our Demand to the White House This regime is immoral, dangerous, and criminally indictable. Bush Lied. Bush Spied. Bush Step Down. 2006. 2008. Too late. Turn your outrage into mass political action. Saturday, February 4, 11 a.m. 17th & Constitution, Washington, DC http://www.worldcantwait.org




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