
College Not Combat, Troops Out Now!

Join Cindy Sheehan, Camilo Mejia, Kathy Kelly, and students who've fought repression and won at Berkeley, SFSU, CCNY, HCC, GMU, Kent State, Hampton, and Madison, in supporting...

NATIONAL WEEK OF CAMPUS ACTION Week of March 13-17 Students Say NO to War in Iraq! College Not Combat, Troops Out Now!

On March 13-17*, students will hold events at high schools and colleges around the country demanding an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq and money for young people's education, not military recruitment. This week of action leads into the global days of protest on March 18-19, where students will join many others in marking the anniversary of the invasion of Iraq and demanding to bring the troops home now!

(*Spring break alternative: Schools on spring break during March 13-17 will hold events the week of March 20)

Student week of action coordinated by the Campus Antiwar Network
http://www.campusantiwar.net RecruitersOut@yahoo.com [Full endorsement list below]


The illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq has taken the lives of over 2,000 American soldiers and more than 100,000 Iraqis. It has destroyed the lives of countless more. This war affects young people everywhere, at home and abroad. Iraqis are faced with the brutality of occupation, under threat of bombs, guns, and torture. In the United States, we see our educational prospects diminished and recruitment to the military held up as our only viable future.

Now is the time for young people to stand up. And we are joined by a growing majority that sees the lies, the torture, the chemical weapons, and the corruption and arrogance of our politicians and says NO MORE.

There is a student movement bringing this message to campuses around the country: kicking military recruiters off of a dozen schools, defending free speech in the face of repressive administrators and government spying, bringing grassroots relief to New Orleans and the truth about the occupation to our schools. On the third anniversary of the war in March 2006, this movement's voice will be heard!


Email RecruitersOut@yahoo.com to: - Endorse this day of action - If you're a student: let us know about an action being planned at your school, or ask us to put you in touch with other students near you - If you're an activist off-campus: Help organize massive protests on March 18-19. We will put you in touch with the anti-war student groups nearest you to facilitate grassroots coordination.

COLLEGE NOT COMBAT! TROOPS OUT NOW! Campus Antiwar Network http://www.campusantiwar.net


Organizations: AfterDowningStreet, Bay Area United Against War, Bloomington Peace Action Coalition, Goldstar Families for Peace, International Socialist Organization, Progressive Democrats of America, San Juan Peace Network, Stop the War Coalition (UK); Texans for Peace, Traprock Peace Center

Individuals: (*all affiliations for identification only)

ANTHONY ARNOVE, author, “Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal,” co-editor with Howard Zinn, “Voices of a People’s History of the US”;

CAMILO MEJIA, war resister who spent six months in military prison for refusing to return to Iraq;

CHARLES JENKS, Chair of Advisory Board, Traprock Peace Center;

CHARLES PETERSON, Holyoke Community College assaulted by security for peaceful protest;

CINDY SHEEHAN, co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace and mother of Casey Sheehan, who died in Iraq;

DAHR JAMAIL, independent journalist ; DANIEL LEWKOWICZ, National Youth Organizer, Hip Hop Caucus, and President, Community Roots at UMD;

DAVID ROVICS, progressive songwriter and musician;

DAVID SWANSON, co-founder, AfterDowningStreet.org;

DENNIS KYNE, Gulf War veteran and activist;

DIRK ADRIAENSENS, coordinator of SOS Iraq and member of the Executive committee of the Brussells Tribunal;

FRANCES CROWE, founder of Northampton Draft Information Center in 1968 and co-founder of Traprock Peace Center and Western Mass AFSC;

HOWARD ZINN, Professor Emeritus, Boston University;

JUDY LINEHAN, activist - Military Families Speakout;

JUSTINO RODRIGUEZ, HADAS THIER, and NICK BERGREEN of the “City 4, ” arrested and banned from campus for peaceful protest;

KATHY KELLY, Co-coordinator, Voices for Creative Nonviolence;

MAX WATTS, writer and activist (Australia);

MICHAEL HOFFMAN of the “SFSU 3,” who faced campus repression for peaceful protest;

NATYLIE BALDWIN, Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center:

NORMAN SOLOMON, author, “War Made Easy: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning us to Death”;

PAOLA PISI, editor Uruknet;

PAUL PRYSE, Madison student threatened with expulsion for peaceful protest;

RANDY KEHLER, co-founder, Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign; co-founder Traprock Peace Center; Imprisoned Vietnam-era Draft Resister;


STAN GOFF, Master Sergeant Retired, US Army;

SUNNY MILLER, Executive Director, Traprock Peace Center;

TARIQ KHAN, George Mason University student and Air Force vet assaulted and arrested for peaceful protest;


TODD CHRETIEN, Green Party Candidate for U.S. Senate, California;

WARD REILLY, SE National Contact - Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Veterans for Peace, Baton Rouge

Charles Jenks
Chair of Advisory Board and Web Manager Traprock Peace Center
103A Keets Road Deerfield, MA 01342
413-773-7427 fax 413-773-7507

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