
'Peak oil' spells cataclysm

Think high gas prices are bad?

Get a load of what ex-oilman and ex-Princeton professor Kenneth Deffeyes believes are following closely behind:

"War, famine, pestilence and death," he said, eyes wide and voice deep. "We've got to get the warning out."

The threat? Peak oil.

The term, probably unfamiliar to most Americans, refers to the time when the worldwide production of oil peaks and begins a rapid decline. From then on, this incredibly efficient fuel source, which still costs less than most bottled water, will be scarcer and more costly.

Highly respected sources, including the U.S. government, think that day is distant, and most mainstream economists think it won't cause much of a ruckus.

But Deffeyes says peak oil is coming in November, and could bring humankind to the brink.

He is a devotee of former Shell geologist M. King Hubbert, who correctly predicted U.S. oil production would peak in the early 1970s. Deffeyes is also the author of "Hubbert's Peak" (2001) and "Beyond Oil: The View From Hubbert's Peak," which was published last spring.

He is among a cadre of peak-oil proponents who sketch out a frightening near-term future in which the American way of life is upended as the United States, China and other great nations scramble after oil fields like desperate players in a game of musical chairs.

"He comes out of oil. He was born in oil," said Julian Darley, an energy analyst, fellow predictor of an imminent oil peak and founder of the Post Carbon Institute, an Oregon think tank.

Deffeyes' point -- that the peak has either arrived or will very soon -- is serious.

In the long term, the nation will compensate with clean-coal and nuclear energy, along with renewable sources like wind and solar power, Deffeyes says.

"It's the five-year time scale that I'm really scared about." History has demonstrated that the fear of a coming oil shortage, justified or not, can be a powerful determinant of events. U.S. oil experts predicted a "gasoline famine" just after World War I, prompting Britain to combine three former provinces of the Ottoman Empire into a new, oil-rich country that was to remain friendly to England.

It was named Iraq. 2005, Newhouse News Service

Informant: Di

Profits increased by allowing mercury pollution to continue


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Road map for US relations with rest of world


Bulldoze Mother Earth: Bolton reveals frightening road map for US relations with rest of world.

Teresa Binstock

Galloway to go on anti-war tour of US with Jane Fonda


Informant: Hopedance

Cindy Sheehan to Visit DeLay Next


Cindy Sheehan

Wahlprüfsteine 2005 für Bundestagskandidat/inn/en

Wahlprüfsteine 2005 für Bundestagskandidat/inn/en der mobilfunkkritischen Bürgerinitiativen Landkreis Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen

siehe: http://www.omega-news.info/wahlpruefsteine_bt_wahl_2005.doc

Wir bitten um Beantwortung bis 7.9.05.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

i.A. Dr.-Ing. Hans Schmidt
Netzwerk der mobilfunkkritischen Bürgerinitiativen im Landkreis Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen


Liebe Mitstreiterinnen und Mitstreiter,

Sie haben sicher die "Wahlprüfsteine 2005 für Bundestagskandidat/innen/en", die wir an die Kandidat/innen/en in unserem Wahlkreis verteilt haben, gelesen.

Bitte nutzen Sie diese einmalige Gelegenheit und senden Sie solche Wahlprüfsteine an Ihre Wahlkreiskandidat/innen/en für den Bundestag!! Es darf kein zukünftiges Bundestagsmitglied mehr mit der Ausrede davonkommen, sie bzw. er hätte nichts gewusst!

Wir müssen jetzt aktiv werden und nicht erst, wenn uns auf dem Grundstück eines verantwortungslosen Nachbarn ein Mobilfunksender vor die Nase gesetzt wird.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Bürgerinitative Icking zum Schutz vor Strahlenbelastung
G. Pischeltsrieder

Getarnte Lobby: Wie Wirtschaftsverbände die öffentliche Meinung beeinflussen http://omega.twoday.net/stories/939891/


Handy-Verbot beim Tanken?

Frage an den Experten

Experten warnen zu Recht davor, beim Tankvorgang eines Autos zum Mobiltelefon zu greifen. Grund: Im Bereich der Tankstellen besteht wegen der Kraftstoffdämpfe ein erhöhtes Brand- und Explosionsrisiko. Wir ergreifen jegliche Maßnahmen, um das Risiko so gering wie möglich zu halten.

Dazu gehört neben dem Rauchverbot an Tankstellen auch der Verzicht auf mobiles Telefonieren. Außerdem ist die Unfallgefahr nicht zu unterschätzen, die durch die verringerte Aufmerksamkeit des Autofahrers während der Nutzung von Mobiltelefonen entsteht.

Ein weiteres Risiko bildet die mögliche Entladung statischer Energie, die bei der Betankung im Bereich des Tankstutzens zu einer Verpuffung führen kann. Deshalb empfehlen wir, den Motor des Fahrzeugs während der Betankung grundsätzlich auszustellen und während des Tankvorgangs sich auch nicht wieder in das Fahrzeug zu setzen. Durch die Reibung von Polster und Kleidung findet eine gefährliche statische Aufladung statt. Beim erneuten Berühren des Zapfventils kann es durch die folgende statische Entladung zu einer gefährlichen Funkenbildung und schließlich zu einer Verpuffung kommen.

erschienen am 27. August 2005

Copyright © 2005 Hamburger Abendblatt


SOS: Save Our Selves - Please join with "US" in this effort

Date: 8/27/2005 3:33:19 PM Eastern Standard Time
From: Mofmars3

I just heard on the news that 3000 are on their way to Crawford to oppose Cindy's side...Lets pray for both sides of those in Crawford because those ignorant of fact and with dark hearts do mean harm.

I know we're from mixed beliefs and background in this forum here at WETHEPEOPLE_UNITED...and being spiritual and secular and getting along as well we all do leaves something to be said for "US" in a positive way.

I'm asking for your help now in a big way...We were all gathered here because we had concern for the ills we saw wrecking our world...

Most of "US" here are group owners of prominent and credible groups with many patriots of integrity as members...

We are many who connect and pyramid out all over the globe.

The turning point from negative to positive is just up ahead and NOW's the time to strike where it will count the most.

Please send out this call to all your groups, friends and family all over the globe.

Money does talk...Let's give it to our side to be used for television ads and everywhere else we can find benefit.

Send it in Cindy's name...Cindy Sheehan

Crawford Peace House
9142 East 5th Street Crawford, Texas 76638-3037 Telephone: 254-486-0099 Fax: 254-486-0172

People keep bringing up specific views of Cindy's and harping about those labeled the far left, supposedly using her, to discredit her.

Thank God there are sensible people that will see past this trick that keeps surfacing to keep "US" divided and separated.

I know this wonderful Peace House will see to it Cindy gets all the mail sent there so don't be afraid to dig deep.

If there was ever a time to give...It's now.

I tried to call Peace House to tell them of the campaign we are going to initiate to gain funds needed to defeat the enemy at their own evil game but there was no one there.

I imagine they were readying to meet the opposition and standing specifically with Cindy at that moment.

I will be sending a copy of this to them and call later.

I suggest that if you want to give a summly amount and would rather remain anonymous...Then choose a one dollar bill you will never spend and place the serial number where your name would be instead.

This will allow for all funds to be accountable and ease the minds of those who want to know just where their money goes in such cases and allow anonominity at the same time.

I know we can trust Cindy and those working with her...and as for all those that are aligning with her...whether they be of high caliber or not...in whose ever opinion.

We are all "We The People" from everywhere and we each count for something and should not be a measure of another's character anyway.

I'll get with our Ms Jacki Blue for details...before sending the official campaign newsletter to all 300 of our spiritual, political and patriotic groups we network with...

She has been to Crawford and is familiar with Peace House...She has seen the pile of mail for Cindy, going there already.

Please begin gathering and sending funds now, guys...and soon we'll all hit it hard, campaigning and email blitzing cyberworld...We'll probably bury Peace House in money...Hope so.


"We People United Global Movement" We are many political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help take back our country..."United We Will Stand".

Cindy Sheehan

Impact of Electromagnetic Field Exposure Limits in Europe Is the Future of Interventional MRI Safe?


Hill DL, McLeish K, Keevil SF.

Centre for Medical Image Computing (CMIC), New Engineering Building, University College London, Malet Place, London WC1E 6BT, Guy's Hospital, London, UK.

The European Union (EU) has recently introduced a directive that aims to protect workers from adverse effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields. All countries within the EU are required to incorporate this directive into their national law by 2008. This legislation applies to all types of occupational exposure to electromagnetic fields with frequencies from 0 Hz to 300 GHz. It has dramatic implications for interventional magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, because workers who are close to the MR scanner while scanning is taking place are exposed at levels substantially above the exposure limits. This is especially the case for time-varying magnetic fields in the 110 Hz-5 kHz range, which includes the field from the imaging gradients. In this article, the scientific evidence on which the limits are based is brought into question. It is concluded that an urgent review of the directive is required and that more research, especially at MR gradient frequencies, is needed.

PMID: 16099687 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]


From FGF-Infoline, 25.08.2005

Is the brain influenced by a phone call?

Study: Is the brain influenced by a phone call? An EEG study of resting wakefulness

Abstract: Resting electroencephalogram of 20 healthy subjects in order to investigate the effect of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure on EEG waking activity and its temporal development was recorded. The subjects were randomly assigned to two groups and exposed, in double-blind conditions, to a typical mobile phone signal (902.40 MHz, modulated at 217 Hz, with an average power of 0.25 W) before or during the EEG recording session. The results show that, under real exposure as compared to baseline and sham conditions, EEG spectral power was influenced in some bins of the alpha band. This effect was greater when the EMF was on during the EEG recording session than before it. The present data lend further support to the idea that pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields can affect normal brain functioning, also if no conclusions can be drawn about the possible health effects.

Bibliographic Information: Curcio G, Ferrara M, Moroni F, D'Inzeo G, Bertini M, De Gennaro L, Neurosci Res. 2005 Aug 12; [Epub ahead of print]


From FGF-Infoline, 25.08.2005

Is the brain influenced by a phone call? An EEG study of resting wakefulness.

Curcio G, Ferrara M, Moroni F, D'Inzeo G, Bertini M, De Gennaro L.

Department of Psychology, "La Sapienza" University of Rome, Via dei Marsi 78, I-00185 Rome, Italy.

We recorded the resting electroencephalogram of 20 healthy subjects in order to investigate the effect of electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure on EEG waking activity and its temporal development. The subjects were randomly assigned to two groups and exposed, in double-blind conditions, to a typical mobile phone signal (902.40MHz, modulated at 217Hz, with an average power of 0.25W) before or during the EEG recording session. The results show that, under real exposure as compared to baseline and sham conditions, EEG spectral power was influenced in some bins of the alpha band. This effect was greater when the EMF was on during the EEG recording session than before it. The present data lend further support to the idea that pulsed high-frequency electromagnetic fields can affect normal brain functioning, also if no conclusions can be drawn about the possible health effects.

PMID: 16102863 [PubMed - as supplied by publisher]



Moreover we also have the studies demonstrating that blood flow in the brain, to the optic nerve etc. are also affected, and that this is possibly related to vasodilation response to levels of nitric oxide (NO) caused by EMF impact on NO synthase, since exhaled NO can also be measured under EMF exposure.

NO is also a neurotransmitter, produced as required, not stored, and could well be responsible for some aspects of cognitive disruption. It also regulates REM sleep.

So there are some very interesting chain reactions that could explain why these observed effects happen. Of course there is more, and the ideas of Konstantin Meyl relating to electric field vortices concentrating energy in a small space may add to the argument regarding momentum in the EM photon (previous Omega post) going beyond the predicted energy of a photon.

But at least we certainly cannot say that we have no plausible reasons why the observed effects take place.

EMFs and enzyme behaviours should be a big research issue.



Dear Andy and All:

I have found in my archive some more details about NO that may clear the whole picture: Nitric oxide, a friend or foe ?

The nitric oxide (NO) is a neurotransmitter and vascular smooth muscle relaxant, synthesized by deamination of arginine (an amino acid) by the enzyme NO synthetase (=NOS). Nitroglycerol (taken by angina pectoris patients) is metabolized also to NO, then relaxed smooth muscles. NO is well bound to RBC haemoglobin (Hb), when blood circulated in the lungs: The thiol groups in the two cysteines in the Hb molecule, bind the NO, and prevent the haems from inactivating it. Whereupon, the NO is released in oxygen-poor blood vessels along with oxygen, stabilizes blood pressure. NO raised concentration of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), that in turn, is active in membrane ion channels, and in numerous biochemical pathways. NO is a homeostasis signaling molecule, but also a potent free radical effector, acting in pathogenesis (Liaudet et al 2000). This paradoxical fate generated confusion, but well defining NO biological actions dissociated beneficial from toxic consequences: Normally at low concentration, NO acted as a 2nd messenger and a cytoprotective (antioxidant) factor, via direct interactions with transition metals and other free radicals. But when due to conditions high NO concentrations produced, and modified the formation of superoxide radical, the NO turned into indirect effects to form N2O3, ONOO-(peroxynitrite), NO2*, and NO3-. They in turn mediated oxidative and nitrosative cytotoxic stresses, attributed to NO, in inflammation, circulatory shock, and ischemia-reperfusion injury. Radicals excess in neurons derail neural and muscular activities. Dawson and Dawson (1996) showed that excess of NO, formed in the brain and at other neurons, reacted with superoxide anion, to make ONOO- that together with oxygen free radicals inflicted severe neural damage. Boczkowski (2001) showed that exogenous and endogenous peroxynitrite altered the structure and function of mitochondrial proteins, resulted in dysfunction and cellular or organ injury. NO produced in atherosclerotic-damaged vascular endothelial cells, promoted vasodilitation and oxidized low density lipoprotein (LDL), that enhanced atherosclerosis Thus inhaling vehicular emitted NOx, adds to such detrimental activity. In the nervous system, overactive phagocytic cells produced NO that entered neurons, and generated superoxide radical, that disrupted cellular structures. NO inhibited synthesis of mitochondrial complex 1 enzyme, that resulted in energy deficit, and more free radicals produced, thus wasting the cellular antioxidant pools to defuse them. This in turn, led to develop neurological ailments. Buzard and Kasprzak (2000) reported that oxidative stress was resulted from imbalance in cellular oxidation/reduction, by metals redox reactions with endogenous oxidants, and from effects on cellular antioxidant systems. The stress impaired (redox-sensitive) signaling molecules: NO, S-nitrosothiols, AP-1, NF-kappaB (in cell nucleus), IkappaB (its inhibitor), p53, and p21ras, resulting in variety of toxic effects such as carcinogenesis. Supportive experimental data for these toxicity and carcinogenicity for two toxic metals indicated that: Fe, Cu, and metal carcinogens: Ni, Cr, and Cd were bound selectively to particular cell constituents and affected Ca signaling. Oxidative stress caused, suggested the pathogenicity of toxic Pb, Hg and As. Yoshikawa et al (2000) showed that NO generated in mice by injected enterobacterial endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS), was enhanced by exposure to ELF-EMF (0.1 mT, 60 Hz). Considering that enterobacterial mass was a major human colon contents, the LPS in contact with colon wall cells probably enhanced generation of NO, that was enhanced further by EMF exposure.




