
Health statement about Dr Miguel Muntané and his family

I send you the health information about our family.

Best regards


----- Original Message -----
From: Imelda O'Connor
To: m.co-di
Sent: Wednesday, November 19, 2003 3:58 AM Subject: Re: Query regards your health

Hi Miguel: I think you should send to Klaus for general posting what you have told me below. Again it points up so clearly how MW targeting/harassment can give its victims seizures and epilepsy. And your datings of cause and effect are very clear.

Best, Imelda

--- m.co-di wrote:

Dear Imelda O'Connor

The translation in correct.

I suffer form epilepsy since the operator increased the power in January 2001, without any information. (Surprising in December 2000 I did a TV program with 10 hours emission about microwave form base stations and mobile phones)

a.. We leaved our house immediately.

I have cancer control form 1999, and the base station (5 meters from our house with direct radiation) is operating since 1996.

In Luxembourg I started the conference with this health description but the indifference of WHO and Dr. Repacholi is rigorous.

I do not care about microwave hearing, that is very high near base stations. One of my sons has destruction of stress hormone (Addison disease)

That is the reason I inform about microwaves.

And you are doing a very good work.

Best regards Miguel

----- Original Message -----
From: Imelda O'Connor
To: m.co-di
Sent: Tuesday, November 18, 2003 5:51 AM
Subject: Query regards your health

Hi Miguel: I have read what you wrote and is now posted on Citizens Initiative Omega dated 10/11/03 under the heading: "Nonthermal Mechanism of the Biological Interaction of Microwaves." You have stated in this that you now have cancer, epilepsy and microwave hearing.

My question: is this an error/inaccuracy caused by translation from Spanish to English or have you really developed cancer and epilepsy from RF exposure?

Regards, Imelda, Cork.


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