
Help Stan Tookie Williams by signing this petition

Last Friday, I met with Stan Tookie Williams, reformed gang leader, Nobel Peace prize nominee, and acclaimed author, who is scheduled to be executed in the state of California at 12:01AM on Tuesday, December 13, 2005. I left our meeting with the certainty that Mr. Williams offers more in life than in death and have committed the full support of the NAACP in his fight for clemency.

Having exhausted his appeals, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is the only person who can grant Mr. Williams clemency. At this critical time, I am asking for your help by signing our petition in support of Stan Tookie Williams. Every petition makes a difference and I promise each one will be delivered to Governor Schwarzenegger.

Click here now and sign the petition today:

It is important that we come together to save the life of Stan Tookie Williams because he has saved the lives of over 150,000 youth, as reported by them, their parents, teachers and law enforcement officials. While on death row, Stan has written a highly acclaimed children¹s book series that educates young people to avoid gangs, crime and incarceration. He has also worked to end gang violence through his peace protocol and Internet Project for Street Peace, an international peer-mentoring program.

Click here now and sign the petition today:

Our goal is to generate 100,000 signatures and phone calls by Thursday, December 8th, when Governor Schwarzenegger has scheduled a clemency hearing in Sacramento, California. Together, we can save the life of Stan Tookie Williams. I am counting on you to help make the difference.

Call Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger Today: Phone: 916-445-2841

I also ask that you, your friends, and family participate this Wednesday, November 30, 2005, in the National Day of Action for Stan coordinated by Campaign to End the Death Penalty. Rallies and Press Conferences will be held in front of City Halls and other locations across the State of California, the country and across the world.

For list of locations and to get involved click here now:

We thank you in advance for your support in this noble effort.

God bless you,

Bruce S. Gordon
NAACP President and CEO

PS. For more information on the Stan Williams¹ case go to:

Informant: Roy Ulrich


A Conversation with Death Row Prisoner Stanley Tookie Williams from his San Quentin Cell


Informant: Ashley Smith


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November 2005

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