Thanks Zamir!

At risk of being tedious, I have over 60 pages of citations and abstracts all pertaining to NO, (all three kinds of ) NOS, superoxide and superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxynitrite, and the knock on effects as relating to exhibited symptoms of microwave sickness, including all the longer latency diseases. The key fits the lock disturbingly well. What I want to know is what it is about enzymes (such as nitric oxide synthase) that makes them particularly susceptible to modulated microwaves, what frequencies matter most, and whether it is the enzyme precursors (eg arginine), metals in their structure (eg Mg, Zn, Cu), or the genes that express them. Knowing this and being able to demonstrate it reliably would be a seriously powerful argument.

I don't believe this is the only problem, but it is presenting an amazing array of consistent pointers. I have yet to investigate any attributed microwave syndrome disorder that is not in some way directly mediated by the NO cascade.


From Mast Sanity

Bush-Sheehan Confrontation Escalates


Cindy Sheehan



Lancement exceptionnel de Next-up organisation

ASL infos

Christian Minister In Televised Call For Murder Of Venezuela's President


Informant: smilingmoon14

050827 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Omega-News Collection 27. August 2005

Panel Sees Growing Melting Arctic Threat

The Ilulissat Glacier, a Wonder of the World Melting Away

'Peak oil' spells cataclysm for U.S., oil theorist warns


Tell Automakers: Stop Fighting Progress on Global Warming

Stop “Certified” Logging / Sarawak, Malaysia

Arctic Drilling Hidden in Budget Bill

EU´s "Brave new world" and "1984" is becoming a reality

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Is Iran next?



EMF-Omega-News 27. August 2005

EMF-Omega-News 27. August 2005

An investigation into the vector ellipticity of extremely low frequency magnetic fields from appliances in UK homes

Pulsed microwave radiation and wildlife


Is there a relationship between cell phone use and semen quality?

The Relay Antennas of Orange are not on holiday neither is ASL

ASL Infos: Santé et Antennes Relais: Auto-Diagnostic

Cut the portables!

Airwave: ‘a 21st century tool to fight 21st century crime’: Home Office minister Caroline Flint



Tetra mast affecting TV claim

Phone masts blamed over roof leaks

Villagers hit by a mast misery



New mast application in after refusal


Relay Antennas and Health: Self Diagnosis - Santé et Antennes Relais: Auto-Diagnostic


Radiation from antennas - But still WHO reigns supreme

Rationale for China EMF Exposure Standards


Documented lies in planning application

New mast battle brews

Question on EMF as air pollution

NIBS Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ)

Councillors angered as phone mast is approved

Councillor seeks inquiry into mobile fears

There are 176 masts located near schools, homes and offices

We woke up and found mast at our window

Mast plan thrown out



Phone mast permitted in spite of objectors


Massed protest at Cullen mast bid

The horror is still developing worse

School fights phone mast

Activists Needed for new TV show





Residents oppose phone mast

EU´s "Brave new world" and "1984" is becoming a reality

News from Mast Sanity

EU´s "Brave new world" and "1984" is becoming a reality

Has anyone seen this?

And no-one wanted to believe in conspiracy.

But it is a reality and is here now, and if you do not want to take part throw away your mobile phone, if you have not already done so. (Mine went to the graveyard 2 years ago).

But here is a new petition to stop this madness (A new USSR ?) looks that way.

To sign the petition, go here: http://www.stopdataretention.com


Agnes .


Digital Civil Rights in Europe New EU Commission proposal data retention

27 July, 2005

EU Policy | Telecommunication data retention

The European Commission has finally produced its draft directive on data retention. According to the Commission, all fixed and mobile telephony traffic and location data from all private and legal persons should be stored for 1 year. Data about communications 'using solely the internet protocol' should be stored for 6 months. The Commission does not provide any argument about the usefulness and necessity of data retention, but considers the directive to be proportionate if providers are reimbursed for 'demonstrated additional costs'. The last compromise achieved by the ministers of Justice and Home Affairs (the JHA Council) to create a two-step approach, starting with telephony data and introducing internet data retention at a later stage, is completely ignored by the Commission.

The Commission claims it seeks a balance between law enforcement, human rights and competition aspects by defining the purpose, limiting the categories and time period. The purpose is derived from Article 15 of the E-Privacy directive of 2002 and is actually larger than what the JHA Council proposed. The Commission includes the prevention of criminal offences and safeguarding national security, defence and public security besides the JHA purpose of the investigation, detection and prosecution of criminal offences.

The JHA Council always claimed much more room for member states to adopt longer periods, up to the 4 years already implemented for fixed telephony data in Italy . The Commission intends to proceed with this directive in the first pillar, with full co-decision rights for the European Parliament. However, the JHA Council has also made it clear it will not withdraw the proposed third pillar framework decision, and has vowed to reach (unanimous) agreement in the formal JHA Council of 12 October 2005 . The tension will probably reach a climax in Newcastle on 8 and 9 September 2005 , during the informal JHA meeting.

EDRI has received a copy of the so-called 'Interservice Consultation', which is circulated amongst Commission officials from several Directorate Generals. The final, possibly amended version is expected to be published some time in August 2005, before the informal JHA Council. The Commission writes it wants to set up a permanent advisory platform with representatives of law enforcement, providers and the Article 29 Working Party of Data Protection Authorities to be consulted "whenever the details of the list of data to be retained are to be amended." Besides, the Commission intends to create "a Comitology mechanism to allow for quick amendments to the details of the data which need to be retained."

The proposal includes a "result-oriented" list of data that providers must be able to make available to the competent authorities. "Such a 'result-oriented' list provides a certain degree of flexibility to the Member States in deciding what obligations will need to be met and to the operators on how to meet these obligations." The specific data are summed up in the Annex (p. 15 and 16). At this point in time, the Commission does not mention a full IP logfile from every ISP to trace every incoming and outgoing communication, but limits the demands to IP-address, the Computer internal MAC address, username, e-mail addresses and a logfile of every sent and received e-mail. The operators of mobile telephony surely won't be pleased with the proposal to store SMS traffic data for 1 whole year, nor with the obligation to keep detailed location data for 1 year, including mapping Cell IDs to the geographical location of the caller.

The Commission clearly admits the weakness of the need for data retention by creating a new obligation for providers to keep statistics on the usage of traffic data and present them to the Commission on a yearly basis. "Today no verifiable statistics exist at the European level on the usage of traffic data.(...) This information, once aggregated, will provide the factual information necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the Directive." The Commission does not promise any publication of these statistics.

The Commission follows the draft framework decision very closely, even to the point of copying the completely misleading sentence "Many Member States have adopted legislation providing for the retention of data by service providers (...)". To the best of EDRI's knowledge, only 2 of the 25 Member States have actually implemented data retention legislation; Ireland (since April 2005, only for telephony) and Italy (only for fixed telephony). General data retention legislation has been adopted, but not implemented due to massive differences in opinion, in France , Denmark and Spain . Member States have to implement the directive, if it is adopted by the European Parliament, within 15 months after publication in the Official Journal. The Commission plans to evaluate the directive after 3 years. New EU Commission proposal data retention (20.07.2005)
http://www.edri.org/docs/EUcommissiondataretentionjuly2005.pdf Last UK prepared version of the JHA working document on data retention (29.06.2005)

EDRI-gram - Number 3.15, 27 July 2005

EDRI launches petition against data retention

From Mast Sanity

What the JAG Memos Tell Us about Torture

The JAG criticism is not so much moral as strategic. What the JAG lawyers suggest - and it is a position no less significant today than when it was shaped in 2003 - is that a policy of torture is sure to constitute a fatal flaw in any war against jihadi terror.


Americans Recruiting Colombian Mercenaries for Iraq

In Colombia, some fear that with the ongoing demobilization of death squads, an abundant workforce of unemployed torturers is being recycled through the Iraqi deserts.


Summer of Our Discontent

Krugman insists that most Americans have good reason to feel unhappy about the economy, whatever Washington's favorite statistics may say. This is an economic expansion that hasn't trickled down; many people are worse off than they were a year ago. And it will take more than a revamped administration sales pitch to make people feel better.


States to the Rescue

The New York Times asks, what are states to do when the federal government does so little? It's been obvious for some time that state governments are taking the problems of global warming and oil dependency much more seriously than the Bush administration.


The unAmerican Legion


Informant: Diana Davies

Bush vs. the Mother


Informant: sash

Cindy Sheehan

Leahy Reacts to Bolton's Bid to Strike "Respect for Nature"

Senator Patrick Leahy: "It didn't take long for Ambassador Bolton to find ways to further erode our leadership in the world and our standing as a moral authority. In his tantrum over this straightforward reference to the environment, Ambassador Bolton does not speak for most Americans, and I count myself among them."


CA Attorney General Accuses Drug Companies of Fraud

California accused GlaxoSmithKline, Abbott Laboratories and 37 other pharmaceutical companies of defrauding the state's $34-billion Medi-Cal health program for the poor by inflating prescription drug prices.


Washington to Be Sued over Global Warming

In a landmark judgment, a court in California has allowed a coalition of environmental groups to sue the US government over global warming - the first time a court has recognized the potentially disastrous impact of climate change.


Military Women Devalued

A culture that devalues women in uniform tolerates rape and sexual harassment at the Army and Navy academies, according to a Pentagon task force report. "When women are devalued, the likelihood of harassing and even abusive behavior increases," said the panel of military officers and civilian experts.


The bad idea behind our failed health-care system

The U. S. health-care system, according to “Uninsured in America,” has created a group of people who increasingly look different from others and suffer in ways that others do not.


From Information Clearing House

Scrap the ideals, Bolton tells UN

In an extraordinary intervention, United States appointee John Bolton has sought to roll back proposed UN commitments on aid to developing countries, combating global warming and nuclear disarmament.


The US vs The UN

American ambassador seeks to scupper UN's global strategy with 750 amendments after just three weeks in the job.


From Information Clearing House

Do you know the Carlyle Group?

They have a system of recycling 'retired' politicians. The politicians come to the Carlyle Group from positions of authority (partly via political campaign funding?), where they influenced the laws that govern corporate enterprise and/or decisions about who gets government contracts.


From Information Clearing House


Meet the Carlyle Group

Former World Leaders and Washington Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism.


Informant: Friends

Central America's Street Gangs Are Drawn into the World of Geopolitics

In Central America, Washington is getting serious about a problem it helped to create -- and not simply because the region's street gangs and vast criminal networks are making their presence known in the United States.


From Information Clearing House

The Militarization of Our Children

Affluent schools get art and music. Schools lower on the socio-economic ladder get military training (and top-secret visits from Tommy Franks).


From Information Clearing House

Supporting American Troops: What It Means and What It Entails

The ultimate goal of US big corporations is to control the economy of the whole world. Hence, when politicians fail to get what such corporations want by diplomatic means then they will resort to the military to get for corporations what they want by force.


A Nurse's Perspective on Iraq

“These poor young boys most of them 18, 19, 20 years old out there getting blown up. And they come in and you see pictures of their families falling out of there wallet...it just makes you angry.”


George Bush's Soldiers Of Fortune

With no public debate, to compensate for inadequate troop strength in Iraq, the Bush Administration has contracted with tens of thousands of mercenaries, who operate outside U.S. control and undermine military morale.


From Information Clearing House

There's something happening here

Will history remember this week as the tipping point for George W. Bush and the Republicans who control Congress? Can they stay the course as they head into mid-term elections next year?


From Information Clearing House

Is Bush al-Qaeda's 'Useful Idiot'?

If Western intelligence agencies are right – that the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and the two-year-plus military occupation have been recruiting boons for Islamic terrorism – why is it logical to commit American troops to an indefinite deployment there? Won’t that just create more terrorists?


From Information Clearing House

Achieving 'Total Victory' in an Unwinnable War

by Scott Ritter

The policies of the Bush administration have bred far more terrorists than have been eliminated, and the world, including the United States and its allies, is a much more dangerous place to live.


The Iraqi constitution: DOA?

Angry and marginalized, Sunnis are threatening to torpedo Iraq's constitution. Disaster looms, and the Bush administration's blunders are largely to blame.


Grieving Military Mothers Rally Around Cindy Sheehan at Camp Casey

We play a press conference from Camp Casey held by members of Gold Star Families for Peace with mothers and wives from around the country speaking about their opposition to the war and to President Bush's policies in Iraq.

Audio and transcript

Cindy Sheehan

Hoffman Rewrite of National Park Policies Threatens America’s Heritage


Why the US Is Supporting Civil War


What are Women Fighting For?


Bush’s Pat Robertson Problem


Women Uniquely Qualified to make Poignant War Protests


Cindy Sheehan

Bolton Throws UN Summit into Chaos


Cindy Sheehan Vows Her Cause Is Just Beginning


Cindy Sheehan

Globalization Driving Inequality, UN Warns


Library Sues Over Controversial Patriot Act


Iraq on Brink of Meltdown


Mother's Day in Crawford: Arise, all women who have hearts

{I'm posting this with TEARS OF JOY, Marty]

Posted by Caroline Ruth Vernon, Carolina1961@aol.com [UBRON]

85 Years ago today, women won the right to vote. Passage of the 19th amendment passed by only one vote. Just goes to show the power one vote has.

