
Antarctic icebergs pose serious risks

Posted on another group - Anna


Antarctic icebergs pose serious risks

Caracas, Tuesday January 17,2006 HOME | Argentina Buenos Aires, (EFE). – Two huge icebergs that broke off the Antarctic ice pack are posing a risk for some 350 ships in the South Atlantic, most of them fishing boats working in the Argentine Sea, the coast guard announced here on Thursday.

“The risk is greater” for about 30 fishing boats operating in the Atlantic Ocean off the southern coast of Buenos Aires province, about 800 kilometers (500 miles) from the capital, authorities said. The icebergs were detected on Wednesday and “should be arriving in the area of southern Brazil in 10 or 15 days,” the head of the coast guard, Osvaldo Aguirre, told Mitre radio in Buenos Aires. Aguirre said that the detachment of individual icebergs from the southern ice pack is a normal event during the austral summer, but he emphasized that these particular specimens “are larger (than normal) and thus the risks are also greater.” The huge blocks of ice are drifting northwards at about 2 kilometers (1 mile) per hour and “the submerged portion (of each) is between three and seven times” larger than what is visible above the ocean’s surface, he added. Other officials with the coast guard told EFE on Thursday that at the beginning of the 1990s a huge iceberg floated from Antarctica to southern Brazil, where it finally melted. EFE



Moscow Temperatures May Drop to Coldest in 50 Years This Week

Jan. 16 (Bloomberg) -- Temperatures in Moscow, Europe's largest city, may plunge to the coldest in five decades this week, according to a forecast by the Moscow Meteorological Bureau.

Muscovites will have to endure readings of as low as minus 30 degrees Celsius (minus 22 degrees Fahrenheit) by tomorrow evening. Temperatures will plummet from around zero today and hold for two to three days, Tatiana Pozdnyakova, the head specialist at the Moscow Meteorological Bureau, said in a telephone interview.

The cold snap comes five weeks after Mosenergo, the city's biggest power supplier, warned of power cuts below minus 20 Celsius. Industrial users of power and street lamps may have their supply cut to conserve energy needed for residential and other essential consumers should demand be too high, Vasily Zaharov, a spokesman for Mosenergo, said today.

The freeze will arrive from western Siberia where an emergency situation was declared in the town of Tomsk as temperatures fell to minus 50 Celsius and below, the coldest for a century. The world's coldest inhabited place is Oymyakon in Siberia where temperatures of minus 71 degrees Celsius have been recorded.


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Januar 2006

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