
Telecoms Bill: the next stage

It is now time to raise awareness of the Telecoms Bill being presented by David Curry MP and due to be given its second reading on 24th February. Be aware that Chris Maile drafted the first Bill taken forward by Richard Spring which was re-presented last year by Andrew Stunell.

As Chris says below, it is imperative to give this second reading the highest possible profile. Please play your part for all our sakes.

A copy of the letter going to all Local Planning Authorities will shortly be posted on this net for info.

David Baron

The Telecom (Curry) Bill info is now ready for distribution, I shall sending out a standard letter to all MPs in the next week as well as sending out the next media release. Mast Sanity has agreed to send out a letter to all LPAs. Copies of all the various docs (please download from the WEB site, they can all be revamped to suit local circumstances) are now on the WEB site which has also been revamped with info on the Council Motions in support of the Bill and the Welsh Assembly motion (similar to the Curry Bill) being taken forward by Plaid AM Janet Davis.


Please recirculate this note to all others on your various lists, what we need is for pressure on MPs to be there on the 24th Feb, as well as pressure on local authorities to pass motions/resolutions of support. And revamped media releases from a local perspective to local and regional media (newspapers/radio/tv). It is intended to start increasing the pressure as we get nearer the date, this is intended as a make it or break it approach, this is the third attempt at the same Bill so let us see that it is third time lucky irrespective of the local campaign it is in everyones interests to change the law.

Chris Maile


Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill


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Januar 2006

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