Today I also appeal to women, particularly mothers, to come together in both counsel as well as action as succinctly stated by Julia Ward Howe, founder of Mother's Day:

Published on Friday, August 26, 2005

Mother's Day in Crawford

by Medea Benjamin and Gayle Brandeis

When Cindy Sheehan marched into Crawford, Texas to ask President Bush why her son died in Iraq, it was Mother's Day. Not the Hallmark- infused, soft focus, breakfast-in-bed Mother's Day that shows up on the calendar in May. This was the day that Julia Ward Howe envisioned when she created Mother's Day in 1870 as a time for all the mothers who lost their sons in the Civil War to protest the senseless violence.

Howe's Mother's Day Proclamation begins:

Arise then women of this day!

Arise, all women who have hearts!

Cindy Sheehan has risen up against the senseless violence of this war in Iraq, and countless women and men have risen up with her. The numbers at Camp Casey continue to swell, and support pours in from all corners of the globe. While George Bush says he feels Sheehan's pain but must "get on with his life," Sheehan's supporters are uprooting themselves from their lives-often at great personal sacrifice-- to vigil beside her in the hot Texas sun. Tired of seeing our soldiers and countless Iraqis die in an unjustified war, millions of Americans-especially mothers--are joining Sheehan's revolution of the heart. And in the process, they're exposing Bush's own heartlessness for refusing to meet with a grieving mother, and more tragically, for needlessly putting our sons and daughters in harm's way.

Those in the smear-Cindy camp have told Sheehan, in no uncertain terms, that she should go back home, where she belongs. But Sheehan has followed Julia Ward Howe's imperative:

As men have often forsaken

the plough and the anvil

At the summons of war,

Let women now leave all that may be left of home

For a great an earnest day of counsel.

Sheehan's hoped-for day of counsel with Bush may never arrive. But another sort of counsel is taking place, the sort that Howe imagined:

Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.

Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means

Whereby the great human family can live in peace.

This is precisely what is happening at the vigil in Crawford, Texas. Women are running the camp itself, organizing Sheehan's schedule, holding women's circles to share their grief and hope, writing letters appealing to Laura Bush, and strategizing ways to broaden and deepen this movement for peace.

During the Vietnam era, the anti-war movement was fueled primarily by students. Today, the anti-war movement is being fueled largely by mothers. Look at some of the organizations that have been created in the last few years: CODEPINK: Women for Peace, Gold Star Families for Peace, Military Families Speak Out, Raging Grannies. All of them reflect a mother's intense desire to not only shield her children from harm but to stop her children from doing harm to others.

Again, we hear the voice of Julia Howe.

We, the women of one country,

Will be too tender of those of another country

To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.

In a recent statement urging Americans to listen to Cindy Sheehan, Elizabeth Edwards said, "If we are decent and compassionate, if we know the lessons we taught our children, or if, selfishly, all we want is the long line of the brave to protect us in the future, we should listen to the mothers now." Thanks to Cindy Sheehan, the mothers have arisen. Thanks to Cindy Sheehan, the world can't help but listen. Hopefully, George Bush is also hearing the message.

Medea Benjamin and Gayle Brandeis are members of CODEPINK: Women for Peace, a group that has been actively involved in the vigil in Crawford, Texas. Medea Benjamin is co-founder of CODEPINK, founder of Global Exchange, and nominee for the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize. Gayle Brandeis is the author of The Book of Dead Birds, which won Barbara Kingsolver's Bellwether Prize for Fiction in Support of a Literature of Social Change.

Published on Friday, August 26, 2005 by CommonDreams.org

Caroline Ruth Vernon

Informant: Martin Greenhut

Cindy Sheehan

Deformed Iraqi Babies Caused By USA Use Of Depleted Uranium

... "Please support mother Cindy Sheehan and the antiwar rally to take place in front of the White House on September 24"


From: "Meria Heller" Meria@npgcable.com Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 3:31 PM Subject: Only For STRONG Stomachs - The Hypocrites Say "Save The Fetus" - ugh- Unforgivable Sins -Meria

From: "La Voz de Aztlan" maillistking@aztlan.net Sent: Friday, August 26, 2005 1:52 PM Subject: Deformed Iraqi Babies Caused By USA Use Of Depleted Uranium

LA VOZ DE AZTLAN NEWS BULLETIN Los Angeles, Alta California August 26, 2005

Deformed Iraqi Babies Caused By USA Use Of Depleted Uranium

Not too many "good" Americans are aware about the horrible deformities that depleted uranium, utilized by the Pentagon to hardened ammunition, has caused not only in Iraqi babies but in the babies of Iraq war veterans as well.

Depleted uranium, like Agent Orange in Vietnam has caused untold miseries to families and is one of the worst war crimes in history.

We invite our readership to view some of the photographs of the Iraqi baby victims and to pass these photos to all of your friends.

Please support mother Cindy Sheehan and the antiwar rally to take place in front of the White House on September 24.

The photographs of the Iraqi baby victims are published at http://www.aztlan.net/du_deformed_iraqi_babies.htm

Please be warned!

Informant: Friends

Cindy Sheehan

In a nutshell: Election Integrity Solution

A common-sense approach to ensuring accurate vote counts in America:


Ron Baiman, myself, Zeb Thomas and two of our volunteer writers helped buff this out. It's simple, nontechnical and fits on one two-sided page.

It is targeted to election officials. We are only mailing it to about 80 state election officials, but "not" to the over 33,000 county and township election officials, so PLEASE print copies and send them to your own county election officials and push for these simple measures in your locale.

Look up your own county election official's mailing address here:

Best Regards,

Kathy Dopp



Informant: John A. Murphy

Cindy Sheehan

The Radioactive Wounds of War

Highly qualified scientists and military managers are finally getting into pushing the DU issue.

MWM: DU will be central in the final collapse of the Empire. Eventually American soldiers and commanders will be asking the politicians, scientists, and media "what did you know, when did you know it, and what did you do about it". The answers to these questions will define many war criminals. Later....Iraqi mothers will be engaged in worldwide class-action suits against Americans and their economic interests in every conceivable venue for the next 50 years. T hree years ago I wrote that one of the reasons why the U.S. should NOT invade Iraq is that it is incompetent to wage war, most specifically it has very little legal ammunition. Not quite but mostly literally, every shot is a war crime. This truth still holds today and that is why the only long term sane position is to argue for an immediate withdrawal of American troops from Iraq.

From: "Ian" > Subject: DU Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2005 13:29:29 -0700


Radioactive Wounds of War Tests on returning troops suggest serious health consequences of depleted uranium use in Iraq By Dave Lindorff August 25, 2005

Gerard Matthew thought he was lucky. He returned from his Iraq tour a year and a half ago alive and in one piece. But after the New York State National Guardsman got home, he learned that a bunkmate, Sgt. Ray Ramos, and a group of N.Y. Guard members from another unit had accepted an offer by the New York Daily News and reporter Juan Gonzalez to be tested for depleted uranium
(DU) contamination, and had tested positive.

Matthew, 31, decided that since he'd spent much of his time in Iraq lugging around DU-damaged equipment, he'd better get tested too. It turned out he was the most contaminated of them all.

Matthew immediately urged his wife to get an ultrasound check of their unborn baby. They discovered the fetus had a condition common to those with radioactive exposure: atypical syndactyly. The right hand had only two digits.

So far Victoria Claudette, now 13 months old, shows no other genetic disorders and is healthy, but Matthew feels guilty for causing her deformity and angry at a government that never warned him about DU's dangers.

U.S. forces first used DU in the 1991 Gulf War, when some 300 tons of depleted uranium--the waste product of nuclear power plants and weapons facilities--were used in tank shells and shells fired by A-10 jets. A lesser amount was deployed by U.S. and NATO forces during the Balkans conflict. But in the current wars in Afghanistan and, especially, Iraq, DU has become the weapon of choice, with more than 1,000 tons used in Afghanistan and more than 3,000 tons used in Iraq. And while DU was fired mostly in the desert during the Gulf War, in the current war in Iraq, most of DU munitions are exploding in populated urban areas.

The Pentagon has expanded DU beyond tank and A-10 shells, for use in bunker-busting bombs, which can spew out more than half a ton of DU in one explosion, in anti-personnel bomblets, and even in M-16 and pistol shells. The military loves DU for its unique penetration capability--it cuts through steel or concrete like they're butter.

The problem is that when DU hits its target, it burns at a high temperature, throwing off clouds of microscopic particles that poison a wide area and remain radioactive for billions of years. If inhaled, these particles can lodge in lungs, other organs or bones, irradiating tissue and causing cancers.

Worse yet, uranium is also a highly toxic heavy metal. Indeed, while there is some debate over the risk posed by the element's radioactive emissions, there is no debate regarding its chemical toxicity. According to Mt. Sinai pathologist Thomas Fasey, who participated in the New York Guard unit testing, the element has an affinity for bonding with DNA, where even trace amounts can cause cancers and fetal abnormalities.

Dr. Doug Rokke, a health physicist at the University of Illinois who headed up a Pentagon study of depleted uranium weapons in the mid '90s after concerns were raised during the Gulf War, concluded there was no safe way to use the weapons. Rokke says the Pentagon responded by denouncing him, after earlier commending his work.

No one knows how many U.S. soldiers have been contaminated by DU residue. Despite regulations authorizing tests for any military personnel who suspects exposure, the U.S. military is avoiding doing those tests--or delaying them until they are meaningless.

"When we asked to be tested at Ft. Dix, they wrongly told us we didn't have to worry unless we had DU fragments in our body," says Matthew. His buddy, Sgt. Ramos, who exhibits symptoms resembling radiation sickness and heavy metal poisoning, adds that at Walter Reed Medical Center he was grilled for hours about why he wanted to be tested and was then branded a troublemaker by his own unit. Matthew says Walter Reed "lost" his sample.

At the war's start, the United States refused to allow U.N. or other environmental inspectors to test DU levels within Iraq. Now the United Nations won't even go near Iraq because of security concerns.

"It doesn't seem right that we are poisoning the places we are supposed to be liberating," Ramos says.

The Pentagon continues to insist, on the basis of no field evidence, that DU is safe. To date, only some 270 returned troops have been tested for DU contamination by the military and Veterans Affairs. But even those tests, mostly urine samples, are useless 30 days after exposure, because by that time most of the DU has left the body or migrated into bones or organs.

Gonzalez and the Daily News paid for costlier tests for nine Guardsmen--tests that could pinpoint uranium inside the body and identify the special isotope signature of man-made DU. Four of the nine tested positive for DU; all had symptoms of uranium poisoning.

Even harder evidence may soon arrive. Connecticut State Representative Pat Dillon (D-New Haven), a Yale-trained epidemiologist, has crafted state-level legislation that Connecticut and Louisiana have unanimously passed, authorizing returned National Guard troops to request and receive specialized DU contamination tests at the Pentagon's expense. This approach bypasses the Pentagon's feet-dragging because National Guard troops fall under state, rather than federal, jurisdiction.

"This was not a Democratic or a Republican issue," Dillon says. "These are our kids and someone needs to protect them." She says that since passage of her bill, which takes effect this October, military groups and family organizations, state legislators, and even National Guard unit commanders have contacted her for copies of her bill to promote in their states. Bob Smith, a veteran in Louisiana who got hold of Dillon's bill and spearheaded a successful effort to pass similar legislation in Louisiana, claims that 14 to 20 other states are considering similar measures.

If enough Guard troops avail themselves of the testing--and start testing positive for contamination--it seems likely that reservists and active duty troops and veterans will demand similar access to rigorous tests, which can cost upwards of $1000 per person.

One way or another, the Pentagon will pay a price. "DU is a war crime. It's that simple," Rokke says. "Once you've scattered all this stuff around, and then refuse to clean it up, you've committed a war crime."

Informant: Michael Mandeville

RALLY Sat. in Crawford: Buses from TX metro-cities


Cindy Sheehan



Cindy Sheehan

Iran's Growing Sway in Iraq Defies Neocons' Logic


What They Won't Tell You About Capitalism


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Why U.S. Military Lawyers Opposed Torture


Constitution? Ha!


Iraq and the Cardboard Democrats


Pat Robertson Describes U.S. Foreign Policy


Under False Premises


87% of U.S. public think antiwar protest 'is okay'


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Residents oppose phone mast

Aug 26 2005

By Charles Watts Maidenhead Reporter

FURIOUS residents are fighting to stop a 14.7 metre high mobile phone mast being put up outside their houses.

The application was submitted to the Royal Borough by T Mobile who want to put up the mast, which will have three antennae, in Shoppenhangers Road.

This has caused uproar from people living close by who were informed of the application when a letter dropped through their letter boxes on Friday, August 12.

June Haines of Worcester Close, is one of these residents and she was so disturbed by the application that she decided to draw up a petition to fight against the plan.

She managed to get 39 signatures and has now sent copies of the petition to various people including Maidenhead's MP Theresa May and the head of planning at the royal borough, David Trigwell.

Speaking to the Express, she said: "We are all absolutely fuming, these things are very unsightly and of course there are rumours that they cause cancer.

"My neighbour is a child minder and so has a lot of young children at her house and they are supposed to be more vulnerable to these things I believe."

Another concern of Mrs Haines, who has lived at her house with her husband Ernest for 20 years, is the effect it will have on the view from her gardens.

She said: "As our house sits sideways to Shoppenhangers it will overlook not just our back garden but our front as well.

"It just seems ridiculous that they are going to put it up by a lot of houses when there are three huge fields behind us where it could be put without bothering anybody."

Kobus Bensch of Mast Free Maidenhead, a group set up to fight phone masts going up in the town, has backed Mrs Haines's fight.

He said: "We'll hopefully be able to help her and give her some advice gained from our experiences.

"I just find this whole thing completely unacceptable. These companies are putting applications in when people are away on holiday so they can't make objections.

