
Tell the Bush administration to keep our national forests wild

The Bush administration is ruthlessly pursuing a scheme to sacrifice the last wild stretches of our national forests to logging and harmful development. We urgently need your help once again to protest this attack and protect our legacy of irreplaceable wildlands.

Go to http://www.savebiogems.org/tongass/takeaction.asp right away and join with other Americans in opposing the Bush administration's repeal of the historic Roadless Rule that banned destructive logging and roadbuilding in pristine national forestlands.

Supported by millions of Americans, the Roadless Rule safeguarded unspoiled areas of America's national forests -- including vast expanses of Alaska's Tongass rainforest, California's Sierra Nevada and Los Padres regions, backcountry habitat in the Rockies and stretches of the Appalachian, Pacific Crest and Continental Divide national scenic trails.

Early last year, though, the Bush administration quietly abolished this crucial safeguard, saying that governors can petition the Forest Service if they wish to keep roadless areas intact, but not assuring that any protections will be granted. Clearly, the administration is aiming to attack our national forest heritage one state at a time.

We can't afford to lose a single wild forest! We have already sacrificed more than half of our national forests -- over 90 million acres nationwide -- to invasive logging and roadbuilding. The Roadless Rule is one of the most important tools we have for preventing chainsaws and bulldozers from destroying the critical habitat of endangered wildlife -- and for preserving these unique wildlands for the enjoyment of millions of Americans.

NRDC is prepared to fight this raid on our natural heritage in the courts, in the media, in the halls of Congress and in corporate offices across the country. At every step, though, we will need proof in hand of how much these lands mean to the American public.

Please go to http://www.savebiogems.org/tongass/takeaction.asp and speak out against the Bush administration's repeal of the Roadless Rule. We'll collect your signature, along with millions of others, to show the Bush administration that the overwhelming majority of Americans want to keep our national forests wild.

Thank you for taking action to save our last wild national forests.


Frances G. Beinecke
President Natural Resources Defense Council

Informant: Martin Greenhut


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Januar 2006

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