
St Pauls Church in Longridge Lancashire received permission to install 3G dispite 230 objections

St Pauls Church in Longridge Lancashire received permission to install 3G way back in January dispite 230 objections.They have not installed anything yet and everyone thought that the church had decided not to go ahead. However I contacted the vicar over the telephone 2 weeks ago and he informed me that they were still going ahead and that vodaphone was dragging its feet. Has anybody got information of churches that have not gone ahead with the plan to install and the reasons why. This would greatly increase the chances of us persuading them not to go ahead. I am planning to put an article in the local paper to inform every one that the church is still going ahead despite local council objections, despite 230 objections and the way that the community has not been heard or consultated or even allowed to sit at the meeting Qs4 held with the pcc. We would have to sell our house and reschool our child because of the proximity to the church and feel despite us informing the vicar of this he realy couldn't give a damn.

Karl Kirkup


Churches are an easy target:

a) good height
b) residential locations
c) desperate for money
d) reduced planning burden

but social responsibility should ensure:

i) they read the full scientific indicators of risk to community health ii) they accept future responsibility for outcomes from irreversible contracts
iii) they accept moral responsibility for overriding people's concerns and all the effects these have iv) they approve of the content of the traffic they are enabling through consecrated property (porn, gambling, fraud, etc.) as much as "purer" conversations and purely commercial traffic that makes the church buildings a place of trade v) they accept they are part of "push marketing" to over-sell new products primarily to a youth market, with the social, economic and health consequences of that vi) they accept that the use of QS4 technology is the product of a liaison between the church authorities and an arms manufacturer.

Their theology has a great deal more to say on these matters than on the benefits of a new community centre or keeping buildings in repair with no congregations to sustain them.

Try this in google (quotes as shown only): church refuses "phone mast"




Hi Karl,

There is a similar situation in Blackheath SE London, also with QS4. They keep stalling there with the planning application, perhaps because this is a listed building in a conservation area? I have been in contact with at least one other area which is experiencing delays.

If you research QS4, you will discover that they signed a contract with the Church of England for many church sites in prime positions several years ago. You will also discover that they can serve all 5 operators.They cover the whole process from application and installation through to completion and after management.

At present many radio masts are shared, but the various telecommunications companies attach their own antennae. And demand is growing. The UK's five licence holders for third-generation (3G) mobile telecommunications could need up to 20,000 sites each - 100,000 in total. Apart from the cost implications for companies duplicating effort, there is growing public concern about the health and environmental impact of masts.

With The Rotch Group - one of the UK's largest landlords - we formed Quintel UK Ltd., to promote and implement a technology that will help keep the number of mobile phone masts in the UK to a minimum.

Quintel is in discussions with each of the 3G licence holders about how they can use shared antennae for their 3G services, without any loss of performance. They are clear on the cost savings and - as most mobile phone masts are on buildings in urban areas - shared masts could cut the number of mobile phone masts on the landscape.

To combat this, the Quintel RF unit contains a 'combining network' that allows transmitter signals to be fed to the shared antenna system, and a distribution network that allows handset signals received by the base-station antenna system to be fed to the appropriate operator 's receiver.

QinetiQ will also support Quintel UK Ltd by providing comprehensive management and through life support to shared base-stations, independent expert Health and Safety advice and a refresh of the technology used through Quintel funded research.

They are in a consortium which includes the Qinetiq which develops advanced weapons technology. There was an article in the news highlighting a church in Kingston on Thames which objected to the arms link.

Clergy criticise the Church over links with British weapons firm By Jonathan Petre, Religion Correspondent Daily Telegraph
(Filed: 26/09/2005 )

The Church of England was fending off accusations of hypocrisy from its own clergy last night after it admitted having links with a major British arms manufacturer.

Further comments in the news article are:

The Archbishops' Council, the Church's managing body, signed an agreement with the telecommunications company Quintel S4 in 2002, giving it "approved status" for mobile phone mast installations in churches.


The partnership was designed to reassure parishes that wanted to earn extra income by hiring out their spires or towers to mobile phone companies but were wary because they lacked the expertise.

The deal gave Quintel S4 access to thousands of parishes which were potential sites for aerials in return for national guidelines over rent and health and safety issues. Despite growing concerns over mobile phone masts, a number of parishes have since hired out their steeples to the company for thousands of pounds a year.

The Church's website described QinetiQ as "one of Europe's leading science and technology organisations, formed in July 2001 from the majority of the Government's Defence Evaluation and Research Agency."

Another page made clear that the company was "formed from the research laboratories of the Ministry of Defence".

S L Lawrence


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