"They're just like a bunch of snakes."

A spokesman for T-Mobile, Sophia Parviez, said: "Based on over 40 years of research, we are confident that its base stations, operating within strict national and international guidelines, do not present a health risk to any member of the public.

Omega this is not true. See under:
http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/ http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Cancer+Cluster

"When a new mast is needed, we try to reduce the impact on the local environment with sensitive siting, innovative design and where appropriate landscaping.

"We are always conscious of local wildlife and conservation."


Kent and Sussex Courier

15:00 - 26 August 2005

Residents in North Tonbridge are distraught after losing a battle over the erection of a phone mast in their road.

Contractors working for T-Mobile have been given the final go-ahead to continue work at the junction between Hunt Road and Constable Road, after a legal investigation showed the land owners had no powers to prevent it.

The triangle of land is owned by housing association Russet Homes, which acquired it in 1991.

When work started at the site two weeks ago Russet Homes requested T-Mobile stop as it had not been granted permission.

As previously reported in the Kent and Sussex Courier, Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council originally refused planning permission for the 11.7m high mast in June last year but permission was granted on appeal in March.

However, Russet Homes still refused to give the permission needed before work could begin.

On August 8 work was suspended while both sides approached their solicitors for legal advice.

However, head of housing management at Russet Homes Anthony Cross revealed on Monday that although the association owned the land, it had been adopted by Kent County Council which maintained it as part of the highway.

He said: "Having sought legal advice, unfortunately Russet Homes has no powers to prevent erection of the mast on the land that forms part of the highway."

Mr Cross was disappointed with the decision and said Russet Homes shared the residents' concern of placing the mast in the heart of a residential area.

Residents were concerned over the health and visual impact of the slim-line monopole that will support three antennas and a microwave dish.

They were also angry it has been allowed in a residential area that lies between Woodland Infant and Junior Schools and the playgroup, at the Methodist Church.

Chairman of Higham Road Residents Association Peter Reed who led the campaign against the mast said: "This legal loophole apparently allows T-Mobile to go ahead with the mast as a utility."

He added: "T-Mobile is saying it has to have all these masts but we feel there is no necessity for it as the reception for 3G mobile telephones here is adequate."

Hunt Road resident Betty O'Loughlin said: "I am devastated. Surely they could have found somewhere without people and babies walking past to get to the school?"

A spokesman for T-Mobile said the operator had similar rights of access to such land as other utilities, of which there was ample evidence on this site.

It has already put the foundations in place and is currently finalising the details of when work will start.

Risikotechnologien: Eindeutige Hinweise

Trotz aller Diskussionen um die Gesundheitsfolgen des Elektrosmogs: Die Akzeptanz von Handys ist ungebrochen. Rund 64 Millionen Menschen zählen in Deutschland zu den Handynutzern. Darunter auch viele, die sich Sorgen über mögliche gesundheitliche Beeinträchtigungen durch die Mobiltelefoniererei machen. Eine vom Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) durchgeführte Befragung ergab, dass immerhin 30 Prozent der Bevölkerung sich "im Hinblick auf hochfrequente elektromagnetische Felder des Mobilfunks als besorgt" beschrieben, 9 Prozent meinten gar, sie seien gesundheitlich beeinträchtigt. Trotz dieser Selbsteinschätzung: Kaum einer fragt beim Handykauf nach der Strahlenbelastung des Hightechgeräts.

Das könnte sich durchaus als fatal erweisen. Denn allen Beschwichtigungen zum Trotz: Es gibt keine vollständige Entwarnung in Bezug auf Elektrosmog. Die Hinweise darauf, dass elektromagnetische Strahlen mehr bewirken als nur eine leichte Erwärmung des Körpergewebes, sind so vielfältig, dass sie nicht einfach vom Tisch gefegt werden können. Da wird etwa von gentoxischen, also das Erbmaterial verändernden Effekten berichtet. Auch unterhalb der Grenzwerte können die elektromagnetischen Strahlen zu DNA-Brüchen führen. Nur was das zu bedeuten hat, darüber kann derzeit niemand Auskunft geben. Denn zum Teil sind diese Ergebnisse nur in ganz bestimmten Zellen nachzuweisen. Dazu kommt, dass die Studien bisher nur an isolierten Zellen durchgeführt wurden. Ob ähnliche Wirkungen auch in situ, im Körper, auftreten können, ist derzeit zwar noch die große Frage. Würden aber derart gravierende "Hinweise" auf gesundheitsbeeinträchtigende Effekte zum Beispiel auch bei der Gentechnologie vorliegen, die Politik hätte längst mit einem Verbot reagiert.


taz Nr. 7752 vom 26.8.2005, Seite 18, 62 Zeilen (TAZ-Bericht), WOLFGANG LÖHR

© Contrapress media GmbH


Mit dem Anruf kommt der Smog

Krebs, Schlafstörungen, Unwohlsein?

Protestieren Sie nicht nur gegen Sendemasten, telefonieren Sie doch einfach weniger


Polizisten im brandenburgischen Hennigsdorf holten vor wenigen Wochen zwei Mädchen aus einem Kellerverschlag. Die beiden hätten geschrieen, hieß es. Die Nachbarn waren besorgt. Doch in diesem Fall, so stellte das Jugendamt schnell fest, ging es nicht um zu wenig Fürsorge. Im Gegenteil. In der Umgebung waren in den letzten Jahren immer mehr Mobilfunkmasten aufgestellt worden. Die Eltern wollten ihre Töchter schützen - vor Elektrosmog.

Schon seit mehr als zwanzig Jahren wird vermutet, dass elektromagnetische Strahlen Krebs auslösen. Viele Bürger sind verängstigt und klagen über Kopfweh oder Unwohlsein. Sie protestieren gegen Sendemasten, gründen Bürgerinitiativen, initiieren Volksbegehren - und sind doch arglos.

Denn 80 Prozent der Deutschen nutzen ganz selbstverständlich ihr Handy. Statistisch gesehen bekommt hierzulande ein Kind das erste Funktelefon, sobald es neun ist.

taz Nr. 7752 vom 26.8.2005, Seite 18, 185 Zeilen (TAZ-Bericht), HANNA GERSMANN

© Contrapress media GmbH

http://www.taz.de/pt/2005/08/26/a0190.nf/text.ges,1 (Auszug)

Alzheimer und Demenz



Urgent Action Needed on Patriot Act; New ACLU Litigation Highlights Increased Need for Fixes


Is there a relationship between cell phone use and semen quality?

Arch Androl. 2005 Sep-Oct;51(5):385-93.

Fejes I , Za Vaczki Z , Szollosi J , Kolosza R S , Daru J , Kova Cs L , Pa L A .

Andrology Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Szeged, Hungry.

This study was conducted to determine a possible relationship between regular cell phone use and different human semen attributes. The history-taking of men in our university clinic was supplemented with questions concerning cell phone use habits, including possession, daily standby position and daily transmission times. Semen analyses were performed by conventional methods. Statistics were calculated with SPSS statistical software. A total of 371 were included in the study. The duration of possession and the daily transmission time correlated negatively with the proportion of rapid progressive motile sperm (r = - 0.12 and r = - 0.19, respectively), and positively with the proportion of slow progressive motile sperm (r = 0.12 and r = 0.28, respectively). The low and high transmitter groups also differed in the proportion of rapid progressive motile sperm (48.7% vs. 40.6%). The prolonged use of cell phones may have negative effects on the sperm motility characteristics.

PMID: 16087567 [PubMed - in process]

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Once more the same interesting connection:

Sperm motility enhancement by nitric oxide produced by the oocytes of fathead minnows, Pimephelas promelas

Low levels of nitric oxide promote human sperm capacitation in vitro

Human sperm endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression: correlation with sperm motility.

L-arginine, the substrate of nitric oxide synthase, inhibits fertility of male rats
"Conclusion: Elevated NO pro duction may be detrimental to male fertility"

And it isn't new (1996):
Oxidative Stress And Role Of Antioxidants In Normal And Abnormal Sperm Function

and so on.

How curious.


From Mast Sanity


Melton Today (Leic)

CONCERNED residents are fighting plans to put up a phone mast on the edge of their village.

Orange PCS Ltd wants to install a 11-metre-high mast, designed as a telegraph pole, and equipment cabinet at a site off Main Street, Burrough-on-the-Hill.

Somerby Parish Council vice-chairman Mike Roberts said residents had originally fought plans for a mast there. They had hoped Orange would find another location after investigating other sites. But now it has set its sights on a grass verge by the side of the road leading down into the village.

Somerby Parish Council has objected to the plans and Melton Council has received 16 letters of objection. Mr Roberts said two main objections were highways safety and building in a conservation area. He said: "It's absolutely outrageous and the whole village is totally against it. "It's a very dangerous stretch of road. There have been a number of deaths over the years and people have gone off into the hedge in the winter. "It's also an area of outstanding beauty and people are still concerned about radio waves from masts. It's just so wrong and we feel Orange hasn't sufficiently investigated other land in the area."

Mark Barnes, Melton borough councillor for the Somerby Ward, was also concerned about highways safety, though he added the county council's highways department had raised no objections. "There have been a number of accidents and it would be totally wrong to put another obstacle there," he said.

Orange spokesman Sue Hammett said it had looked at a number of alternative sites in the area, including the village centre and land owned by Severn Trent. She said: "We looked at the Severn Trent option but unfortunately it's a no-goer. There aren't any other options available to us now. "To get the coverage we require we need a fairly high spot and we think this site is the best option. "It's not a huge installation and scientific evidence indicates there's no risk to the public."

Omega this is not true. See under:
http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/ and

She added: "It's no different to having lamp posts on the side of a road and it's like any other street furniture. "It's not put there to block drivers' views or to be a road hazard."

Jim Worley, head of physical development at Melton Council, said it could only refuse the application on the grounds of siting and design. And if the council hadn't made a decision on the application by September 13 it would go ahead by default.


25 August 2005

Mass protest at plan to put mast near school

25 August 2005 | 10:37 Affron Walden Reporter (Essex)

PROTESTORS turned out in force to oppose plans to build a new mobile phone mast near a primary school.

Two hundred teachers and parents of children at Manuden Primary School braved heavy rain to take part in a demonstration and wave placards outside the school, in The Street, on Monday.

The campaigners are concerned about the health implications of mobile phone company Orange's plans to install the mast at Bentfield Bury Farm, just 350 metres away from the school.

One mother, who did not wish to be named, has a child starting at the pre-school, which is on the same site, in September.

She feared the signal emitting from the mast increased the risk of anyone living or working near it getting cancer, and could not understand why Orange wanted to site the pole there when there was plenty of countryside nearby where it could be placed away from residential areas.

An application for an alternative site in a more rural area had been turned down because some rare plants needed protecting, but she did not think environmental concerns should come before the potential health risks to the schoolchildren.

She said: "There are fields for miles around that village with nobody near. There is absolutely no reason to put the mast near the school."

Linda Talbot, the school's headteacher, quoted the Stewart Report conducted by the Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones, which was set up by the government to assess the possible health effects from mobile phones, base stations and transmitters.

This concluded that it was not possible to say that exposure to radiation from the Radio Frequency emissions from the masts was totally without potentially adverse health effects.

It recommended that if a mast was sited within or near school grounds then the strongest signal should not fall on any part of the school.

The headteacher also believed the company had deliberately timed the submission of the application for approval by Uttlesford District Council to coincide with the summer holidays so there would be less opposition as parents would be away.

She said: "If this is approved, it will be a disaster for the school and the village."

Orange is planning to build the mast, which will stand 20 metres high and have six antennae, four dishes and six pack equipment cabinets.

The company needs to boost the signal in the area around Manuden and can not place it in a more rural location because the signal would not reach the homes.

An Orange spokeswoman said the mast had to be placed on higher ground in order to cover the village because it was in a valley and the Bentfield Bury Farm site was one of two sites being considered in Manuden.

But the company chose the former because it was further away from residential homes and screened from view by trees.

"Many people view mobile technology as a new invention and believe that we should be cautious until we know what the effects may be.

"However, mobile phones are just a new way of using old technology. RF has been around for over 40 years and there are many other forms of RF in our environment whether we are at home, in a classroom or outside.

Omega mobile phones are no new way of using old technology. One cannot compare the dangerous, pulsed microwave radiation with RF.

"The mobile phone handsets themselves emit a signal 24/7 whether they are in use or not as they are constantly searching for the nearest mast to communicate with," the spokeswoman said.

Orange's plans will be considered for approval by the district council's development control commmittee in September.


Tamworth Herald

10:30 - 25 August 2005

Town planners have refused another application for a phone mast on Marlborough Way because it would be too close to homes.

The decision was made at a planning meeting last week where a separate application for a 25-metre mast at a substation in Wilnecote was deferred for further research.

A report released ahead of the meeting indicated that planning officers would be recommending the mast on Stonydelph Lane for refusal on the grounds T Mobile had not considered other sites or justified the need for a mast in that area.

However, fresh information emerged just before the meeting, prompting officers to take another look at the plans.

But it was bad news for Vodaphone - the latest telecommunications firm to apply for permission to erect a mast on Marlborough Way.

Phone giants are all vying for the same spot to close a gap in coverage, but councillors continue to agree with residents who fear the site is too close to homes and will be detrimental to the street scene.

A decision on the T Mobile application should be made at the next committee meeting.

Wilnecote residents have compiled a 78-signature petition strongly opposing the 25-metre mast, which would be close to the Happy Tots Nursery.


Derbyshire Evening Telegraph

09:30 - 26 August 2005

Residents say that they are furious about plans to put up a second mobile phone mast close to their homes.

Alvaston residents are fighting plans by mobile phone company O2 to install a 15-metre-high mast and two equipment cabins at the junction of Holbrook Road and Boscastle Road.

The application, which has been submitted to Derby City Council, comes days after T-Mobile put up a 12.2-metre mast and three cabins just metres away, in Holbrook Road at its junction with Holt Avenue.

Nicole Berrisford (43), of Holt Avenue, fears that the masts will pose a health risk, as well as being visually intrusive, which will eventually lead to a devaluation of properties in the area.

