
Signal failure to inform the church

By Ben Quérée

Jersey Evening Post 05.01.06

CABLE & Wireless are in hot water over an application to place a mobile signal mast on top of St Saviour's Church - without asking the rector.

The Rev Anthony Swindell said the company, who were recently given a licence to launch a mobile phone network in Jersey, had applied to put a mast on top of the church without consulting him or the churchwardens.

An application has been made to remove a flagpole on top of the church tower and replace it with another one that has an antenna inside it.

The first Mr Swindell knew about it was when he received a letter from Planning this morning, which he said made it look as though he had made the application himself.

'They should have consulted us first,' he said. 'They have not got permission from us.'

Firm is sorry for mast mistake

By Ben Quérée Jersey Evening Post 08.01.06

CABLE and Wireless have apologised for applying to install a phone mast on St Saviour's Church without permission and have withdrawn the application.

On Thursday, the Rector of St Saviour, the Rev Anthony Swindell, complained that the firm - recently given a licence to operate a mobile telephone system - had applied to put a mast on the church without consulting him first.

He says the company phoned him to apologise, adding that they would withdraw the application and consult him and the churchwardens before making it again.

Cable and Wireless want to replace an existing flagpole on top of the church tower with another flagpole that has an antenna inside it.


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