Along with her neighbours, she also thinks that the area is becoming far too cluttered with too much street furniture.

She said: "I'm going to do a flyer informing people about O2. I'm trying to call a meeting, organise a petition and, if necessary, a rally.

"I think it's getting beyond a joke now.

"Our main concern is that it's directly on a route to Oakwood Infant and Junior schools and Noel-Baker Community School.

"There could be health risks and it will devalue the houses. No-one wants to buy a house near a phone mast and there'll be two here."

Frank Berridge (53), of Holbrook Road, says that the area is already blighted by graffiti and feels that the new addition will only worsen the problem.

He said: "These masts are near old people's homes and on a main school route.

"For old people, if they can't see very well, they're also going to be more obstacles for them."

Pamela Robinson (60), also of Holbrook Road, said: "It's getting really cluttered. Everything's here and it's just awful.

"They'll get daubed by graffiti and it'll make the street look ugly. There's just too much clutter."

A council spokeswoman said that the application did not require planning permission but the company was required to inform the council, which then has 56 days to agree to its siting and design.

Demokratie in Gefahr: Staatsrechtler kritisiert faktisches Selbstauflösungsrecht des Parlaments


Der Staatsrechtler Volker Epping hat die Neuwahl-Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts als zu weit gehend kritisiert. "Dieses Urteil lädt geradezu zu einer Inszenierung ein", sagte Epping der in Hannover erscheinenden "Neuen Presse". Ein Selbstauflösungsrecht des Bundestages müsse jetzt gar nicht mehr diskutiert werden. "Es ist fast müßig, über diese Frage noch nachzudenken. Wir haben jetzt ein Recht, das dem Selbstauflösungsrecht sehr nahe kommt", sagte Epping. Der Berliner Verfassungsrechtler Bernhard Schlink, der die Bundesregierung in den Verhandlungen vertreten hatte, sieht die Selbstauflösung hingegen als Zusammenspiel zwischen Bundestag, Bundeskanzler und Bundespräsident.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Activists Needed for new TV show

If this show is going big why not have all emf contacts flood them with EMF Stories asap Let them know what is going on!

<< We're looking for activists and world changers to be on our new TV show.

We're currently looking for Southern California residents only, due to time constraints.

This is a documentary based show which centers around people who want to change something, whether it be their own life, the lives of others, or the very world we live in. No problem is too big or too controversial for this show. Interviews are taking place in Los Angeles in late August.

Please read more and submit your information at
http://www.manifestotv.com. Thank you! >>

SEND YOUR 2 PAGE STORY HERE - newshow@zeropointent.com

Informant: Gotemf

Cindy Sheehan's Question Deserves Answer


Cindy Sheehan

WRL on Cindy Sheehan and Gold Star Families for Peace


August 26, 2005

Contact: Steve Theberge
212.228.0450 x102

War Resisters League Statement of Solidarity with Cindy Sheehan and Gold Star Families for Peace

New York City, NY- The War Resisters League stands in solidarity with Cindy Sheehan and all those who join her in the blazing sun of Crawford, Texas. In a month in which 74 American soldiers and untold Iraqi civilians have been killed, the dignity, humility, and strength of her vision throws into sharp contrast the brutal policies of the Bush administration.

The war on Iraq has provoked outrage, indignation and action across the globe. Camp Casey (the site of Sheehan's vigil outside of George Bush's vacation home) is a powerful example of how a dedicated individual, acting in concert with others, can spark the passion and commitment of thousands of people. While Cindy Sheehan's request to meet with the president has so far been refused, her call to end the occupation has been met enthusiastically by people across the globe, amplifying the rapidly growing public opinion that we never should have invaded Iraq.

The War Resisters League supports Gold Star Families for Peace's call for the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Iraq. We encourage all of our members and supporters to take action in their communities to stop this war. We mourn the horrifying loss of life on all sides of the conflict and will continue to work for a nonviolent and truly democratic resolution to the chaos caused by the Bush administration's unbridled aggression around the world.

War Resisters League
339 Lafayette St. New York, NY 10012


Informant: John M Miller

From ufpj-news

Cindy Sheehan

Meinung für Millionen


Download (11 MB):
Titel: Meinung für Millionen
Autor: Baetz, Brigitte
Sendezeit: 26.08.2005 19:15
Programm: Deutschlandfunk
Sendung: Hintergrund Kultur
Länge: 44:04 Minuten

Honor Our Loved One’s Sacrifices - Voice of Military Families Against War Grows

In a message dated 8/26/05 11:40:51 AM, Krpomer writes:

August 26, 2005

Ryan Fletcher 202-641-0277
Nancy Lessin 617-320-5301

Outside Bush’s Ranch, Gold Star and Military Families Continue to Call on President: ‘Honor Our Loved One’s Sacrifices’ and ‘Bring Them Home Now’

Camp Casey Vigil Remains Strong, Voice of Military Families Against War Grows

CRAWFORD, TX – As the end of August draws closer, the vigil started by Cindy Sheehan outside President Bush’s Ranch in Crawford, Texas continues to grow. Over 50 Military and Gold Star Families from across the country - those whose loved ones were killed in Iraq, and those with loved ones who are needlessly in harm’s way - have joined the vigil to call for a meeting with President Bush, and an end to the war in Iraq. More families continue to arrive in Crawford to join the encampment, which will remain until the end of August.

Since November of 2002, when Military Families Speak Out began with two families speaking out against a U.S. invasion of Iraq, more and more military families have been breaking the code of silence that extends from the military to its families and beyond.

Since the vigil in Crawford began in early August, the voice of Military and Gold Star families speaking out against this war has grown tremendously. Families gained courage from the powerful Crawford vigil to use their own voices in their communities and beyond to oppose the war in Iraq. They are, speaking out more powerfully than ever to support our troops, bring them home now and take care of them when they get here.

Military Families Speak Out currently includes over 2,500 member families.

The following Gold Star and Military Families are available for interview and have arrived or are arriving in Crawford this weekend:

Bill Mitchell of Atascadero, California is returning to Crawford this weekend. Bill's son Sgt. Michael Mitchell was killed in action in Sadr City, Iraq on April 4, 2004, along with Cindy Sheehan's son Spc. Casey Sheehan. Bill is a co-founder of Gold Star Families for Peace. This will be his second trip to Crawford this month, he will be accompanied by his daughter.

Amy Branham of Houston, TX will be coming to Crawford this weekend. Her son, Sgt. Jeremy R. Smith served in the U.S. Military in Iraq.

Rebecca Bahr of Scottsdale, Arizona has been in Crawford since August 10. Rebecca's daughter serves in the Marines and is currently stateside.

Sherry Bohlen of Scottsdale, Arizona is coming back to Crawford this weekend. Sherry’s son serves in the Army and deployed to Iraq on June 10,

Steve DeFord of Salem, Oregon will be arriving in Crawford on Wednesday, August 17th. Steve’s step-son Sgt. David W. Johnson served in the Oregon National Guard and was killed in action near Baghdad on Sept 25, 2004 when his convoy was hit by an IED (Improvised Explosive Device).

Sheri Glover of Houston, TX has a 19 year old daughter who has completed Active Duty Service in the US Army and is currently in the Individual Ready Reserve and eligible for call back. Sheri is active in Disabled American Veterans Auxiliary and holds the position of Junior Vice Commander of Unit 9 in Houston.

Ellen Martin of New York City, N.Y. will arrive in Crawford on Sunday, August 28th. Her 54 year-old brother who serves in the U.S. Army is expected to deploy to Iraq later this year.

Michael and Valeri Murphy of Austin, Texas will be coming back to Crawford this weekend. Their son is a member of the Army Reserves and currently serves stateside.

Beatriz Saldivar of Fort Worth, Texas will return to Crawford this weekend. Her nephew Daniel Torres was killed February 4th, 2005 in Baygii 155 miles north of Baghdad on his 2nd tour of Iraq when an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) exploded and hit his unarmored Humvee. She is available for interviews in English and Spanish.

Nancy Lessin and Charley Richardson of Boston, Massachusetts, will be arriving in Crawford on Friday, August 26. Nancy’s stepson/Charley’s son Joe served in Iraq in spring, 2003 with the U.S. Marine Corps. He has finished his active duty service and is currently in the Individual Ready Reserves. Nancy and Charley co-founded Military Families Speak Out in November 2002 with one other family. Military Families Speak Out now includes 2,500 military families from across the country.

Tammara Rosenleaf of Belton, Texas arrived in Crawford on Tuesday, August 9th. Tammara's husband serves in the Army. He is stationed at Ft. Hood and will be deploying to Iraq this fall.

Larry Syverson of Richmond, VA is arriving in Crawford on Saturday. Larry has three sons serving in the military, two of whom have served in Iraq and are eligible for redeployment.

More Military and Gold Star families will be arriving in Crawford daily until the end of the month.

For more information: Military Families Speak Out: http://www.mfso.org
Gold Star Families for Peace: http://www.gsfp.org

Informant: Hopedance

Cindy Sheehan



School fights phone mast

The Harlow Citizen

CONCERNED teachers, parents and children were out in force on Monday to demonstrate against a mobile phone mast set to go up in a field near their school.

Almost 200 people gathered at Manuden Primary School to hold banners and sign petitions in protest at the Orange phone mast planned for nearby Bantfield Bury Farm land.

And while residents admit that phone coverage in the village is poor, many are worried that siting the mast so close to the village could have serious repercussions.

Headteacher Linda Talbot said: "We don't know exactly what the health implications are but certainly children under 11 are said to be most vulnerable.

"There has not been enough research done to prove the safety of these masts and evidence is not yet conclusive. It would be best to leave them down until more is known.

"Not only that, they want to put a 20-metre mast in what is a really pretty piece of land. In the planning it says it will be covered from sight by the trees, but these are deciduous trees so in winter it will be clearly visible."

Mrs Talbot added: "They say the site will be 0.7 kilometres from the school, but we have worked it out on the map to be about 360 metres.

"We know these masts are necessary but there's so much land around Manuden that surely they could find a safer location well away from residents and the school."

The phone company's planning application which includes six antennae and four dishes is set to go before Uttlesford Council on Wednesday, September 21.

The school will hold more demonstrations before that.

Orange admitted that the mast was only 350m from the school but maintained it adhered strictly to all guidelines, and in most cases superseded them.

The company added that many schools in the UK hosted masts and there had been no evidence to suggest this had any adverse effects.

Omega the guidelines are obsolete see under:

An Orange spokesman said: "No substantiated evidence exists to date linking exposure to radio frequency emissions from mobile phone technology with adverse human health effects, despite significant global investment into this type of research.

"The conclusion reached by many of the organisations that regulate us is that the balance of evidence does not indicate a threat to human health from base station emissions."

The spokesman added that the Stewart Report, which advised the industry on siting and best practice, did not state that masts should be away from schools and residential areas, as there was no scientific basis for it.

Omega this is not true, substantiated evidence exists. See under:
http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/ http://omega.twoday.net/search?q=Cancer+Cluster

Orange said that for best coverage the mast had to be on high ground.

"We could potentially locate this on the opposite side of the village, but it would be closer to homes and would still be visible on the skyline," said the spokesman.

"The benefit of this location is that there is a cluster of trees that would at least provide a backdrop from a visual perspective."

10:41am 26.08.05

The horror is still developing worse

To whoever wrote the bottom bit of this message - I strongly believe that the research/evidence we already have does constitute proof in as much as 'proof' can ever be ascertained in these circumstances - (the tobacco companies have never accepted responsibility or liability for tobacco related illness, so despite the 'proof', no-one's ever been able to touch them.) I have used the word proof on many occasions, some would say unwisely! The point I was making (not sure whether Andy agrees or disagrees with this) is that having proof, and having proof accepted are two different things. Andy is a realist. I always live in hope - but accept that his pragmatic view of the situation is most probably the correct one - much to my sorrow, and to his, I suspect.


From Mast Sanity

Massed protest at Cullen mast bid

The Northern Scot

MOBILE phone giant Vodafone has been accused of riding roughshod over local democracy by residents in Cullen.

They are angry that Vodafone has appealed against refusal by Moray Council to site a 14.7 metre mast in a residential area.

Councillors rejected the planning application earlier this year, voting 17-7 against the proposal, in support of residents who had submitted a 265 signature petition and dozens of letters of objection.

The appeal will now be heard by a Scottish Executive Reporter and local residents will only be able to make their feelings known through written submissions.

They are concerned that the Reporter will overturn the decision of the council and they will be left with a mast they don't want.

Eight-month pregnant Vivienne Addison is concerned at the possible health risks associated with mobile phone masts. She said:

"This is very stressful. I should be enjoying myself and looking forward to the baby but I am waking up at all hours worrying about this."

Vo dafone want to erect the mast on the site of the telephone exchange in Blantyre Street.

The mast would overlook a family home on one side and be adjacent to an old folks home on the other.

Mrs Addison, whose home in Reidhaven Street is just round the corner from the mast site, added:

"Everyone is up in arms and there is a lot of concern about this.

"It will be really ugly and an eyesore. The appeal has come as quite a shock."

Mrs Addison said Orange already has a mobile phone mast at Crannoch Woods and questioned why Vodafone could not use that site.

Another resident, Bernard Watts, of Seafield Place, has written to the Reporter urging he/she rejects the appeal.

"There are a lot of families with children and babies living within a stone's throw of the appeal site, " he said.

"They have expressed great concern about their children's health and wellbeing."

Communities across the UK have expressed fears over possible ill-health risks associated to mobile phone masts.

Mr Watts claimed instances of dizziness, fatigue, chronic headaches, irregular heart beats, nausea and more serious diseases had been reported in communities with masts.

In its appeal to the Scottish Executive, Crown Castle UK, which is looking to develop the site for Vodafone, said: "In so far as some limited harm may be perceived, this is outweighed by the specific encouragement given to modern communications at national and local level."

Mr Watts described the Vodafone's decision to appeal as "absolutely disgraceful" and represented the "erosion of local democracy."

"Cullen is a very pretty conservation seaside village and a mast sited in the grounds of the appeal site will not help. The people of Cullen definitely do not want this unconscionable, execrable edifice in their midst."

Mr Watts said the mast should be sited in a more sensible location away from the residential area of the village.

Local councillor Ron Shepherd said: "I am very disappointed that Vodafone have decided to appeal the council's decision.

"We have put a lot of work into stopping this being erected in a residential area in Cullen where there is a nursing home and doctors' surgery.

"I feel for the people living in that area. I would hope the Reporter backs local opinion and we are depending on him to take heed of the people of Cullen."

A Vodafone spokeswoman said: "We never take the decision to appeal lightly and we always look very carefully at what has been said to us in the original refusal.

"We try to weigh up everybody's views but at the end of the day we have an obligation to provide a service and if we feel we have done our absolute best in determining the site and there is a clear need for the services locally, we would reserve our right to appeal against the decision."


Orange challenged to private meeting by angry residents

Farnham Today

LOCAL residents have blasted mobile telephone operator Orange for its lack of public consultation over the proposed sitings of masts in Farnham. Proposed mast sitings by Orange near Bourne Infant School, Waverley Lane and in Manor Gardens have angered residents who have ferociously campaigned against them. After attempting to liaise with Orange over many months, the Manor Gardens’ Action Group has appealed to officials from the mobile telephone operator to make public their plans for mast sitings in Farnham. In a letter to Orange, co-ordinators Ray Cuckow and Simon Hall said: “We know that some people, and indeed some organisations, appear to be against all phone masts. That is not our position and we have stated so publicly. “We believe that masts must be sited safely, and be sited in a sensitive way environmentally - your Manor Gardens mast proposal meets neither criteria. On June 5, we offered in writing to meet Orange locally in a small private meeting to find a mutually acceptable way forward. That offer was totally ignored and not even acknowledged. “We understand that you are handling the Manor Gardens mast nationally so we therefore invite you to join our group for that small private meeting.” In a survey conducted by the Manor Garden Action Group, 96 per cent of local residents said that they preferred a single mast on higher ground rather than multiple masts sited among houses and schools. Local residents also criticised Orange for their planning consultation procedures with 91 per cent saying it has been disastrous for the mobile telephone operator. Finally, 89 per cent of residents said that they would actively avoid using Orange’s technology in comparison to their competitors after the continuing mast sitings fiasco in Farnham.


Sutton Observer

10:30 - 26 August 2005

Regarding last week's letter headed: 'Do All Mast Protestors use Mobile Phones?'

No, I am one of many people who do not use a mobile phone and never will. Nor do I use a microwave oven or DECT cordless phone because I know that microwave radiation is not healthy for me to be near.

I find the argument that, if you use a mobile phone you should accept masts, to be illogical.

There is now so much evidence of health risks from both masts and mobile phones, that I think the question should be 'Why isn't there a safe mobile technology being brought in to replace the current risky microwave mobile technology?'

Why does J G of Boldmere not want to have technology that is safe as well as useful?

For example, we all want a safe water supply in our homes.

In the not-too-distant past, lead pipes were used before the health risks of lead poisoning were recognised.

An alternative had to be found to lead and copper pipes are its excellent replacement.

There are many people living near masts which they know have made them ill; they know this because when they are away from home in mast-free areas, they feel much better.

Why should their health and homes be degraded by masts?

Jane Lee

Wolfowitz at the World Bank: Unilateral Policy on Ecuador and Pakistan

A superb article on Paul Wolfowitz at the World Bank is now on the homepage of MRZine.org:
http://mrzine.monthlyreview.org/anonymous250805.html. (The author has been a senior official in this field and must withhold his identity.) Wolfowitz's first public actions at the World Bank -- unilaterally suspending a loan to Ecuador (two days after Ecuador announced its decision to rescind Occidental Petroleum's contract) and increasing lending to Pakistan, in violation of established WB procedures, in contradiction to recommendations of WB and IMF analysts (as well as country risk assessments of international financiers), and in transgression of the Concordat between the WB and the IMF -- clearly demonstrate Washington's determination to transform the WB into a direct tool of unilateral US policy (as opposed to multilateral elite interests), while ensuring that any country that happens to enjoy windfalls from higher oil prices (or anything else) will be giving them all up to creditors, rather than spending them on social needs.

Yoshie Furuhashi

* Mahmoud Ahmadinejad:
http://montages.blogspot.com/2005/07/mahmoud-ahmadinejads-face.html http://montages.blogspot.com/2005/07/chvez-congratulates-ahmadinejad.html http://montages.blogspot.com/2005/06/iranian-working-class-rejects.html


From ufpj-news

Phone mast permitted in spite of objectors

Shropshire Star

A new mobile phone mast for communications giant Vodafone is set to be built in Telford despite petitions and letters of objection from angry protesters.

Vodafone had applied for planning permission to erect an 11.5m mast at the junction of Marshbrook Way and Donnington Wood Way at Muxton.

Councillors at a meeting of Telford & Wrekin plans board last night gave it prior approval by just five votes to four.

Muxton ward councillor, Viv Verster, spoke at the meeting to voice residents' objections to the plans.

She said: "Thirty years ago everyone smoked, and now we know the risks."

However, in a report that went before councillors, government planning guidance was quoted that does not allow local authorities to refuse mobile phone masts on health grounds.

Counter-recruiting protests attacked by police in Pittsburgh


Informant: William K. Dobbs

From ufpj-news

050826 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter




Klystron is a Microwave Generator



Thank you for your input. I found this article. Please don't be 'put off' by it's theoretical basis. I feel it is a fairly good synopsis of this technology. You can find the whole article at;


If you click the RF link you will find a good brief explanation with pictures.

Linac RF Systems

The radio-frequency system, or RF system, supplies power to the ALS in the form of microwaves. Microwaves are radio waves with a wavelength between about one meter and one millimeter, which are the wavelengths used for radio and television broadcasts as well as radar and microwave ovens. Most parts of the RF system supply microwave radiation with a wavelength of about 0.6 meter (see figure 1 to show relationship between frequency and wavelength). Microwave power is used to energize electrons, keeping them whirling around the ALS storage ring at almost the speed of light. Eventually, the electrons release this energy as x rays and ultraviolet light. Scientists use this light, which is called synchrotron radiation, to carry out experiments at the ALS. How important is the RF system? All the energy released as synchrotron radiation originates as RF power.

Figure 1. Electromagnetic spectrum

The basic components of the RF system include: Klystrons Waveguides RF Cavities

What is a Klystron?

A klystron is a very powerful type of microwave amplifier. Radar installations and television broadcast stations use klystrons to generate their broadcast signals. The klystrons "broadcast" down special tubes and cables, called waveguides, that lead to the linac, booster synchrotron, and storage ring.

Here is a diagram that shows how a klystron works (will be explained in more detail later):

An electron gun produces an intense flow of electrons into the klystron. A low-energy microwave signal intersects this continuous electron beam, breaking it up into a pulsed beam consisting of separate "bunches" of electrons. The pulsed electron beam passes through a tuned waveguide, inducing a powerful high-energy microwave signal. High-energy microwave power travels along the waveguide to the linac, booster synchrotron, or storage ring, where it passes its energy to electrons, accelerating them to relativistic velocity.

How does the electron beam become pulsed?

In the same way that a radio broadcast signal induces an electrical current in a portable radio antenna, the low-energy microwave signal (lets say it's 500 MHz) causes the electrons in the electron beam to speed up or slow down at the point where the two intersect. When the microwave is near its crest (peak power) as it intersects the beam, it makes the electrons in that part of the beam at that moment speed up, just as a surfer speeds up when she catches a wave. When the microwave is near its trough as it meets the beam, the electrons in that part of the beam at that moment slow down. The result is an electron beam that is broken into pulses that have the same frequency as the low-energy microwaves: 500 MHz.

How does the pulsed electron beam induce high-energy microwave power?

The pulsing electron beam interacts with the tuned waveguide (a very carefully constructed and adjusted hollow copper tube) causing it to resonate like a bell at 500MHz, transmitting microwave radiation down its entire length, which extends either to the linac, the RF cavity on the booster synchrotron, or the RF cavities on the storage ring.

What is a waveguide?

A waveguide is a conduit for efficiently transmitting electromagnetic radiation. The coaxial cable used for cable television, the optical fiber used in telecommunications, and the linac are other examples of waveguides. The rectangular structure in the following photograph is the waveguide connected from the Klystron to the linac.

What is an RF cavity?

Radio frequency cavities, or RF cavities, receive RF energy from a klystron and transfer it to electrons as they pass through the cavities on their way around the booster synchrotron and storage ring. Just as in the klystron, RF radiation interacts with electrons, adding energy to increase or maintain their speed. In the FNRF Linac this energy increases the speed of the electrons to ~40 percent of the speed of light (See appendix re. Calculating electron speed).

Here is a photograph of the RF cavity at FNRF

The RF cavity is shaped to resonate at 2.856GHz, which is the frequency of the RF radiation as well as the frequency at which the electron bunches pass. The beam pipe attaches to the cavity on either side. (In the photos the beam pipe is not attached yet. The large duct-like conduit connected to the cavity is the waveguide. The cavity is made out of very pure copper so that the current induced by the radiation will be spread evenly over its interior. Notice the copper tubes banded on the cavity. These are tubes contain coolant to prevent the copper from overheating and maintain RF stability. Does this suggest why you shouldn't put metal in a microwave oven?

The microwaves in the cavity are synchronized to crest just as each bunch of electrons enters the cavity so that the bunch is accelerated by a wave that is approaching peak amplitude. This synchronization takes into account the time it takes the control signal (traveling at the speed of light) to reach the controls for the klystron and the time it takes the microwave radiation to reach the RF cavity.

JCB7942 Member Posts: 341
(8/26/05 2:13 pm) Reply Re: KLYSTRON TECH

Informant: mark marks


Google search "Klystron":

Hunger Crises Can Be Avoided if UN Takes Action

Right now, thousands of people in West Africa do not have enough food. Up to 10% of Niger's children could soon die of hunger. Tens of thousands of children are in the advanced stages of starvation, and families are wandering the deserts in search for food.

Yet, several years ago, the UN put together a list of eight "Millennium Development Goals" to help poverty-stricken countries. The first goal was to halve the proportion of people living in extreme poverty and suffering from extreme hunger by 2015.

On September 14, the United Nations will meet to discuss their progress toward meeting the Millennium Development Goals. Many groups are worried, however, that these critical goals have not been properly addressed. Urge President Bush to lead the U.S. and UN toward ending extreme poverty and hunger.


Arctic Drilling Hidden in Budget Bill

The most important vote to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge will take place in September - and we need your signature today.

The showdown vote to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge -- America's greatest wildlife sanctuary -- will occur in both the House and Senate in mid-September. A provision to open the Refuge to drilling is expected to be buried in the massive Budget Reconciliation Bill.

Please sign this petition to your Senators and Representative today to urge a vote against the Budget Reconciliation bill! The stakes for the Arctic Refuge have never been higher.


From Aug. 25 Gnus

Why We Must Leave Iraq


Value and Values at Wal-Mart - Behind That Implacable Smiley Face


Will News Media Help Bush Exploit the 9/11 Anniversary Again?


Zu wenig für zu viele - Sozialpolitik als öffentliches Gut - Die Zukunft des Sozialen

Pressemeldung vom 25.08.2005 mit Links zu der Studie

Sozialpolitik als öffentliches Gut

Kapitel 9.2 (pdf; einschließlich Einleitung und Inhaltsverzeichnis) aus dem Buch von Michael Opielka: Sozialpolitik. Grundlagen und vergleichende Perspektiven. Erschienen im Dezember 2004 bei Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag (rowohlts enzyklopädie)


Siehe dazu auch:

a) Flyer des Verlags zum Buch (pdf) http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/realpolitik/allg/opielka_fl.pdf

Die Zukunft des Sozialen „Michael Opielka hat ein theoretisch fundiertes und lehrreiches Buch zur Sozialpolitik verfasst. Man sollte es lesen, auch wenn man seine These vom Ende der Erwerbsarbeit nicht teilt. Sozialpolitik galt lange Zeit als langweilig. Wer versteht schon die verschlungenen Pfade der Sozialgesetzgebung? Journalisten fanden das Thema wenig interessant. Politiker betrachteten es als eine Sackgasse ohne Karriereaussichten. Politik und Medien unterstützten in den letzten Jahren kaum mehr die Anliegen von Sozialpolitikern. In Polit-Talkshows hieß das: Je geringer die Kenntnisse, desto heftiger die Kritik. Sozialexperten waren eben einfach Betonköpfe, verantwortlich für den Reformstau der letzten Jahrzehnte…“ Rezenssion von Frank Lübberding im taz-magazin vom 02.07.2005


Aus: LabourNet, 26. August 2005

Prekarisierung und Ausbeutung durch Ein-Euro-Jobs

Teil 1: »Arbeitsgelegenheit« – Arbeiten ohne Wert? Vorenthaltener Lohn und Zweckentfremdung öffentlicher Mittel: Eine Analyse der beim »Konzern Stadt Dortmund« eingerichteten »Arbeitsgelegenheiten« Artikel von Wolfgang Richter in junge Welt vom 25.08.2005 http://www.jungewelt.de/2005/08-25/003.php

Teil 2 (und Schluß): Krisenbewältigung durch »öffentliche Hausfrauen« Prekarisierung und Ausbeutung durch Ein-Euro-Jobs: Die Reorganisation der gesellschaftlichen Reproduktion. Artikel von Irina Vellay in junge Welt vom 26.08.2005


Aus: LabourNet, 26. August 2005

Immer mehr Verdächtige in VW-Affäre

Autokonzern: Jobabbau möglich. Vorwurf: Pischetsrieder und Piëch wußten von Betriebsratskonto. Markenchef will sparen.

„Die VW-Affäre zieht nach Angaben von Vorstandschef Bernd Pischetsrieder weitaus weitere Kreise als bisher bekannt. "Das Netz der Tarnfirmen ist größer und komplizierter als gedacht", sagte er dem Magazin "Stern". Insgesamt seien "50 oder 60 Personen in dem Zusammenhang aufgetaucht. Unklar ist nur, wer sich etwas zu Schulden kommen lassen hat", so der VW-Chef. Die Staatsanwaltschaft ermittelt bisher gegen drei ehemalige VW-Mitarbeiter, darunter Ex-Betriebsratschef Klaus Volkert…“ Zusammenfassung des aktuellen Standes der VW-Affäre im Hamburger Abendblatt vom 25.08.2005. http://www.abendblatt.de/daten/2005/08/25/474836.html

Darin dann auch die Ankündigung „die Personalkosten sollten bisher bis zum Jahr 2011 um zwei Milliarden Euro sinken. Dies soll nun früher geschehen, so Pischetsrieder. Möglichkeiten dazu seien eine Lohnsenkung, ein Personalabbau oder beide Maßnahmen.“

Spanien (SEAT)

VW-Tochter muss sparen. Seat drängt Mitarbeiter zu Lohnverzicht

Die spanische VW -Tochter Seat will ihre Personalkosten kurzfristig um rund zehn Prozent senken und erwägt dazu an ihrer einzigen Produktionsstätte eine Arbeitszeitverkürzung ohne Lohnausgleich. Artikel in Handelsblatt vom 26. August 2005 http://www.handelsblatt.de/pshb/fn/relhbi/sfn/buildhbi/cn/GoArt!200012,200038,949677/SH/0/depot/0/Seat_dr%E4ngt_Mitarbeiter_zu_Lohnverzicht.html

Aus dem Text: „… Der Seat-Chef plant eine Senkung von zehn Prozent bei Arbeitszeit und Lohn. Vorbild für die Arbeitszeitverkürzung sei das Vorgehen von Audi in der Autokrise 1993, sagte Schleef. Sie werde also "zeitlich auf ein bis zwei Jahre begrenzt. Seat soll sich nicht wie Volkswagen dauerhaft mit einer Vier-Tage-Woche einrichten". Deshalb müsse es auch einen Lohnabschlag in voller Höhe der Arbeitszeitverkürzung geben…“

Aus: LabourNet, 26. August 2005

Wave of Marine Species Extinctions Feared

Dozens of biologists believe the seas have reached a tipping point, with scores of species of ocean-dwelling fish, birds and mammals edging toward extinction. Despite scientists' warnings, only one US saltwater fish has been added to the list of protected species.


More Families Arrive at Camp Casey

[please forward widely]

August 23, 2005

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if it doesnt work because the unsmooth wrap-around, delete the code %20 and try again.. it works or if that doesnt work place it in the tinyurl.com and go for it.


Cindy Sheehan

FBI Uses Patriot Act to Demand Information with No Judicial Approval From Organization with Library Records

ACLU Seeks Emergency Court Order to Lift Gag As Congress Prepares to Make Patriot Act Permanent


August 25, 2005

Contact: Erica Pelletreau, 212-519-7829; 549-2666; media@aclu.org

NEW YORK - The American Civil Liberties Union today disclosed that the FBI has used a controversial Patriot Act power to demand records from an organization that possesses "a wide array of sensitive information about library patrons, including information about the reading materials borrowed by library patrons and about Internet usage by library patrons." The FBI demand was disclosed in a new lawsuit filed in Connecticut, which remains under a heavy FBI gag order.

The ACLU is seeking an emergency court order to lift the gag so that its client can participate in the public debate about the Patriot Act as Congress prepares to reauthorize or amend it in September.

"Our client wants to tell the American public about the dangers of allowing the FBI to demand library records without court approval," said

ACLU Associate Legal Director Ann Beeson, the lead lawyer in the case. "If our client could speak, he could explain why Congress should adopt additional safeguards that would limit Patriot Act powers."

Papers reveal that the client, whose identity must remain a secret under the gag, "strictly guards the confidentiality and privacy of its library and Internet records." The client is a member of the American Library Association.

The lawsuit challenges the National Security Letter (NSL) provision of the Patriot Act, which authorizes the FBI to demand a range of personal records without court approval, such as the identity of a person who has visited a particular Web site on a library computer, or who has engaged in anonymous speech on the Internet. The Patriot Act dramatically expands the NSL power by permitting the FBI to demand records of people who are not suspected of any wrongdoing.

The lawsuit, ACLU v. Gonzales, was filed on August 9, and is pending before Judge Janet Hall of the U.S. District Court in Bridgeport, Connecticut. It names as defendants Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, FBI Director Robert Mueller, and an FBI official whose identity remains under seal. Both the national ACLU and its Connecticut branch said they were forced to file the lawsuit initially under seal to avoid penalties for violating the gag provision, which they are challenging on First Amendment grounds.

The court has set an emergency hearing for Wednesday, August 31, 2005 on the ACLU's request to lift the gag.

Whether the Patriot Act has been used to obtain information about library patrons has been a flashpoint in the Patriot Act debate. The government has repeatedly dismissed the concerns of librarians that the act could force them to violate their ethical responsibility to protect the privacy of library users. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft even called these concerns about the Patriot Act "baseless hysteria."

Congress is currently undertaking efforts to reauthorize the Patriot Act, with both the House and Senate having passed different versions of legislation before adjourning for the August recess. While the ACLU has not endorsed either bill, it has said the Senate bill takes steps in the right direction.

"As Congress comes back to work out the differences in the House and Senate bills to reauthorize the Patriot Act, a commitment to freedom must prevail," said Caroline Fredrickson, Director of the ACLU Washington Legislative Office. "The more we learn about the Patriot Act, the clearer it is that too much power was granted to the government, with too few safeguards against abuse. While neither reauthorization bill is perfect, we call on Congress to use the Senate bill as its guide as it reconsiders the Patriot Act."

In an earlier ACLU lawsuit challenging the NSL power, a federal court issued a landmark decision in September 2004 striking down the NSL statute, saying that "democracy abhors undue secrecy." The court held that the NSL law violates the First and Fourth Amendments, but allowed the law to stand while the government is appealing the decision.

The United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit is expected to hear the government's appeal of that lawsuit this fall. The government recently asked the court to delay the appeal while Congress debates reauthorization of the Patriot Act. However, the ACLU opposes any delay, citing the need for urgent court action so that its John Doe client in the first lawsuit can also participate in the public debate.

"Judicial review is a key part to our system of checks and balances," said Anthony D. Romero, Executive Director of the ACLU. "As we consider expanding and extending the Patriot Act, this case shows us what might become routine if we don't fix the law."

The ACLU has created a special Web page on its National Security Letter litigation, which includes links to today's legal papers, online at http://www.aclu.org/nsl .

Attorneys in the case are Beeson, Jameel Jaffer and Melissa Goodman of the national ACLU and Annette M. Lamoreaux of the ACLU of Connecticut.

The redacted version of the ACLU's complaint is available online at: http://www.aclu.org/SafeandFree/SafeandFree.cfm?ID=18956

Informant: Debi Clark

Camp Casey, Day 18


Informant: NHNE

Cindy Sheehan

Treason! Treason! Treason! against We, the People




Cindy Sheehan

Standing with Cindy Sheehan (and learning why Jesus wept)


Informant: sash

Cindy Sheehan

Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides


Informant: Hopedance

Support the Troops?


Death By Public Relations


ASL Infos: Lancement Next-up organisation

Madame, Mademoiselle, Monsieur,

Le lundi 5 Septembre 2005, à 8h00, aura lieu le lancement de Next-up organisation.

Face à puissance de la Téléphonie Mobile (TM) dans le monde qui s'ingénie par tous les moyens à endormir la conscience collective et les inquiétudes des Citoyens, il est plus que salutaire que s'installe des contre- pouvoirs adéquats.

Face à l'évidence, Next-up organisation va donc aborder tous les problèmes et toutes les connivences générés par la TM sous un aspect performant et inusité à ce jour.

Pour la rentrée, ce lundi 5 Septembre vous serez les témoins privilégiés de la première extériorisation de Next-up, l'événement unique se veut d'une portée et d'un impact exceptionnel, d'autres suivront.

Dés à présent, pour en savoir plus, vous pouvez prendre connaissance de la version Française des Statuts de Next-up organisation: http://www.next-up.org/statuts.php


The struggle over science

By Harold Evans
BBC News, UK Edition

I used to get mad at the way it was left to America to bring to full fruition fine achievements by Britain's scientists, inventors and engineers. Take Alexander Fleming's penicillin, Frank Whittle's jet engine, Alan Turing's computer and Robert Watson Watt's radar.

All these breakthroughs found their fullest exploitation in the United States. Indeed, they all contributed to America's pre-eminence in science-based manufacturing and services.

Think of the personal computer and wonder drugs, of the jumbo jetliner, video games and the pacemaker, the laser that counts your groceries and the laser, or the global positioning satellite, that tells you to turn left at the roundabout.

That is why there is furious bewilderment here in the universities and the higher levels of business at the chilly indifference - not to say hostility - of the Bush White House to science. Actually, I've seen a movie like this once before and I know how it ends. [...] Read it all at http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/4172504.stm

© Virginia Metze

Tell Pat Robertson: Thou shall not kill

Jim Dean of Democracy for America is asking all of us to tell Pat Robertson: Thou shall not kill.

You can sign the petition at http://tinyurl.com/9scl4

© Virginia Metze

Only One Thing Left to Conclude: The Media Want the War

In the last 48 hours, we've seen the "objective" mainstream media now openly att[sic]

by David Sirota
Opednews.com web site

Back in May when ABC News openly justified the media's refusal to cover the Iraq War, I thought it couldn't get worse. Then, a few months later, I saw that it could, as the Washington Post began trying to intimidate Democratic politicians and prevent them from standing up to voice opposition to the war. I figured that was rock bottom, but in recent days, we've seen that yes, the braindead insulated elitists in the Beltway media have found an even lower road to take than even this.

In the last 48 hours, we've seen the "objective" mainstream media now openly attacking people who oppose the Iraq War. Mind you, these aren't the editorialists or the opinion pundits, these are the people who are supposed to be telling the objective truth - and instead they are literally attacking war critics. In the last 48 hours, we've seen the "objective" mainstream media now openly attacking people who oppose the Iraq War. Mind you, these aren't the editorialists or the opinion pundits, these are the people who are supposed to be telling the objective truth - and instead they are literally attacking war critics. [...] Read it at http://tinyurl.com/btd8d

© Virginia Metze

Listen to Cindy Sheehan in this great video


Don't miss the credits at the end.

© Virginia Metze

Cindy Sheehan

Bush's Iraq Fantasy

Posted 08/24/2005 @ 2:04pm
Capital Games blog
David Corn
The Nation

George W. Bush sure knows a lot more than the experts. He believes intelligent design is a scientific theory on par with evolution--even though his science adviser has said that I.D. has no merit as a scientific theory. He also seems to be more wise in the ways of Iraqi society and politics than leading Iraqis. On Tuesday Bush praised the draft constitution hammered out by Shiites and Kurds without Sunni involvement. He called it an "amazing event." But as the New York Times and other papers have reported, Iraqi secular leaders have warned that this constitution could lead to domination of Iraq by Shiite Islamic clerics. [...] Read the rest at http://www.thenation.com/blogs/capitalgames?pid=16400

© Virginia Metze

The American Legion shows once again what it means by 'freedom'

[On Wednesday, *Editor & Publisher* called attention to a disturbing statement from the "national commander" of the American Legion.[1] -- Thomas Cadmus
(photo here http://tinyurl.com/aeoj7 ) criticized antiwar protestors, urging those opposed to the war to confine themselves to "correspondence to their elected officials" lest their "public media events" be "picked up and used as tools of encouragement by our enemies." -- "Public protests . . . only provide aid and comfort to our enemies." -- The American Legion, an organization of veterans who have served in wartime, claims almost three million members. -- It was founded in 1919, and is an archetypal expression of American anti-radicalism. -- Its understanding of American patriotism has been noxious from the start. -- In the 1933, a number of its leaders, including the plot's original financier, conspired to overthrow the Franklin Roosevelt in a fascist coup d'état, ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot ) the commander-in-chief of the American Legion having endorsed Mussolini and fascism in 1923. -- Mussolini was invited repeatedly to address the organization. -- Despite its regular invocation of "freedom" the Legion generally practices an illiberal politics of *ressentiment*... -- Thanks to Mark Nagel for sending this piece. --Mark]


Machiavelli and US politics

Part 4: War

Source: Future of Freedom Foundation
Author: Lawrence Ludlow


When uniformed armies are not used to enslave people directly, politicians use other techniques to control them. They invent enemies that appear to threaten the nation. In his book Crisis and Leviathan, Robert Higgs showed how wars and economic crises help to expand the power of government and diminish individual liberties. In one example, he showed how the Wilson administration overcame the opposition of Americans to involvement in World War I by hiding its true costs. Instead of relying on free-market purchases to acquire needed resources (and reveal all costs), the government resorted to command-and-control measures …

Link: http://www.fff.org/comment/com0508k.asp

Machiavelli and US politics, part 5
Future of Freedom Foundation
by Lawrence M. Ludlow


For Machiavelli, there is no deed too ruthless for rulers on the fast track to dictatorship. A prince who wishes to remain in power must not blink at opportunities for cruelty when they can advance his position. Consequently, in chapter 5, Machiavelli advises would-be princes to follow the example set by the ancient Romans in dealing with the Greek cities conquered by Rome as it gobbled up the Mediterranean world ...


Machiavelli and US politics, part 6
Future of Freedom Foundation
by Lawrence M. Ludlow


Machiavelli would take great comfort in the 'public choice' theory as outlined by economists James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock. Public-choice theory tells us that politicians cannot legislate or spend taxpayer dollars wisely. Why? Because there simply is no incentive to fight powerful interests on behalf of the majority of taxpayers. This is how it works. On the one hand, the general public remains intentionally unaware of most legislation because keeping informed requires too great an investment of time in proportion to the benefit gained from the information. Even if individuals become aware of harmful legislation, they are unwilling to do anything about it. Why?


Machiavelli and US politics
Source: LewRockwell.Com
Author: Laurence M. Ludlow


"During a much-quoted radio broadcast in October 1939, Winston Churchill commented on the surprise Soviet invasion of Eastern Poland -- an invasion that closely followed the German attack from the west, which triggered World War II. In his radio broadcast, Churchill said of Russia that it was 'a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.' Of course, it was only a mystery to Churchill because, until the invasion, he did not understand why the Soviets and Nazis had signed a pact that made partners of Stalin and Hitler. Using Churchill's own words as a springboard, however, we can devise a parallel aphorism by blending in the advice given by Niccolo Machiavelli in his political treatise, The Prince. In our new Machiavellian aphorism, we may say that 'the practice of politics in the United States is a lie wrapped in hypocrisy inside a half-truth.' As we shall see, this neatly characterizes the behavior of most U.S. politicians for the past century...

Link: http://www.lewrockwell.com/orig5/ludlow3.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

What was Robertson thinking?

Source: Christian Science Monitor
Author: Kenneth D. MacHarg


Pat Robertson’s image has been all over local TV news in Latin America. The Virginia-based TV evangelist was shown telling his “700 Club” audience that controversial Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez ought to be assassinated because he’s making Venezuela ‘a launching pad for communist infiltration and Muslim extremism.’ ‘ I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it,’ Robertson said. ‘It’s a whole lot cheaper than starting a war … and I don’t think any oil shipments will stop. We don’t need another $200 billion war to get rid of one … strong-arm dictator. It’s a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with,’ he continued, urging the US to kill President Chávez...

Link: http://www.csmonitor.com/2005/0825/p09s01-coop.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

More pro-war hypocrisy

Source: Sierra Times
Author: Lee R. Shelton IV


Over the last four years, the message sent by neoconservatives to the rest of the nation has been clear: Get behind the Bush administration’s ‘war on terror’ or be prepared to face the consequences. But when the grieving mother of a fallen U.S. soldier tops the neoconservative most wanted list of treasonous, terrorist-sympathizing, America-haters, you know something’s up. To paraphrase the Bard, ‘Methinks the neocons doth protest too much.’ Perhaps their violent outbursts against criticism of the war in Iraq are nothing more than feeble attempts to draw attention away from their blatant hypocrisy. For a glimpse of this hypocrisy, look at what congressional Republicans had to say about sending American troops to the Balkans a few short years ago...

Link: http://www.sierratimes.com/05/08/25/More_Pro-War_Hypocrisy.htm

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Exploiting the anniversary

Source: Tom Paine
Author: Norman Solomon


President Bush and many of his vocal supporters aren’t content to wrap themselves in the flag. It’s not sufficient to posture as more patriotic than opponents of the Iraq war. The ultimate demagogic weapon is to exploit the memory of Sept. 11, 2001. Next month, the fourth anniversary will provide the Bush administration with plenty of media opportunities to wrap itself in the 9/11 shroud and depict Iraq war critics as insufficiently committed to defending the United States. A renewed attempt to justify the war as a resolute stand against terrorism is well underway...

Link: http://tinyurl.com/9s37r

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Radioactive wounds of war

Source: In These Times
Author: Dave Lindorff


Gerard Matthew thought he was lucky. He returned from his Iraq tour a year and a half ago alive and in one piece. But after the New York State National Guardsman got home, he learned that a bunkmate, Sgt. Ray Ramos, and a group of N.Y. Guard members from another unit had accepted an offer by the New York Daily News and reporter Juan Gonzalez to be tested for depleted uranium (DU) contamination, and had tested positive. Matthew, 31, decided that since he’d spent much of his time in Iraq lugging around DU-damaged equipment, he’d better get tested too. It turned out he was the most contaminated of them all...

Link: http://www.inthesetimes.com/site/main/article/2298

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp


Who’s next?

Source: The Nation
Author: Karen Houppert


The US Army Recruiting Command has a motto: ‘First to contact, first to contract.’ In the school recruiting handbook the Army gives to the 7,500 recruiters it has trawling the nation these days, the motto crops up so often it serves as a stuttering paean to aggressive new tactics — tactics that target increasingly younger students. To make sure they are the first folks to contact students about their future plans, Army recruiters are ordered to approach tenth, eleventh and twelfth graders — repeatedly. Army officials spell out the rules of engagement...

Link: http://www.thenation.com/doc/20050912/houppert

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Will the real leaders please stand up?

Source: CounterPunch
Author: Joshua Frank


Go ahead and get excited about Cindy Sheehan’s overnight popularity. It really is a incredibly important development for the antiwar movement. But before we drop what we are doing and follow her lead, we better take a sobering step backward and recognize Sheehan, alone as a one-woman show, has very real limitations. First, we should start listening to what she is actually saying, which is that this is not about her or her loss. It’s about the war. It’s about the slaughter taking place in Iraq right now. She’s also calling for troops to come home right now. Which is exactly what the antiwar movement should be calling for. But isn’t. Not yet anyway...

Link: http://www.counterpunch.org/frank08252005.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

The fire sermon

Source: Moscow Times
Author: Chris Floyd


In his inaugural speech last January, President George W. Bush repeatedly invoked images of unbridled, ravaging destruction as the emblem of his crusade for ‘freedom.’ Fire was his symbol, his word of power, his incantation of holy war. Mirroring the rhetoric of his fundamentalist enemies, Bush moved the conflict from the political to the spiritual, from the outer world to the inner soul, claiming that he had lit ‘a fire in the minds of men.’ But words are recalcitrant things; they have their own magic, and they will often find their own meanings, outside the intentions of those who use them …. This ‘fire in the mind’ has now found its own symbol in the unlikely figure of Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a slain American soldier. … Sheehan is no professional activist, no savvy insider or political junkie. She’s an ordinary citizen whose unadorned speech has none of the sweep and grandeur of Bush’s expensively tailored rhetoric. But she has one thing that his professional scripters can never put in the presidential mouth: truth...

Link: http://context.themoscowtimes.com/stories/2005/08/26/120.html

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

The Democrats are just as bad

Source: AntiWar.Com
Author: Justin Raimondo


The Democratic opponents of the Iraq war are, all too often, motivated more by hatred of Bush and the Republicans than by any real, substantive position against an aggressive and immoral foreign policy. Not that hatred doesn’t have its uses: but as long as their stance is confined to opposing only Republican wars, the willingness and ability of the Democrats to oppose this war effectively is severely limited. ‘War pragmatism’ will not stop the war, nor is it very practical. As long as the debate is carried on in purely partisan terms, the American people will tune it out — because there will be no debate, only a tired reiteration of ‘talking points’ that don’t diverge in terms of fundamentals. I don’t mean to denigrate those grassroots Democrats who sincerely oppose the war and want to see U.S. troops withdraw as soon as possible. I mean only to warn them against their party leaders, all of whom are ideologically committed to interventionism abroad as well as at home...

Link: http://www.antiwar.com/justin/?articleid=7097

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan plans anti-war bus tour

Source: Detroit Free Press


A fallen soldier’s mother said Thursday that the anti-war vigil she started nearly three weeks ago near President Bush’s ranch won’t end when she and other protesters pack up their camp next week. Cindy Sheehan said the day after she leaves Aug. 31, she will embark on a bus tour ending up in Washington, D.C., on Sept. 24. Then the group will start a 24-hour vigil in the nation’s capital...

Link: http://tinyurl.com/cfakh

Cindy Sheehan

Forest Service admits blunder in logging of rare trees

Source: Houston Chronicle


The Forest Service admitted Wednesday to making a ’serious’ mistake that allowed the logging of 17 acres inside a rare tree reserve as part of the salvage harvest of timber burned by a fire in 2002. The logging inside the 350-acre Babyfoot Lake Botanical Area, created in 1966 to protect Brewer spruce and other rare plant species in the Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest, was discovered last week by environmentalists after the timber was harvested and a forest closure intended to bar protesters was lifted.

Link: http://tinyurl.com/baft9

Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pentagon using soldiers' gravestones for sloganeering


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Menschenrechtler fürchten um Pressefreiheit in den USA

Grass, Wenders & Christiansen: Menschenrechtler fürchten um Pressefreiheit in den USA (24.08.05)

Die Menschenrechtsorganisation "Reporter ohne Grenzen" sieht einen wichtigen Pfeiler der Pressefreiheit in den USA bedroht. Rund 20 Journalisten könnte demnach zur Zeit eine Haftstrafe drohen, weil sie ihre Informationsquellen nicht preisgeben wollten. Aus diesem Grunde sitze die Journalistin Judith Miller bereits seit 50 Tagen im Gefängnis. Am Mittwoch veröffentlichte die Menschenrechtsorganisation eine Petition in der die Freilassung Millers gefordert wird. 27 europäische Prominente, darunter Günther Grass, Sabine Christiansen und Wim Wenders, gehören demnach zu den Unterzeichnern.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Scharfe Kritik in Sondervoten zu Neuwahl-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts

"Bloße Kontrollfassade aufgebaut": Scharfe Kritik in Sondervoten zu Neuwahl-Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (25.08.05)

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht wies am Donnerstag die Organklage von zwei Abgeordneten gegen die Auflösung des Bundestages als unbegründet zurück. Die Entscheidung des Zweiten Senats fiel mit einer großen Mehrheit von 7 zu 1 Richterstimmen. Das Verfassungsgericht bestätigte damit wie erwartet die Entscheidung von Bundespräsident Horst Köhler, der nach der absichtlich verlorenen Vertrauensfrage von Bundeskanzler Gerhard Schröder das Parlament aufgelöst und Neuwahlen angesetzt hatte. Ein zweckwidriger Gebrauch der Vertrauensfrage lasse sich "nicht feststellen", sagte der Berichterstatter in dem Verfahren, Udo di Fabio. Der Einschätzung des Bundeskanzlers, er könne bei den bestehenden Kräfteverhältnissen im Bundestag künftig keine vom Vertrauen der Parlamentsmehrheit getragene Politik mehr verfolgen, sei "keine andere Einschätzung eindeutig vorzuziehen". Der abweichende Richter Hans-Joachim Jentsch vertrat in seinem Sondervotum hingegen die Ansicht, dass das Grundgesetz kein "konstruiertes Misstrauen" des Bundeskanzlers kenne. Der Richterspruch schwäche den Bundestag und stärke die Stellung des Kanzlers, wenn dieser eine "akklamatorische Bestätigung seiner Politik" suche und "parteiinterne Widerstände" überwinden wolle.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Bush Iraq scenario crashing and burning


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Stop “Certified” Logging / Sarawak, Malaysia



SUPPORT THE PENAN PEOPLE (see also http://www.bmf.ch)


Dato' Dr Freezailah B. CheYeom Malaysian Timber Certification Council
19 F, Level 19, Menara PGRM No.8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, Cheras
56100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Email: mtcc@tm.net.my Fax: +603 9200 6008

Y.B. Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui Minister of Plantation Industries and Commodities
6-13th Floor, Lot 2, G4, Precint 2 Federal Government Administration Center
62654 Putrajaya, Malaysia Fax: +603 8880 3482

Dear Sirs:

I am very concerned about MTCC's certification of the Samling Plywood company for management of the Sela'an-Linau Forest.

As an environmentally conscious consumer, I appreciate Malaysia's commitment to certify sustainably managed forests and forest products. But according to independent reports, MTCC's certification does not guarantee that all timber products are harvested legally, sustainably, and with respect for the rights and lands of indigenous peoples. As currently practiced, I believe MTCC certification should not be recognized on the world market.

I am writing in support of the Penan people and Sarawak NGOs who are protesting the certification awarded to Samling for the Sela'an-Linau Forest Mangement Unit. Since the Penan claim Native Customary Rights in the Sela'an-Linau Forest, all logging must be halted while their court case is pending.

Finally, I urge MTCC to adopt the Forest Stewardship Council's policy of respecting indigenous peoples' land rights.

Thank you for your attention to this matter of concern not only to Malaysia but to the world.



Questioning the President

A servile Congress, according to Sidney Blumenthal, has let Bush go on permanent vacation. But with US security hanging in the balance, it's time to ask the hard-hitting questions.


Bush's Disquieting Optimism

Jacques Amalric writes that experience has taught us that George W. Bush's statements concerning Iraq are an excellent barometer to get an idea of the situation's development: the more optimistic the President of the United States declares himself to be, the stronger basis we have to expect the worst.


'Peace Mom' Returns to Texas War Protest

On Wednesday, Sheehan returned to "Camp Casey," named after her 24-year-old son, Army Spc. Casey Sheehan, who was killed last year in Iraq. Even when she was in California taking care of her mother, Cindy Sheehan said part of her remained at the protest campsite she had set up outside President Bush's ranch.


Cindy Sheehan

Truth-Telling on Race? Not in Bush's Fantasyland

The Bush administration has punished a Justice Department official who dared to tell even a mild truth about racial profiling by law enforcement officers in this country. Herbert remarks that Mr. Greenfeld obviously failed to understand that the preferred methods of dealing with uncomfortable facts in the fantasyland of the Bush administration are to ignore them, or simply wish them away.


Instant-Mix Imperial Democracy, Buy One Get One Free

I speak as a subject of the American Empire? I speak as a slave who presumes to criticize her king.


Privatizing the Truth: Bush's war on information

Free speech and its antecedent the truth are much greater threats to the state than any bomb-wielding revolutionary. In the new world order only the managers are entitled to the truth, not the managed. That way, the public can be moved sheep-like in the direction of government policy.


The Photos Washington Doesn't Want You To See

The grim reality of Iraq rarely appears in the American press. A photo gallery reveals the war's horrible human toll.


From Information Clearing House

Leaving a Legacy

By Mirza Yawar Baig

Freedom, if you really want it, comes with some choices that you have to make: And these are:

1. To care more than others think is wise.

2. To risk more than others think is safe.

3. To dream more than others think is practical.

4. To expect more (from yourself) than others think is possible.


Cindy Sheehan speaks to crowd at Camp Casey

"Casey was killed by insurgents. He wasn't killed by terrorists. He was killed by Shiite militia who wanted him out of the country."

Audio and transcript

Cindy Sheehan


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